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Everything posted by gpsfun
St. Augustine A Little Bit Of History 01 is there and so is FLORIDA GEOCAC BENCHMARK PROJECT; however, both of them are premium member only caches and would not show up in your searches. The caches were recently set to premium member only, which is why you could see them a few days ago but cannot see them today.
Georgia style can include hiding the cache in a vacant stump hole and covering it with pine needles or other fallen foliage. Stump holes are plentiful in Georgia and South Carolina due in no small part to the Southern Pine Beetle infestation several years ago which killed many pine trees. Pine stumps deteriorate pretty rapidly, leaving holes in the forest floor. Be careful not to step in one as you may need for someone to carry you home. edit: completed my thoughts
I am not necessarily advocating this, but when cachers really should read the cache page because important information is stated there, the cache can be made a mystery/puzzle cache with the actual coordinates typed in the cache description area. Not a really elegant solution, but that's the first idea that came to mind. I like using baseball bats to chase gnats.
Building a fake rock big enough to cover an ammo can
gpsfun replied to Dgwphotos's topic in General geocaching topics
I have no idea of the cost, but the satellite dish installers will sometimes place a fake rock over the dish, and with some appropriate landscaping around it, you really have to know what it is to notice it. -
You were right it did take me around by road but the distance still way off. I checked several other local Caches via driving directions and they are all way off. Thanks for your reply. Where did the driving directions start from, relative to your home caching area or home coordinates, whichever you set in your profile? My guess is that the driving directions will start at the same point as the distance to caches is measured from. But that is just a guess.
The cache referenced above may not be the best place to try this, since it would involve wet wheeling, but on another cache in the area try clicking on the Driving Directions link and see where it starts your trip from.
The principles behind 'canned' reviewer notes
gpsfun replied to cx1's topic in General geocaching topics
We tried using cats for a while. After they ate the mouse and became unable to click the buttons, their productivity went downhill. And the 23 hour naps didn't help much, either. -
On 12-26-2006 the owner says "Due to vandalism in the woods around this area and on the trails and the continued "accidental" discovery of this cache I have decided to remove the tupperware container and contents. This is a virtual cache for now. " This happens from time to time, possibly because cache owners don't realize that doing so is a mistake.
Should there be a minimum age requirement to post a cache
gpsfun replied to L0ne.R's topic in General geocaching topics
I believe the premise that persons younger than 18 are without financial resources and lack the ability to walk, ride a bike or use public transportation is flawed. Also, many persons under 18 are more adept at using communication devices than many people over 50 ever will be. I'm also wondering how it would be possible to deal with the age of dogs that have accounts. -
Do unpublished caches "placehold" the spot?
gpsfun replied to SSO JOAT's topic in General geocaching topics
It depends. Or as the movie title suggests, it's complicated. My recommendation is to create your cache listing using the most accurate coordinates you can obtain, explain what you have in mind (including the expected submission for publication date) in a reviewer note, and contact the local volunteer reviewer with the GC Code to state what you have in mind. Occasionally it is discovered that someone else is working on a cache nearby, perhaps for the same event that you have in mind, and the sooner you find out about it the more of an opportunity you will have to find an alternative location. -
Isn't that a little hypocritical of Groundspeak? You've done something they consider so bad that they ban you from using the site - but continue to list any caches you own, without giving you the option to take down or disable the listing? Generally the caches are left in play so as not to deprive the community of finding and logging them. If a cache owner's account is suspended for a week, they can catch up on cache maintenance issues when the account is restored. Two weeks - still not so big of a deal. A suspension for an extended period - well, getting caught up might be more difficult. A suspended cache owner can write to Groundspeak requesting actions to be taken on his or her behalf. If the requested action will benefit the caching community, Groundspeak may grant the request. Account suspensions are actually pretty rare. As stated earlier in this thread, a user has to push pretty hard to earn a suspension.
The correct address is contact@geocaching.com Using the Groundspeak.com domain may cause your message to be misdirected or lost.
Would this be classified as "Burying" a geocache?
gpsfun replied to cstgeorge's topic in General geocaching topics
Assuming the reviewer is aware of how the cache is placed, it will probably not be published. -
Very cool! Thanks for the link.
One of the things I have observed is a presumed level of skills on the part of inexperienced posters. There are many people who want to enjoy geocaching who are not particularly computer literate and who may not know about scanning a list of topics for something similar, using the search feature, or about the existence of a FAQ section. Or about the inner workings of the geocaching site or their GPS receivers, for that matter. It might be good to treat inexperienced posters the way we would like to see our grandmothers treated when they take their aging Buick to the dealer for repairs.
It's OK to either round off or to drop the least significant digits and use N43 27.403 W072 28.359
I'm sure I'm not the only person who has done this - the first several times I recalibrated the compass on my 60CSx I held it in my hand and turned myself around twice as directed. Then some kind soul told me that I could just lay the GPSr in the palm of one hand and turn it with the other. Sure - I knew that - right!
Your caches are on the review queue and the local reviewer will check them and publish them if there are no issues. Generally, new cache page submissions are initially reviewed within three days.
Hi, Brad, I'm glad you were able to speak in person to one of the park rangers. Are there any restrictions on bringing dogs? Mine is a service dog, however, I don't want to be confronted by a playful St. Bernard, for example, who can possibly accidentally injure my dog. I have firsthand experience with this from a previous dog I had. (Rusty, sweetheart, rest in peace in dog heaven. I love you and miss you so much.) BTW, Rusty's leg was injured when a big dog (the aforementioned) jumped on him. What $25.00 fee? I don't think the pdf I found mentioned that. Does that mean I have to pay to seek a geocache? Any helpful hints on locations of geocaches with flat, easy to walk trails, etc, away from snakes and the like? lol. I'm trying very hard NOT to talk myself out of geocaching. A semi-planned trip was in the works until I watched the video and saw snakes at Poinsett. (yikes!) Lastly, is there a list of geocache-friendly locations such as parks, lakes, rivers that are pet-friendly? Thank you! In the .pdf there is mention of a permit form that must be completed; the $25 fee is mentioned on the permit form. The form is for multiple uses and the fee applies to a number of things but not to geocache placements. Regarding dogs in State Parks - I do not know the answer to your question and suggest you start with the SC State Parks web site here and check the web page for the specific parks in which you have interest. If you don't see a clear answer, you can call the park office for details. Regarding snakes, they see animals as either something they can eat or as something that can eat them. Since we are far too big for them to eat us, they want to stay away from us. The main times we need to worry about snakes is when they don't have a chance to get away from us. Also, never put part of your body in a place that you have not first checked for snakes. If a snake is trying to hide from you under a log, and you stick your hand under the log looking for a cache, you might get a bite. Speaking of logs, do not step over them - step on the log and then step beyond it. If you just step over the log, you are placing your foot and ankle in a place that you have not checked out yet. I have only encountered one snake while geocaching and that was last year. An Eastern King Snake was apparently planning to cross the trail that I was using, and we both stopped. After a few seconds, the snake decided he didn't really want to cross that path after all.
Thank you for posting this information, huntfor. South Carolina's guidelines for geocaching in state parks are pretty reasonable, and the park rangers I have dealt with have been very cooperative. I was speaking with one of them last Saturday (April 3) and he told me that the SC State Parks and Recreation Areas are seeing an upturn in activity as people are traveling less and enjoying locations closer to home. I do want to mention that the mention of a $25 fee on their permit form does not apply to geocache placements. Happy caching! -Brad Groundspeak volunteer reviewer for South Carolina
It will be best for you to more precisely identify your location - Piedmont is a rather common town and area name in the southeastern US. Your area code suggests Alabama...
That model has (according to the manual) a selection under the setup section for making a setting for the battery type being used. On my old GPS MAP12 I tinkered with this setting when trying out rechargeable batteries and found that the MAP12 would behave in a manner similar to what has been described with rechargeable batteries or with alkaline batteries if the setting was incorrect. I switched back to using just alkaline batteries and rarely have trouble. One other thing - I used to drive a Subaru Baja and discovered that laying the GPSr on the dashboard just above the radio would cause it to do pretty much what you have described. As I recall, I would have to reset the unit to get it back up and running - but I'm not positive about the reset part of that statement. Swapped the Subaru for a Jeep and got a 60CSx. Problem gone. edit to remove redundant word
Figured that. And then I would have to kill mtn-man for telling you - or at least demote him to Aluminum Membership. On a serious note, site volunteers will often look into questions like the one in the OP and offer suggestions if we can. It's not always easy to get those first few caches through the review process.
On March 6 the volunteer reviewer placed a note on each of your cache page. Please return to your cache pages, read the notes, and follow the reviewer's instructions to make contact and have the pages reviewed again.
Hey, Paul - Don't get killed, dude - you are still going to have to tell some folks how to solve your more devious puzzles. You have received all sorts of advice by now, and you really don't want to get into a close encounter with any species of snake. Even the non-venomous ones can leave you with a nasty infection. The venomous ones probably won't kill you unless you have an allergic reaction to their venom. Stay calm if bitten and head for medical assistance. Avoidance is the best strategy. Don't put any part of your body in a place you have not checked out thoroughly beforehand. For example, don't step over logs - step on the log and then step over. Stepping over a log puts your lower leg and ankle in a place you have not yet checked out. That's an avoidable risk. Around here, most snake bites occur on the hands and forearms of persons who have just said "Hey, hold my beer while I grab that snake." Given a choice, be the person holding the beer. All the best on your trip.