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Everything posted by Anton
>I have talked with him multiple times. The majority of the conversation would be inappropriate to repeat. >Since geocaching moved virtual cache's over to waymarks he simply quit. Archived all of his caches without >warning except the virtual caches. Left all those caches out in the wild and has apparently told everyone >that they can collect them cause he now hates geocaching. Again, I can't believe the owners of geocaching.com allow members to post these kinds of libelous remarks. It's gotten so nasty that other players are sending me email suggesting I report, or at least, defend myself. You never "talked" to me. We only communicated by email. I never wrote anything that couldn't be repeated in my email replies. This is total fabrication (fantasy?) on your part. You should be ashamed of yourself. I was one of the first geocachers in the greater Syracuse, NY area. There was only one cache in this city when I started hiding them, and before I started giving my caches up for adoption and archiving them, I had hid something like 76 in all. Yes, I did stop playing when the gc.com owners decided to being ending virtual and locationless (reverse) caches. So what? My choice. Many players asked me to keep hiding them, but it was a losing battle. No big deal. And if I state my opinions, well, it's a free country. But I never trashed other geocachers, as you seem to enjoy doing so much. If you like geocaching so much, maybe you should quit posting libelous fabrications and go play the game. Either that, or you should be banned from the forums. Anton ------- I have talked with him multiple times. The majority of the conversation would be inappropriate to repeat. Since geocaching moved virtual cache's over to waymarks he simply quit. Archived all of his caches without warning except the virtual caches. Left all those caches out in the wild and has apparently told everyone that they can collect them cause he now hates geocaching. I found my first one by accident, thought it was another cache 300 feet off course then later realized what it was and asked him about it and he bit my head off. In asking him if I could rehide it he bit my head off again claiming he already told everyone they can have his cache's. I am a late bloomer and missed the announcement. He is well aware that I have GCN51E and I have re-hid it already too. (GC1CTM9) The stamp is a ying yang stamp and I am working on a Korean letterbox, so saving it for that. Don't know the exact code for the other cache's but I have hidden one its GC1CWJA. GCN51E is free and clear. I collected his geolitter. My first FTF was another cache someone else grabbed that he left for geolitter. (GC1AQD4) This cache I picked up today I thought was more geolitter, a joke, a lost cache, something..., bottom line I can't find anything that says its suppose to be there.
>Ask any local they will tell you he has a stick up his...., I am the ex-geocacher you're describing here. I can't believe the owners of this geocaching.com allow members to post logs that constitute libel. Seems to me you should be banned from this website for using that kind of language. Unbelievable. If people like you are playing this game, it's no wonder... Anton ------- The letterbox in the logs is GCN51E. Which the owner quit and archived everything he owned on geocaching due to a personal grudge he has after they stopped allowing the creation of virtual cache's and locationless caches. Ask any local they will tell you he has a stick up his...., After asking for a hint cause I couldn't find his cache he archived it, and since then I have found it and re-hid it elsewhere. (He said he doesn't care, and made it very clear that anyone is welcome to find his cache's, I have found two other letterbox's he left for geolitter) It rose suspision after I retrieved GCN51E and people were still claiming they found it. I called one persons bluff thinking he didn't find anything and he told me where to find the square cache in question. (I was about to delete his log and call him a liar, boy am I glad I didn't).
Any Go players here? If you love using maps and coordinate systems, you may also enjoy learning to play the 4,000 year old board game called Go. Played by millions around the world, it's more specifically called igo in Japan, baduk in Korea, and wei-qi in China, the land of its origin. The actual invention of the game is lost in antiquity, but one theory is that the board was first created as a tool of divination for a Chinese emperor. The intersecting grid lines on the board are thought to have been a map of the world, with the four corners representing the four directions of the compass, and the intersections being the days of the calendar year. Over the centuries, military leaders in Asian countries have played Go to sharpen their battlefield strategies. More recently, an article by Henry Kissinger in Newsweek magazine, used the following reference in this regard. See the clip copied below. So if you like GPS, maps, and board games, take a look at the fascinating old game. Even if you don't usually enjoy strategy games, like chess, give this one a try. It's much different from anything you've seen before. Playing Go was once the pasttime of Zen monks. It's like watching Yin and Yang in action, and a bit like working on a jigsaw puzzle with a friend, only with a picture for reference. Truly a unique game. I'll be happy to answer any questions. If you're already a Go player, let us know. Tell the group here what you think of the game. We're all ears! Anton ---- Special Report: America's Assignment By Henry Kissinger Newsweek, 11/08/04, pp. 32-38 Paragraph on page 36 - An interesting recent article compared the difference in the diplomatic style of China and the United States to their intellectual games - the West's chess and Chinese neiji, better known by the Japanese name of go. Chess has only two outcomes: draw and checkmate. The objective of the game is to say, that is to say, its outcome is total victory or defeat - and the battle is conducted head-on, in the center of the board. The aim of go is relative advantage; the game is played all over the board, and the objective is to increase one's options and reduce those of the adversary. The goal is less victory that persistent strategic progress. --- Additional Resources: What is the game of Go? - by Mindy McAdams http://www.well.com/user/mmcadams/gointro.html American Go Association http://www.usgo.org/ Syracuse Go Club - Syracuse, NY http://groups.yahoo.com/group/syracusegoclub/
Diners Club - a locationless geocache collection of cool diners! http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...59-bdd78f6e9d98 Anton, aka N2RUD
See the list of all my LCs below. You really think LCs aren't as much of a challenge, or just as much fun to play, as finding another silly ammobox in the woods? If so, you must be some kind of box-junkie. It's time to think OUT of the box, and to let this game grow and evolve. Some LCs may be silly, like that infamous Yellow Jeep cache that never should have been allowed. I like to think that my LCs have some educational value. The only exception is the Diners Club cahce, which was just for fun. On the other hand, it can no longer be said that geocachers out on a hunt can't find a good place to eat. If you read the logs, you'll find good diners all over the planet. Not a bad thing to know. Here's the list, from most recent going back to my first attempt at an LC. Enjoy! Anton ----- 14 Locationless Geocaches by Anton Historic Arsenal http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=47732 Amphitheater - Classically Greek! http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=46812 Know Your Important Birds http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=43009 Plethoric Planetaria http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=40649 Morphologically Meromictic http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=37099 Women of Courage http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=36018 Arboretum Walkabout http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=35307 Presidents on Parade http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?ID=33852 Chess for Kings http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=28365 Ride the Underground Railroad http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=27393 Observatory Quest http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=27254 Native American History Lesson http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=26263 Historic Forts http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=21378 Diners Club http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=21289
When will the moratorium on locationless caches be over? When will the new "functionality" be ready? How long has it been since the moratorium began, 2 years? ---- Copied from the Geocaching.com FAQ list: "Locationless Caches - There is currently a moratorium on locationless caches. No caches will be posted until functionality is available to better serve this unique category."
Looking for giant Chess sets? No problem. We've got 105 of them logged right here! Chess for Kings - global locationless geocache http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=28365 Anton ---- Anton, N2RUD Syracuse, NY NYGPS http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nygps/ CNY Go Club http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cnygo/
Looking for good place to eat on your next geocaching adventure? The "Diners Club" locationless geocache now has over 600 logs, and everyone of them is a funky local diner. Bon appetite! Want to share your favorite diner? Diners Club http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...59-bdd78f6e9d98 Anton, N2RUD Syracuse, NY
Greetings, Where can I find a list of the geocaches with the most logs, especially found-it logs? It's easy enough to find lists that rank players by the number of finds, but what about a ranking for caches with the most logs? Seems only fair that this game give some credit to the people that make it possible: the cache owners. I have no idea how many logs have been submitted for the oldest, or most popular, caches at this point. Does anyone? If so, where can we all see a listing like that? For example, my first locationless cache now has 294 logs from players who have completed the requirements. My oldest traditional cache, placed at a degree confluence point, now has 57 logs. I haven't counted the logs on all 71 of my geocaches lately. Does anyone else keep track of the number of logs their caches have generated? At some point I'd like to know how the number of logs for my caches compares with other players' geocaches. I'd like to see a listing of the top 10 (or 100?) geocaches based on the number of logs they generated. Now let's hear what you think! Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY [This message was edited by Anton on July 20, 2003 at 09:27 AM.]
Here are my favorite places to buy Go sets: Ibuki http://www.ippi.com/top_go.html Samarkand http://www.samarkand.net/Web_store/web_store.cgi Kiseido http://www.kiseido.com/ Yutopian https://www.yutopian.com/yutop/cat?root=g Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
Check out the Go game in the photo here: 43N, 73W - 5.4 miles SW of Stratton, Vermont http://www.confluence.org/confluence.php?lat=43&lon=-73 Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
Play the game of Go on these Internet Go servers! Computer Go & Go Server Resources http://www.usgo.org/resources/internet.asp IGS - International Go Server http://panda-igs.joyjoy.net/English/ "Welcome to IGS Panda Net, the Internet Go Server, the world's leading forum for playing, watching, studying, and enjoying the game of Go on the internet. At any time, day or night, you can find hundreds of other players from all over the world and of all playing levels, from beginners to professionals. Whatever your ability, you can find opponents of similar skill to play with, and IGS provides access to the interface software to create a realistic Go board on your computer screen. IGS broadcasts live the championship matches for top professional events, including the Meijin, Honinbo, Kisei, Judan and Tengen titles and the Ricoh Cup professional pairs tournament - and daily you can watch professionals playing informal quick games with each other and with top amateurs." Kiseido Go Server http://kgs.kiseido.com/ "Go is a traditional strategy game in China, Japan, and Korea. If you want to learn more about this fascinating game, we recommend you select the Learn to Play Go link above. It will take you to a tutorial which will teach you the basics of the game. If you already know how to play go and want to play on KGS, then select the Play Go Now! link." NNGS - No Name Go Server http://nngs.cosmic.org/ "Come and play Go on the Net - one of the oldest games in the world and still the most mysterious! NNGS is an on-line Go club where people from all over the world can meet and play Go. We are open 365 days per year, 24 hours per day. There are no charges for membership or online time." Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
Anyone here play Go? Perhaps you noticed the board game being played by Russell Crowe in the recent film, A Beautiful Mind. Give it a try when the weather is too bad to go geocaching this winter. What is Go? http://www.well.com/user/mmcadams/gointro.html American Go Association http://www.usgo.org/index.asp Go, an addictive game! http://gobase.org/ Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
Greetings, My Garmin 76MAP died - wouldn't stay on for more that 5-10 seconds. Talked to a Garmin Tech on the phone, and went through several key pressing routines to try to fix it. Nothing. He says to send it in to be fixed, but that the warranty period is passed. Sent it in. Had to pay $60, which was said to be a discount from the usual $99 repair fee. Invoice reads that the problem was a corrupted route file. They also replaced the cover. It only had a couple of very minor scratches, and I hadn't asked for a replacement. So who else has had to go through this silly process, and be ripped off by Garmin? How can they charge the price they do for a high-end unit like the 76MAP, and then ask for another $99 or, even $60, to fix a problem they created with bugs in their own firmware? Sheesh-Louise. What a racket. Seems to me this kind of fix should be done at their expense. It's bad enough that Garmin owners have to go back and look for firmware upgrades all the time, but this is ridiculous. Is Magellan any better? Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
See the mpeg clip of Dr. Joseph Kerski's visit to a degree confluence in Kansas - very cool. 39N, 102W - the standard visit report http://www.confluence.org/confluence.php?lat=39&lon=-102&visit=2 Here's the movie...shot on location...as they say in Hollywood. Turn up the volume on your speakers! http://www.confluence.org/us/ks/n39w102v2/pic5.mpg Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
Greetings! Check out this article about "where" the latest GPS research is taking us. It's incredible news, even for most geocachers. Indoor GPS: The No-Chip Challenge http://www.gpsworld.com/gpsworld/content/contentDetail.jsp?id=3053 "An irresistible force is moving across our quiet landscape, a force that is expected to increase demand for GPS by over one hundredfold, from a few million to hundreds of millions of units per year." Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
When Mark Twain, aka Samuel Clemence, was once asked by an interviewer to what it was the he attributed his longevity, he replied: "I refrained from smoking cigars 'til the age of nine. After that, I never smoked more than one cigar at a time." ...or something like that. Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
Greetings, Scroll down to the song titled Longitude & Latitude. It's so random! Singing Science http://www.acme.com/jef/science_songs/ Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
Here are two of my more interesting virtual geocaches, especially for artists and local history buffs: Jerry & the Abolitionists - Syracuse, NY http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=16907 Two Simple Men - Syracuse University campus http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=33333 Are they hard? That depends on the player. Anton Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
Greetings, The logs in question for my Observatory Quest and Historic Forts locationless geocaches have been deleted - but not by me. After reading the apology posted this morning by MrGigabyte, I decided to delete his logs from my caches. When I looked, they had already been deleted. I have no idea if there are any more to worry about or not, but I did search my other locationless caches for that username - there were none. I guess he made his own decision to delete his logs, and I agree with him. And who knows if it was his employee that posted the fake logs, or if that's just a convenient story to get off the hook? Perhaps we'll never know. There are probably other players who are using fake confirmation photos for virtual and locationless caches. If it helps combat this unfortunate abuse, and therefore helps maintain the integrity of the game, I suppose that establishing a separate category for locationless caches might be a useful strategy. Such a category could be set up to keep the find-logs for locationless caches separate from the more traditional caches, and thereby remove the incentive some players might have to produce high numbers of finds by cheating with fake photos. On the other hand, since virtual caches, unlike locationless caches require players to go to a specific location, I would be reluctant to lump virtual caches in with locationless caches. That doesn't seem fair. There has probably been more cheating with locationless caches than with virtual caches. There seems to be a group of players who dislike locationless caches, probably more than they dislike virtual caches, and maybe some of them are messing with locationless caches just to ruin the whole category, or to bug the owners of locationless caches. They have some kind of severely dogmatic attitude about maintaing the purity of geocaching by insisting there be a box of trinkets hidden in the woods, or whatever. So, my vote, if it matters, is to keep virtual caches in the main group for counting finds and hides, and to create a separate category entirely for locationless caches - like the separate category for benchmarks. Having a separate category for locationless caches might also mean that the volunteer "approvers" at geocaching.com could relax, and be a bit less intense about how they scrutinize new locationless cache submissions. It seems that most those submissions get archived immediately. There's a kind of "shoot first" attitude about approving new locationless caches working at geocaching.com. I know some of mine got iced right off the bat. This is unfortunate. Unlike some very silly locationless cache themes, which are always pointed out to me when the approvers make their cases against my new caches, I put a fair amount of thought and work into mine. Some of my locationless caches have been extremely popular with players all over the globe. Others are pretty unique, and therefore, no so easy to log (at least legitimately). Here are two examples, one common & one difficult: Diners Club - 131 logs http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=21289 Chess for Kings - 9 logs http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=28365 My feeling is that when you can come up with an interesting theme for a locationless cache, and can follow Jeremy's guidelines for creating one, then the approvers should be able to post your new cache with a minimum of effort and analysis. Perhaps, afterall, this little fiasco with fake photos will result in some progress in developing the sport. Let's hope so! Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
Here's a link to my recent article in the August issue of Monitoring Times magazine. Enjoy! Fun with GPS - includes geocaching, of course! http://www.monitoringtimes.com/html/gps.html Although the hardcopy magazine's pages as found on the newsstand are in B&W, the .pdf fiile has color photos & screenshots, AND the links are hot, too! Use this link to print a copy - http://www.monitoringtimes.com/html/gps.pdf Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
Locationless caches... Personally, I think I'm worn out on the "ammobox in the woods" routine, both playing them and hiding them. Boxes are nice for kids and rookies. But gee-whiz, how many times do you have to do that until it gets old? 50? 100? 1000? I enjoy the virtual and locationless caches from both sides of the game. It's fine with me if other players just have to find a box to have fun, but I think in the long run, the box idea will have to wear out. It may go on for awhile longer, but it can't go on forever. What I think is fascinating is how players come up with new models for the game: traditional box caches, then micro-caches, then multi-caches, then virtuals, then letterbox-hybrids, then event caches, then webcam-caches, and then locationless caches. What's next? I see some players are using metal-detectors now. The GPS gets you to the location, but then you hunt for the iron, like a minesweeper. It's not for everyone, but it's close enough to be considered part of the game, and gadget-lovers will want to try it. We all know that a lot of geocachers are gadget lovers. Right? You betcha. Just like we now that a lot of geocachers are amateur (ham) radio operators, like me. There must be at least a dozen hams going geocaching in the greater Syracuse, New York area now. We talk to each other about our geocaching adventures while we drive to work in the morning. We can use ham radio to communicate WHILE we're geocaching, too. A 2-meter ham radio beats an FRS radio any day. Just ask a ham in your neighborhood to show you. Anyway... Having a separate category for locationless caches is fine. But doing that is really about keeping track of scores, and not about having fun with a GPS. Scores don't matter. Keeping the game alive & well matters a lot more. I think the reason why the Benchmark category isnt' more popular is because Benchmarks aren't created by players - no human interest there, at least in terms of players challenging each other. I wonder why Letterbxing isn't more popular? I think it's only because there's no cool gadget like a GPS to drive the interest. It's just too cerebral for the average American consumer. And... there's no box full of trinkets. Then again, letterboxing has been around since the 1800s. I wonder if geocaching will do that well? Anton Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
I, too, got an email from cachepolice asking me to delete a log from a cheater who used a fake confirmation photo to log a find for my Observatory Quest locationless geocache. Observatory Quest - MrGigabyte log on July 3 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=27254 And what about his logs for one of my other locationless caches? Historic Forts - MrGigabyte log on June 28 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.asp?ID=21378 I'm no digital photo forgery expert (and don't want to be), so I was shocked and dismayed, to put it mildly. I have traded email with some people at GC.com about this fake photo, and was advised to contact the player whose photo is in question, and ask for an explanation. Perhaps I should just delete it now, and ask questions afterwards. I am still wondering who this cachepolice person (persons?) really is, how many other players may be cheating, and how many they have caught in the act. Anton Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY
New York State Geocaching Organization?
Anton replied to Dekaner's topic in General geocaching topics
Dekaner, I hope to be at the picnic to join the discussion about a NYS GC association. Afterall, I placed the first cache at Clark's Reservation! ;-) This summer is a busy one. We have lots of family plans. I'll try to make the picnic fit into the schedule, even if I can only make it for the organizational meeting at 10 AM. Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY -
Seems to me that if you don't need all the fancy route planning functions, the MAP76S has more going for it at about the same price. Am I missing something here? Help! I'm thinking about upgrading from the MAP76, which was an upgrade from my earlier 12MAP unit. I don't think I care about the routing features, but I do want more memory, an electronic compass, and the electronic altimeter-barometer. That would appear to make the MAP76S a clear winner. Anton - N2RUD Syracuse, NY