I used this one in another post, but everyone in my family love doing it. Kind of a combo of a few other Christmas traditions.
Every year for the past few years whichever family members house that we are at for Christmas, we have been hiding presents nearby for people to find. What we do is we hand out gpsr's (between friends and family there has been enough extras around) if not enough for everyone we create teams. After that at a set time I hold up a board with many coords on it and the people input the coords of their choice (there are alot) and off they go!!!! The kids LOVE it! After everyone returns gifts can be traded but not opened untill everyone is done trading. We usually have a seperate team for the kids so the presents are age appropriate.
This game really gets people laughing and makes the family get together and talk and laugh. Also keeps people from sitting around being bored and feeling uncomfortable.