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Team CeDo

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Everything posted by Team CeDo

  1. WOW Thank you so much for that information!!! Usually I get a one or two word answer on what not to buy. This information will actually help me make a wise decision. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  2. Ok, I got two more coins ready TB2QA8N Todie's Wild Ride: The Long Ride TB2QA7N Todie's Wild Ride: Hey! Over Here Thank you Team CeDo
  3. Rod, Sorry to hear about the limping Jeep! I had a 2000 Wrangler that was back at the dealer a few times with a rear differential problem while it was under warranty. The Differentials are certainly the "weak link" Finally when it was out of warranty I replaced the front and rear differentials with some strong aftermarket ones and never had ANY problem after that. I'm not sure why they failed on me being I live in central Florida where the usual off roading consisted of sand or mud but it still seemed to let me down a few times. Also my Garmin 60csx has been a great unit for me but I would love to upgrade. Did you consider the Garmin oregon when you got the new Delorme? I have read some posts about both but did any one thing make you choose the Delorme over the Garmin? Any input would help me in my decision.
  4. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  5. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  6. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  7. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  8. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room! Rod, I just got the adoption papers for the 2 coins that I won a few cointests ago. I will get them warmed up and ready to roll tomorrow. Thanks again Team CeDo
  9. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  10. Very nice TNMAD1!!!!
  11. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  12. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  13. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  14. WOW!!!! I would be interested in one of those!
  15. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  16. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  17. Happy Birthday Team CeDo
  18. Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  19. 10 Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  20. 35 Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  21. Went Geocaching in Harrington Beach State Park Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  22. You went geocaching and found a Todies wild ride coin Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room!
  23. You went to visit Tods resting place? "Riders face more hazards than drivers, PLEASE give us extra room"
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