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Everything posted by FollowMeChaps
It must have been asked before but is there a maximum number of charecters one can put in a 'Found it' log?
UPDATE: All's well that ends well - having got through they did repair my loose rubber sleeve at no cost (well it had come off in <1 year!) and turned it around in 3 days. I'm now back to being happy with Garmin - though unimpressed with their website's 'contact us' lack of response. Advice to others: use one of the contacts in this thread! FMC
Berkshire SAR Dogs Geocoin
FollowMeChaps replied to The Toogood Family's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
I'm not a geocoin collector, it's never really floated my boat although I know many cachers get a buzz from it. That said I'd happily buy one of these to support the berkshire sar dogs. Go for it! I'd vote for full size but whatever...... FMC -
I've got to add my name to this thread - thanks guys, you're the tops!
One cache to the tune of another
FollowMeChaps replied to drsolly's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
Does this one count? See my 2nd March DNF note on the Semington Aqueduct page. -
Change from 6 to 7 figure waypoints
FollowMeChaps replied to allieballie's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
I'm adding my thanks to wizard1974uk's - between them both The Bongtwashes and The Royles have given me EXACTLY what I wanted and I've learned more about GSAK and code to boot! Aren't cahers and these forums great? Keep on caching! FollowMeCahps -
Change from 6 to 7 figure waypoints
FollowMeChaps replied to allieballie's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
Thanks Andy - I had looked in all the bits for it and could not find. At least I can now download all the caches. Thanks Robin -
Change from 6 to 7 figure waypoints
FollowMeChaps replied to allieballie's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
Can I join this thead too please? I'm having the same problem as allieballie as I use a yellow eTrex. Form the answers to date I think that I'd like to do what The Royles are suggesting, but preferably just drop the second 'C' (that way they'd all start with 'G' and be listed in the same folder on my eTrex). However, where/how do I use the %drop2 (sorry, should that be %drop1?)? I use GSAKand have been able to import a macro or 2 to date, but knowing nothing about programming or databases, I don't know where to put this. Any help would be really appreciated? Robin (FollowMeChaps) -
I know I shouldn't ask this here but ...
FollowMeChaps replied to Dorsetgal & GeoDog's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
We did as we wanted to see if the Berkshire SAR Dogs were featured. Sadly we watched Bridget Jones and plan to see it 2night but if you email me an address I'll send it to you. On VHS I'm afraid so if another forumeee had a dvd you can happily trump my offer. FMC -
EVENT - Burrington Combe Bash - North Somerset
FollowMeChaps replied to FollowMeChaps's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
Next one! Who said anything about a next one?!!!! Has someone else come forward with an offer? -
EVENT - Burrington Combe Bash - North Somerset
FollowMeChaps replied to FollowMeChaps's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
Oops! Not really; the deadline was YESTERDAY! This was to allow Dougal of Dick Dastardly, Dougal, Scooby and Angelina some slack to produce a trackable information sheet. FMC [but thanks for bumping the thread as a reminder] FMC -
Yup, it turns our Garmin had a major IT problem a couple of days ago when I was emailing them, all emails were down apparently and staff sent home. Now fixed though. On a personal front I suggest using one of the emails given in this thread as they don't seem to respond to the 'contact us' email on their UK or US websites.
Having now got through to Garmin they have agreed to restick my rubber sleeve under warranty (well it did fail in <12 months) with a 48 hour turnaround promised. I'll send in next week and will be happy if they deliver as promised. FollowMeChaps
Revision of the cache listing guidelines
FollowMeChaps replied to Deceangi's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
What's a potluck dinner? Do you mean a pig-in-a-poke? -
It may be worth hanging on for a while. I lost one last year for a good couple of months then it reappeared in another cache without a log - turned out to be a phantom cacher as it seems there are quite a few. Good luck
Geocaching in Ireland on RTÉ
FollowMeChaps replied to dino-irl's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
Good one dino_irl, a really great summary. I was most surprised to hear how few geocachers you have over there. I came on a day trip to Dublin last year and had great fun with the caches, and the people. Hope to be back soon. Keep up the good work and happy caching! -
Clubs? Groups? or Spontaneous Frivolity
FollowMeChaps replied to Jimblonduk's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
Invasion days? Sounds fun, tell me more HazelS - or have those pesky Normans landed again?!!! -
I fully agree with Wendy. Why shouldn't wheelchair cachers go the whole hog? As a wheelchair accessible cache setter myself I take it as a further enjoyable challenge to find a spot that is both hidden and accessible. After all any idiot can hide a cache - the skill (fun) is finding somewhere that does both. Invariably it only requires us to be a bit more observant of potential obstacles to others (steps, narrow gaps, long reaches, etc.) and think "would this be accessible if I only moved it there?". I'm certainly not advocating that all caches be accessible (just look at some of mine to see non-accessible ones!) but if setting a cache on a footpath, in an urban area, etc. please consider whether, with a bit of extra thought, it could be made so. After all, we all want as many visitors to our caches as possible and, dare I say it, we're all going to get older and less mobile one day!
Clubs? Groups? or Spontaneous Frivolity
FollowMeChaps replied to Jimblonduk's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
At a pre-event meeting we held a couple of weeks ago The Great Redmondo came up with the idea that we see how much interest there would be in an informal local group (sort of Wessex/Somersetish/wider area I suppose???) meeting up regularly to chat, socialise, etc. on all things geocaching. He is going to float the idea at this Saturday's Burrington Bash. If others are interested please either put your names on the sheet he will be producing at the event or if you can't get there email me, followmechaps@hotmail.co.uk, and I'll pass the names on. I know it might seem to make more sense to contact Redmondo direct but I can't suggest that as I've not spoken to him about it. Thanks for letting me piggy-back on your thread Jimblonduk and I agree it would make sense if GeocachingUK copmpiled a list of local groups. Are you up for it guys? I was also someone who posted on the adopt a newbie site and got no bites. In fairness I rarely look at this thread myself now I could do some adopting. I know that someone suggested that there be localised threads so you could check out your own area but nothing became of this. I fear that the adoption nut is one we still have not cracked. FollowMeChaps -
RESPECT MAN You guys are brilliant - thanks for this. If others aren't using Firefox with Greasemonkey then YOU SHOULD!
Do travel bugs count? The Beast that Barks TB
Quicker than I thought - message failure reported; it seems that Andy Phillips is there no more!
Thanks Chris (The Blorenges) and Graylorn for the advice. I've emailed the Andy Phillips contact you gave so let's see - I'll post any follow-up here. (I used to know an Andy Phillips through diving many moons ago; I wonder........... ) Meanwhile thanks also Simply Paul, I'll use your tip for now. FollowMeChaps
EVENT - Burrington Combe Bash - North Somerset
FollowMeChaps replied to FollowMeChaps's topic in United Kingdom and Ireland
I'm 'bumping' this thread as a reminder to anyone who wishes to attend but has forgotten to register. Please note: This event has proved much more popular than I had anticipated for a winter event -well it is mid February after all! The pub can cope with the numbers for food, etc but it is going to be a squeeze on the car parking front so please park carefully . On the food front please bear in mind the pub have to cope with an influx of probably over 160 of us (yes, I’m finding it hard to believe as well ) on top of their usual numbers which fluctuate depending on the weather. If it’s fine expect to have to wait for your food! Due to a permissions issue there will only be about 3 new caches on the day, sorry. A print out of the caches within 1½ miles will be produced but if you wish to go further a field please bring your own cache info’ (printed of paperless). CITO bags and gloves willbe available when you collect your cache listing sheet. Finally, please remember that this event is being run by volunteers (and in my case, at least, total amateurs!!! ) so things are bound to go wrong but hopefully that will be part of it's charm! After all we are all there to............. have fun! -
These forums always seem to state what great aftersales Garnin provide. Like you I've had no such success - no replies to ringing them also no replies to emails sent in early December to both their US and UK operations . I'll also be keen to hear how to make contact. PS: My issue is how to restick the rubber sleeve to a yellow - so any help here also appreciated. FollowMeChaps