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Posts posted by geo.jens

  1. Hi. I've tried for a few days to upload a new version of a cartridge at Wherigo.com. However, I keep getting the result "

    Error Occurred

    You are attempting to upload an invalid GWZ file."


    I tried all kinds of checking og the gwz file...


    Finally, I simply tried uploading the gwz file matching the old version of the cartridge again. Same result. So, I should not really be a problem with the cartridge gwz file itself, but rather Wherigo.com.


    Looking at the forum, seems upload problems have happened before. Perhaps a restart of some service is required????






  2. Marshmallow wont allow you to use the root of your SD card for app data (unless rooted, and even then not with all apps)

    You will have to use /storage/<SD card id>/Android/data


    Ok, got it working finally. GDAK does not allow me to browse to any directory above /storage/<SD card id>/Android/data/nl.wlsoft.tfnxDroid, where I can see a "files" and a "cache" folder.


    What I did in the end was place the "GDAK" directory parallel to the "files" directory. I also needed to create a GsakData.txt file with an overview of the databases (directories).


    Thanks for the help.


  3. Hi,


    I've just received my new phone (Huawei P9 Lite - very impressed by this one!). I have installed a nice big 64 GB SD card to store pictures, music, and of course more importantly geocaches :rolleyes:


    So, I installed GDAK and subsequently followed instructions to create a "GDAK" folder in the root directory of the SD card. Then I copied a GSAK database folder (all files) into this folder. So, I have <SD-card root>/GDAK/Denmark, where Denmark is my GSAK database directory containing the files.


    So far, so good.


    But, then my problems start. I press "settings", then "Choose GDAK dir", then press the folder icon in the upper right corner. Then I select the SD card. This takes me to the "/storage/<SD card id>/Android/data/nl.wlsoft.tfnxDroid" folder. It is showing here "cache" and a "files" folder. However, there is no option for me to go up in order to reach the SD card root directory (where my GDAK folder is stored).


    I'm guessing this could be some form of security restriction in Marshmallow Android version?


    Any ideas or hints?




  4. Hi,


    I have a problem with a cartridge that I have created recently (http://www.Wherigo.com/cartridge/details.aspx?CGUID=57f5cf8c-c6f2-4e74-8e6c-1bf6fbfc0266), "Day Mission FSV".


    The cartridge takes the player on a spy mission on a near by abandonned air field. The task is to search for secret radio signals using a receiver.


    I've modelled the receiver as a Wherigo Item (Receiver). I use the Receiver.Descriptor field to show the current signal strength and radio data received. The signals are directed, so people have to walk across the airfield to catch the signals. In order to make it real live, the Receiver.Descriptor field is updated using a timer every second.


    During the search, the player may need to (re)tune the receiver and may enter a help zone, all of which requires user interaction. Consequently, I've let the timer update only the Receiver.Descriptor field, not do a Show Object Details action on the Receiver object. If I do this, then the player cannot get at the other functions, as they will be interupted every 1 second.


    On both Garmin GPS units, the Urwigo emulator, and the Android WhereYouGo player this works perfectly. If the Receiver item is selected from the inventory, it is displayed, and it updates automatically every 1 second as a result of the setting of Receiver.Descriptor.


    However, on I learned today, that on iPhone/iPad, the screen is not updated when Receiver.Descriptor is updated. If I add the Show Object Details command as well, I cannot get at the other functions AND the screen is redrawn fully (on Garmin and Android, you only notice the updates to the radio signals contained in the Desciptor field).


    Any hints as to how to fix this? Is this to be considered an error in the iPhone Wherigo player, or??




  5. Hi


    1. I'm having a problem downloading a cartridge from www.Wherigo.com - using windows + firefox 41.0.1 but it also happens with Safari and Internet Explorer (on different computers). This error message appears:


    Error During Upload


    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at Wherigo.GSPCartridgeService.CartridgeService.GetCompiledCartridgeWithMetaData(GWZMetaData gwzMetaData, String CartridgeFileName, String CartridgeId, Int64 PlayerId, String PlayerName, DeviceType deviceType, String CompletionCode) at cartridge_download.btnDownload_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)


    (even though it's supposed to be downloading and I'm not trying to upload).


    2. The Iphone Wherigo app also has a problem - using Iphone 6 + the latest IOS, when you pick a window to scroll through items (eg Wherigo platform - colorado/oregon/Pocket PC etc) it does not highlight or tick any when you select them.


    Hopefully you can attend to soon




    Same here... I sent asd well E-mail to Geocaching HQ support mail...

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