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Posts posted by LoneWolf112a

  1. Clan Riffster I apologize if my info about tasers is incorrect. I'll admit that the only time i used a taser was back in the late 90's and it was on my self (just to see what it was like) and my information came from a salesman at a resent gun show. He stated that the shock on these new models would cause a shock so bad it would cause a person to evacuate there bowls which I figured was one heck of a punch.


    GunnerMac was talking about a bright flash light and he is right. I have a surfire tactical flashlight that is ment to be able to temporarily blind someone if needed and it also has pointy tips around the lens so it can be used as a weapon in a fist fight if needed.

  2. Any tool can be a weapon. I like Blue Deuce's suggestion of a sturdy walking stick. If you're planning to use it defensively there are many varieties of martial arts that include stick fighting (kendo and kung fu both come to mind -- but there are others). Certainly, whatever tool/weapon you choose to carry, choose something you can enjoyably* practice with often. When you need it, you don't want to miss or have it taken away from you.



    * enjoyably: because if it ain't fun you won't stick with it.

    That's why I'm considering a concealed license. I'm a dang good shot, and enjoy shooting.

    I'm not so sure about a walking stick..unless I did get some training. Honestly, with my family, I don't have the time for formal training. It would end up with me trying to swing the stick like a ball bat & racking it up against trees in mid swing, as the trees are dense in the forests around here.

    Also, with me being of the smaller variety, & (yes, I'll say it) a woman, it would probably be stripped from my grasp in the event of a struggle with another human being. Woman have a disadvantage when it comes to upper body & arm strength; that's just the way it is. (Unless, of course, they have a lot of the aforementioned training.).

    The chances of "the psycho serial killer" (dun dun duuuun) being another woman? Slim to none. I do like the idea of a taser...although I have known someone that took multiple taser shots to his body & kept right on going..I'm still fond of the idea.

    The tasers that law enforcement carry are severely underpowered compared to what is on the market these days. You can get a taser that will do much more damage.

    Also if you plan on carrying a gun I suggest you get into some IDPA competitions. They will help you react quicker under pressure if you did need to use the gun.

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