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Everything posted by FollowMeChaps

  1. Thanks Edgemaster Your solution has allowed me to delete the script so I have been able to reinstall it. However, there's always a 'but' isn't there, I now seem to be suffering in exactly the same way as Lactodorum. I'll uninstall again then wait a few days until all the changes that still seem to be falling out of the new GC site have settled down. Keep up the good work though, I'll definately be back to reinstall as it was great yesterday and I'm confident you'll crack the problem. A very grateful luddite.
  2. I had this script working great yesterday but due to a problem this morning with the maps not loading I uninstalled it from GreaseMonkey. I am now trying to reinstall it from exactly the same link at the top of this thread but keep getting the following error message, what am I doing wrong please?
  3. Where do you see this? What browser are you using?
  4. It seems that if you save the pictures to http://www.geocaching.com/my/upload.aspx then you don't need to put them on the cache listing page.
  5. Edgemaster - I fully agree with HighlandNick - Just brilliant! Many thanks
  6. Thanks Dave. A bit slow us olduns!
  7. I'm curious: I use Firefox with Greasemonkey map scripts and as a result when I view cache pages with coordinates such as N51 19.318 W002 45.175 I get the [map] link to the OS Get-a-map page after them - great! . However, if I use the HTML code ° to correctly display the coordinates as N51° 19.318 W002° 45.175 I don't get the link. Why is this?
  8. Barry, this looks interesting - I may be acting dumb but how does it work please?
  9. I agree! If it helps I tend to add this HTML code to any listing of mine with additional waypoints: To see an OS map of the additional waypoints (below) copy the coordinates and paste them into <a href="http://benchmarks.org.uk/map.php"target="_blank"> this website </a>.<br> But I agree it would be great not to need it.
  10. "Have you seen my pit bull?" usually clears the muggles for me
  11. Funny, I've had exactly the same problem today - it doesn't recognise my login so I've emailed Teasel - I'll await a reply.
  12. Yes, welcome to the mad house Toni - now get out of the smoke and do some REAL rural caches.
  13. As a non-tecccie I'm getting a bit confused (I know; easily done!). On my home PC this morning using Firefox with Greasemonkey scripts I saw all the pictures attached to the listing page at the foot of the listing. Now at work I don't see them, they are still attachments, in both IE and Firefox. What's going on? If we are seeing different things using different settings/applications then we will be confusing each other in this thread.
  14. Wow - I think I like it, especially the speed - 10/10. Great to see the picture thumbnails with the logs. Not sure that those without broadband will be so happy though, can the attached pics can be turned off? At least they don't print with the PDF or 'printer friendly' options. Didn't they do well!!!
  15. Brilliant Edgemaster! Profile now sorted - thank you very much.
  16. Thanks edgemaster. The maps seem good but where do I find the code please?
  17. I seem to have lost the code I had on my GC profile page which automatically coloured the UK counties I had cached in from my GC logs, though I'm not sure how. I've found the map I can manually produce at http://marnanel.org/county but not the code for an auto one. Can anyone advise me where it is please? Thanks
  18. I totally disagree, in fact I'm drinking tea at this moment. Edited for spellingmistake - drinkung must be a China tea!
  19. When you start putting out your own caches you'll get plenty of evidence to see that DNFs are often not logged by several people and incidently that more sign the cache log than the web log. I've had emails checking coords, ask for a further hint, etc by peole who will not log the initial DNF but go back some time later and log the find. Personally, I try and log DNFs for my own information, after all it's not a competition, though I'll admit to having not done it myself once or twice where I've not had time for a proper search for example on a cache and dash en route to work. It's only a sport hobby GAME and people can play it any way they want.
  20. Seeing as how this situation (sorry, can't think of a more appropriate word at the moment) has been on nearly every news bulletin for the past ten days, is receiving massive publicity in the press, has been emblazoned on T shirts at sporting events up and down the country, you must be in a very small minority.......... Sorry, but I have some sympathy with rutson. I agree about all the publicity, etc. but as a therad on the UK forum it was so out of context that I didn't make the link either until I got to your response. I was presuming it was a caher injured or worse such as the Billy Twigger story. The serious point here is that we all, and I'm sutre I'm as guilty as the rest, fire off threads without putting them into context or explaining acronyms, etc. Please don't make those who ask the simple 'what's this all about' question feel insignificant or we'll frighten people off the forums.
  21. I think The Beast must have come from MAD, at least he's got mad genes in him!
  22. I'm gob smacked - several hours have passed and nobody's risen to the bait. Now had I made a seroius post about too many micros, etc. you'd all have been on my back!
  23. Mrs FMC is guessing "Medical Alert Dogs MAD"?
  24. Is it anything to do with epilepsy? We understand that dogs are trained to alert severe sufferers to fits. Someone put me out of my misery - the temptation to Google it is nearly overwhealming!
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