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team moxiepup

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Everything posted by team moxiepup

  1. 2nd entry! While chicken feed should constitute the bulk of a chicken's diet, it is desirable (for both you and the chickens) to provide nutritious snacks. Some favorite snack items include cooked pasta (with or without tomato sauce), steamed brown rice, seedless grapes, fresh greens, chopped cooked potatoes, whole grain bread, cheese, tomatoes, cottage cheese, chopped apples, melons, the seeds and "guts" from melons and squash, bananas, assorted veggies, yogurt. I've heard mealworms are a favorite. Eggs are excellent too, just be sure not to feed them in the shell, as you don't want to encourage them to eat their own eggs. Basically anything that is good for you is good for them. Likewise, don't feed them anything that is "bad" for people- moldy bread, sweets, salty foods, things that have turned fuzzy in the fridge. Feeding your chickens supplemental foods will lead to tastier, more colorful yolks than you will ever find in commercially grown eggs. Here is a great resource- BackYardChickens You can find all sorts of good info here. "Introducing odd treats can result in some very quizzical looks... "
  2. Chickens have earlobes?? CF30 Yup! Check out the blue earlobes on this Showgirl Silkie. Silkies are the only breed to have blue earlobes, btw. (I was saving this tidbit as my next chicken fact, but I couldn't wait 24 hours. I'm just a wee bit chicken obsessed lately!) Even though the earlobe is blue, they lay light brown eggs. I like 'em because they look like they come from another planet! When/if I get one , I believe I shall name it "Phyllis".
  3. Beautiful coin Chickahominy! We're considering getting chickens this spring. I'm leaning towards Bantam Ameraucanas, with perhaps a Silkie or Showgirl or two, as well. Bantom Wyandottes could be a contender as well. I've been doing a lot of chicken researching to get ready. You mentioned you want large brown eggs? Then have you considered Marans? They lay the darkest, chocolate colored brown eggs of all the chicken breeds. The Maran's are the dark eggs in the picture.
  4. Here is Moxie in her Halloween costume. She's a "Genie on a flying carpet". She is actually standing in this picture - her real legs are underneath. When she walks around wearing this, it really looks like she is floating!
  5. Maine is still going strong. We had 98 new caches in October, not including the 60 that were placed for the Maine Geo Rallye III. With the Rallye, 158. So far, October has given us 70 logs on our cache hides. 31 new caches (not including one event) were published in the past 7 days. About half of those are withing our usual caching range. Life is good!
  6. I personally don't see a problem with it. If the distance is mentioned on the cache page, it's not like you're catching anybody unaware. I like the way the coords go with the theme. If it were just randomly placed that far for no reason, I'd wonder what the point would be, but with this cache, there is a point which adds to the fun.
  7. I feel your pain. We had geocaching family members from away, visiting us earlier this summer. We took them to about 8 of our caches. With the exception of the well camo'd "hidden in plain sight" type caches, all the others were replaced with nothing covering them! Some of these were in areas where they could be easily seen by any passing muggle using the trail. One that this happens frequently with, is on an old, defunct rail road trail. The cache is hidden under an old rail switch. We have painted the lock n lock the same color rust as the rail road switch, but unless it is covered, it still looks like a box. We always rehide it well, stuffing dead leaves, small sticks, a small pinecone or what have you, on and around the cache, so it looks like natural. Originally, we even had a small rusted plate over the cache, which was then covered in fodder. Almost everytime we check it, it is visible from the trail, uncovered, sometimes not even resting in the little depression under the switch, but poking right out. The rusted plate has long disappeared. Taken as a souvenir perhaps? It has been muggled once, and I am suprised it isn't more often, given the state it is often left in. I don't think animals are the culprit, at least in this instance. It does get disheartening when you take the time and effort to place a cache for others to enjoy, and then some finders can't even show the courtesy of replacing it as found. I can understand a little bit of unintentional cache drift, but to leave a cache right out in the open is disrespectful of the cache hider and the other cachers who will look for the cache after you. Ok, end of rant! I'd been holding that in for awhile!
  8. I think your best bet would be to contact your state representative. What they did doesn't seem like it should be legal.
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