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Jango & Boba Fett

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Posts posted by Jango & Boba Fett

  1. I'm really of the opinion that there are already more than enough to go around even for the most obsessive "numbers" cachers - whadya think? ;)

    Woo, just noticed today that Norfolk has just knocked Suffolk into 4th place and that we are now the 3rd most cache rich county in East Anglia. Yep we've now got 129 live caches here, enough to keep even the busiest Badger busy for at least a couple of days! :D


    Not only that but our cache density is up to 1 cache for every 41.5 km2 which makes the average distance between caches 6.5 km. Not only that but we've already got our first power trail where it is possible to bag 6 caches in a little over 2 hours walking. I've just got back from a busy afternoon in which I managed to bag 5 caches and a trigpoint in four hours. My feeling is that we are now cached out, before long people will be hiding ammo boxes of 6 mile walks through secluded areas of woodland, or setting puzzle caches that take longer than 30 minutes to solve.


    Is this really the direction we want GeoCaching to go, the next thing you know people will want to come to East Anglia for GeoHolidays and then, horror of horrors we might have more than 1 Event Cache a year, maybe even descend to the all time low of a Camping Event. Oh how are the might fallen. :D:D:D:o;)

  2. On the thread you have found Jeremy quite clearly says that the place of LB Hybrids aren't in doubt as the proposed (and very long time coming) LB site is only about LetterBoxes which are quite a different animal from LetterBox Hybrids (despite there names being very similar:


    Right on the noggin. A letterboxer.com web site, on the other hand, would be a letterboxing site (meaning no coordinates, no GPS, etc.) So don't expect hybrids to go anywhere because they accomplish three goals:


    1. Make people aware not to take the stamp and to introduce folks to a sister activity. (Just a mention to those who think otherwise, Geocaching did not spawn from letterboxing but was a completely different concept created without prior knowledge of letterboxing.)


    2. Allow an alternate method for finding a geocache without a GPS receiver, and...


    3. Provide a searching method for some letterboxes that have a starting coordinate.


    So again, my reference to letterboxer.com was not in any way indicating that letterbox hybrids will move to another site. Once we complete the site you'll see that we're going back to letterboxing's roots with the letterboxer.com web site. Old school style yo.

    PS What's this about the Norwegian Blue?

    Mr. Praline: I wish to make a complaint!

    Owner: We're closin' for lunch.

    Mr. Praline: Never mind that, my lad. I wish to complain about this parrot what I purchased not half an hour ago from this very boutique.

    Owner: Oh yes, the, uh, the Norwegian Blue...What's,uh...What's wrong with it?

    Mr. Praline: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. 'E's dead, that's what's wrong with it!

    Owner: No, no, 'e's uh,...he's resting.

    Mr. Praline: Look, matey, I know a dead parrot when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.

    Owner: No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'! Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn'it, ay? Beautiful plumage!

    Mr. Praline: The plumage don't enter into it. It's stone dead.

    Owner: Nononono, no, no! 'E's resting!

    Mr. Praline: All right then, if he's restin', I'll wake him up! (shouting at the cage) 'Ello, Mister Polly Parrot! I've got a lovely fresh cuttle fish for you if you show...

    Thanks for finding that, but as you've probably sussed out its more of an issue for LetterBoxers and as they and Jeremy have some history I wouldn't hold your breath as www.letterboxer.com has been on the back burner for 6 years and still hasn't turned up. Letterboxers are very independently minded (some think that unless you carve your own stamps it's cheating, or even quoting 6 figure grid references for the car park is cheating) so any GroundsSpeak LB site would be in a very competative market.


    For what its worth a workable definition of a LetterBox Hybrid (as opposed to a LetterBox) is:


    A Letterbox Hybrid (LB Hybrid)is:

    • a LB Hybrid is type of GeoCache which is listed on a Geocaching listings site and has a rubber stamp relating to the cache inside the cache container. (In the UK the Reviewers, quite helpfully, insist that it also have an inkpad - Letterboxing letterboxes mostly don't have ink pads).
    • most LB Hybrid are a variation of the Traditional cache type although it is quite possible to have a LB Hybrid which is a variation (within reason) of the Multicache or Unknown cache types.
    • LB Hybrid may be dual listed with a traditional Letterboxing group but this is not a requirement; LB Hybrids are primarily a type of GeoCache rather than a type of Letterboxing letterbox.
    • the cache listing for a LB Hybrid must have a set of coordinates to be navigated to by GPSr even if the final approach to the cache follows some kind of verbal description (just as it would for an Unknown cache)


  3. Pharisee, Grumpy ol' Git and founder member of CamProC (Campaign for Proper Caches)

    Shouldn't that be the CAmpaign for Real Cache Placement :)


    There are occasions when my thoughts stray along similar byways but then I encounter something like GCQD3Y and it restores my faith in quality caches with micros. I think what is needed is for more thought to go into cache-etiquette and style which applies to caches of all sizes.


    Now where is that carrier bag full of film canisters for my new breeder cache in Bedford. :D

  4. Given your penchant for dry wit and erudition what about these from the master of that black art;


    By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, journalism keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community.


    I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself.


    Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow.


    Of course I have played outdoor games. I once played dominoes in an open air cafe in Paris.


    He was always late on principle, his principle being that punctuality is the thief of time.



  5. Rumour has it that TPTB are setting up another GC.com spawn called Letterboxer... :D

    Ok Bambi & Thumper you need to give a bit more, or when you say "Rumour has it" do you really mean "Rumour had it " because this sounds suspiciously like a rumour that died 5 years ago, and if you check back you will find that although GroundSource registered the www.letterboxer.com domain on 9 September 2000, six years latter and still nothing has happened. Indeed unless you have anything to add to the existing correspondence I would suggest that this rumour is a bit like the Norwegian Blue.


    You only have to read through the recently closed thread in the Getting Started Area to see that some GeoCachers and some LetterBoxers have very strongly held views that are likely doom any united site as some LBrs view GCrs as being too techno dependant and some GCrs view LBrs as anarchist "cachers" who need to be reined in. Meanwhile the majority who enjoy both sides just keep there heads below the parapet and let the trolls and llamas get on with the spitting. :D:)

  6. I am supposed to be pureeing food for the baby but it just creates washing up and I could just do a bit quickly later so she won't starve while I chat here a bit longer!! :D

    Ah Fiona sounds like you should be spending more time with MrsB, the Hokster and all there chums round a UK GeoChatting, just make sure you don't get mistaken for Fiona/Nutters - that's her cacheing name not a comment. :)

  7. Have a look at this thread over in the GeoCaching Topics Area. It does surprise us that so few GeoCachers have explored the creative possibilities of Letterbox Hybrids, although if you do a search on "Letterboxes" or "Letterboxing" and go and look at some of those old threads it does remind you a bit of one of those Sardinian bllod feud sagas where nobody is really sure how it strated but they'll be d*** if there the one to offer the hand of peace first. All seems a bit strange to me, but then UK LBers tend to frown on internet listings so we don't have the same problems although a lot of the 175 LB Hybrids over here are also listed somewhere (off line) as Letterboxes.

  8. Do I have a "cookie" issue, or is the Letterboxing.org site really down?

    Anyone know what's going on?

    Try looking here


    Heard on the GC.com site that the LBNA site is down and will be moved...


    From the letterboxing yahoo group ( http://groups.yahoo.com/group/letterbox-usa/ ):


    "The Letterboxing North America site will be offline until we can move to a new

    hosting service. Unfortunately, the low cost web hosting that we've been using

    can't accept the increasing load that we're putting on the shared server as

    letterboxing has grown over the years. More details on where we'll go next soon."


    Anyone know if there's truth to this? I get an error message when I try ot log on. No clues!!! :laughing:


    Anyway we don't know anything about Letterboxing over here. :laughing:

  9. So, have you any suggestions to what signature I should have?

    Although I'm sure that you have perfectly valid reasons for choosing your avatar Alistair I am going to have to side with currykev, as to me your avatar has the merest suggestion of a grumpy farmer in a Norfolk jacket. In which case you might use this as your signature:


    :anicute: Get out of my thread an off my land! :anibad:


    Probably wouldn't work, but IMHO the best signatures are the self deprecating ones. Casting aside temptation along the lines of the canny cacher was reminded of the saying about the Piper of Hexham whose sparse repertoire prompted someone to say The first was lang unkenned, the second naebody kenned, and the third he didna ken hissel. So what about:


    :laughing: The first cache was lang unkenned, the second naebody kenned, and the third I didna ken mysel. :laughing:


    .. and of course for an alternative avatar <places tongue in cheek> you could always use this chap who would retain something of the tweedy look of your existing picture, while adding a sense of provenance to your postings:




    a sort of toon from the toon. :blink: <removes tongue from cheek>


    Seriously though I'm not quite sure why you receive flack more regularly than most of those on the Forum. Might be the post and the tweedy avatar, but I'd put most of it down to people responding to the the last post on a thread rather than reading it in context. Anyway knowing my luck I'm probably about to be roasted for confusing Geordie with Mackem and Pitmatic.

  10. Still waiting, so just to keep your brain cells working:

    1. Halleypike Loch, Hadrain's wall, Northumberland
    2. Loughrigg Tarn, Lake District, Cumbria
    3. Monkfield Lough, Hadrian's Wall, Cumbria - more of a bog really
    4. The Lough, Lindisfarne
    5. Thorngill Lough, near Alston, Cumbria
    6. Thurstonfield Lough , near Carlise, Cumbria
    7. .......

    name another English Lough and if you're close enough on the number it's all yours. :o

  11. Heston Island Hop which is only accessible (safely) for around a hour at Spring Low Tides and not at all (by foot) during Neaps. This is one of our favourite caches, and with proper planning and the right conditions is quite safe. However it is not one to attempt on the off chance as the tidal range in the Solway Firth is high and the tidal currents when driven by strong winds can be dangerous. See this link, where the matter is discussed at length.



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