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Everything posted by enfanta
It's time to run the fox hunt. I was out on the trails last night, setting a route or two. Salvelinus, you still in on this? Seeker BP Team E-Trex & Dekaner of Team KKF2A, you guys willing to help out? Anyone else out there who's interested, speak up now! I want to run a few trials on the 19th. Remember, I've never done this before and I don't know how it will turn out. I'm looking for some cachers who are prepared to experiment and ready to help tweak this idea into a ton o' fun. Frankly, I'm not much of a marathoner. When I'm the fox, the game may be over much too quickly! Salvelinus is confident he can lead us on a good chase. I would like to have about 5-6 in the pack and try about 4-6 trials. I can do two, not sure if 'Linus wants to do more than one. Anyone else want to step up as a fox? There's a small park not far from the trails. We can park there and have a picnic afterwards if everyone likes. If you want to bring your kids, that's fine, too. If you think they can keep up they're more than welcome to participate (PLEASE make them wear a bike helmet!) or if you have someone who wants to watch them, there are swings and slides at the park. So, can we make this work? Can we meet on the 19th about noon? Anyone else want to be a fox? Talk to me people, either here or through email. I'm ready to run! X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
I'm very impressed with everyone who worked to make this possible, cachers and park officials alike. I've printed out the permission form and read the website and it seems like the parks are really trying to allow caching as much as possible while still preserving the public lands. Good on everyone! X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
Does anyone have a machine that goes....
enfanta replied to Roadster's topic in General geocaching topics
You see, we leased it back from the company we sold it to and that way it comes out of the monthly current budget and not the capital account. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not. -
You write the captions...(March21)
enfanta replied to georgeandmary's topic in General geocaching topics
Well of course Stan has over 2,000 finds: he has his own personal satellite! X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not. -
Since when do we allow moving caches?
enfanta replied to res2100's topic in General geocaching topics
but could someone explain the difference between moving caches and travel bugs? Really, I'm just curious. As far as hunting goes, I can't see much of a difference. thanks. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not. -
That sounds just like Starbucks! The most money I've ever found in a cache was in Serenity by Salvelinus. He'd described the cache as 'wallet-sized' and sure enough, there was a $20 bill in it. (I think that was just for the first-finder, folks.) I figure I have an obligation to spend that much on setting a cache. I figure I've ALREADY spent that much on cache-nuggets and caching supplies! X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
I was going to look at this but then I changed my mind. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
Looks like that Easter Egg cache will be out in CA. No reason why you couldn't have one of your own here in PA! X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
...additionally, the last cache could be the Easter Bunny himself, running fast and trying to keep the basket away from the cachers! X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
Found Cache that isn't listed.
enfanta replied to coinprospector's topic in General geocaching topics
"The approver / dis-approver should then tell the owner to remove it." Unless it's not affiliated with geocaching.com. Remember, Groundspeak owns geocaching.com: they don't own geocaching. What's to say it isn't a cache independent of Groundspeak? Frankly, I'm all for "underground" caches. You may lose the credit on this wonderful website (and this is in no way meant to be a criticism of Groundspeak or geocaching.com cause I think they're great) but it certainly opens up possibilities for ways to play the game. And I love the idea of trying to track down coordinates to caches that few other people have found, simply because they didn't come up in their "caches within 100 miles of me" search. Anyway. That's my two bits. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not. -
As MissJen told me last year "Hide it and they will come." Your best bet here, 'Packrat is to just start planning a picnic. As more people respond, you can just add more potatoes to the potato salad! X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
...though there's no cache at the end. But there are winners and losers, if that's part of the attraction. http://geodashing.home.attbi.com/ I've signed up but haven't really participated yet. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
and that's to make procrastination your friend. "I want a cigarette!" "Okay, you can have one in an hour." If you still want one an hour from now, tell yourself, "tomorrow morning." If it's always off somewhere in the future you don't have to worry about it *now*. I find that tends to help with dieting, too. Good luck and keep at it. You're giving yourself a wonderful gift. I wish my sister would. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
or watch the ten o'clock news. THat should terrify just about anyone! X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
IV Warrior has created an event cache for this clean-up. Go to this cache to find out more. This looks like it's our site for CITO in Centre County on the 26th. Mark your calendars!! (And thanks IV Warrior!) X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
Okay, it seems that the next step is to get a head count. If people would care to contact me before and up to March 26 (one month before CITO Day) and let me know if they have a preference for a certain park, I will contact that park to make arrangements. If no one suggests a park, I will find out where we are most needed and that will be our CITO site. Please don't leave me out there all alone, gathering trash by myself, folks!! Contact me and let me know how you can help! X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
quote: What I don’t think they realize is the gravity of the whole WMD potential. I would like to emphasize the word "potential" in this situation. Where's the proof?? http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/stories/schrdingers_iraq.shtml And where's the proof that Saddam Hussein is connected to al Qaeda? Yes, he's a madman and a brutal dictator. But if we go after him, what's to keep other countries from following our lead? What becomes of Pakistan and India? Israel and Palestine? What kind of a precedent are we setting? And meanwhile, where the hell is Osama bin Laden? The guy we KNOW is responsible for the attacks on the Twin Towers and we seem to have conveniently forgotten about him. Is he dead? Alive? Somewhere in between?? If you well and truly believe that attacking Iraq is going to "win the war on terrorism" (an impossibility, btw. Lead by the same folks who brought you the war on drugs and poverty and how are we doing on *those* fronts?) then please do stand up and say so. But I hope you've thought out all the consequences for *everyone* on the planet before you do so. Never send a soldier to create peace. It's not what they're trained for. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
currently working at a university library. Hope to support myself with my artwork someday. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
quote: Why would you be "plenty bitter" about a stupid thing like having a cache rejected? Because I like this sport and I want to do my part. I don't want to just find caches, I want to place them, too. I came up with a neat idea for a cache and it was rejected. Result: a bit of anger and bitterness. quote: Would it have been that hard to tweak your cache somewhat to satisfy the objections of the approver? Yes. My idea was to place tiny one-time caches in neat spots on the way to the cache I was seeking. When I found the cache, I'd leave the coordinates for the Finders Keepers (as I was calling them) in the "official" cache and the first person to take the coordinates would be the only person to find the cache. Thus the name. The only way the approver would allow it is if it was a permanent cache, which pretty much misses the whole point. All I wanted was one page on which to list all the active Finder's Keepers and give the cachers who found these little caches someplace to step up and claim it. I only managed to place two before snow shut down my caching for the season but once I get out there again I'll resume hiding them. The responses for the two were positive and it'd be nice if the cachers could get "official" credit for finding them but that's just not going to happen, I guess. I'm still going to place them because they're fun for me and seem to be fun for others. quote: And as far as placing a cache and not posting it here...I doubt I'd go through all the trouble of putting together and placing a cache, for it to sit there without any, or only a handful of finds. I know there are alternative sites and ways of posting a cache, but if you ignore geocaching.com, you're excluding the vast majority of the geocaching community. Tell it to the approvers. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
posting parking coordinates to keep cachers out of trouble.
enfanta replied to georapper's topic in General geocaching topics
You know, that thing in the cache that takes up room and no one really wants? quote: i think to bring geocaching more into line with the rest of the politically correct movement, we should make it mandatory that all caches be wheelchair and disabled accessible. oh and yes, parking coordinates should be mandatory as well. I think this statement definitely falls in that catagory. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not. -
posting parking coordinates to keep cachers out of trouble.
enfanta replied to georapper's topic in General geocaching topics
That makes it *much* too easy to find the cache. Better to just let us know it's out there somewhere-- if we are pure geocachers, we will find it. The chaff will fall to the side, where they belong. Sheesh! MUST we re-invent the wheel every time we set out to cache? Are caches so easy to find that we have to add the "challenge" of little useful information? I enjoy checking out maps but I dislike getting lost in a car and despise having to backtrack and circle when I drive. Is that the goal of the "Pure" cachers-- to overcome the challenge of off-ramps and one-way streets? Where's the virtue in wasting gas? Are the True Cachers so adept that the sight of parking coordinates (or street names, even!) burns into their brain the image of where they need to start their search and therefore ruins the experience for them?? You don't like extra information, don't use extra information. You don't want to give extra information then don't. But don't look down your noses at those of us who use this sport as a way to get out into nature, hike a bit and seek hidden caches in new locales and NOT as an excuse to buy new techie toys and rev up the SUV. Crikey. Someone was asking why new folks drop caching (and other sports) after trying it just a bit. Perhaps part of the reason is because the True and Pure folk make them feel that if they aren't in it "110%" (an impossibility, btw: 100% is all there is) then they needn't bother. Now if you'll excuse me, there's a white coat I need to crawl into for awhile. X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not. -
-- my first (and only, so far) cache was denied and I was plenty bitter about it. I felt it encompassed the spirit of geocaching while being a little different but it seemed too different for the approvers. I went ahead and did it anyway and will continue to place this cache but the finders will never get to add it to their tally. Ah, well. It was never about the numbers, right?? X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
If I could SCUBA I would definitely do it. Would love to see some "shallow water" caches that require diving without SCUBA... X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.
Considering the fuss we had over posting cave locations on this web site, I think it might be advisable to be a bit more sly with this request. Perhaps suggest people email you directly if they know of an interesting site? X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.