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The Canning Clan

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Everything posted by The Canning Clan

  1. just an update; We contacted the member that placed the bug in the cache with a friendly request for help, we got a reply quickly and just received an email that he had hiked out to the cache to retrieve the bug but couldn't find the cache. he'll be going again. They are also in contact with the cache owner (gave the coords for the final cache) We are very grateful and excited that our bug could be moving again. Glad to see there are these kind of folks left in our crazy world. Thanks all here for the encouraging posts. What a great community
  2. Being the skeptical person that I am.... I would probably guess that repetitive DNF logs by the same person would mean that they couldn't find it. Nothing more and little less. Completely true!! But, the c/o will prolly go and check on it after a couple of DNF's no matter who it's from. I know I do w my caches. Also, I'd space those DNF's out a few weeks apart. just sayin' WOW! What an incredible abuse of the system! You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting this. To OP: A year and a quarter (a lot less that 'almost two years') is a long time, but it does not sound like an easy cache, and mystery caches are hunted far less often than traditionals. One, or maybe two, requests to the CO is as far as you should go. It does not help to annoy him/her. Yes, it is sad, but it is not uncommon. (Speaking of which, I have a TB that's been on a mountaintop in the Adirondacks for a couple of years. I should check on it...) 12 May 2009 is when the bug was placed, by my math thats 23 months thats close enough to call it 2 years anyway....got a very encouraging email from the folks who placed the bug there. They are determined to help it on its way and know the cache owner. What great folks from the sound of the email. Sounds like the Time traveller will be travelling again, at least once the area opens again thanks for all your comments folks
  3. He might not be responsible but for general good will, it wouldn't kill him to go check his cache and free this jailed bug in the process. Kinda like the right thing to do. YMMV though. I hear ya, but to put a NM flag on a cache (yes they do show up when listing a cache or running a PQ) could suggest to seekers that the cache itself is in question, which could then possibly keep people from making an attempt. I wouldn't use cache attributes for a TB issue. It's okay to ask an owner try to retrieve a bug, but to demand? I don't think so. no one has demanded anything I have sent several emails to the cache owner to no avail, not even a reply. Too bad, my daughter has now given up. Me too I guess
  4. Hi all.... My daughter is quite distraught over the state of her travel bug (TBN7T2)that was placed in a seldom accessible cache almost 2 years ago and has sat there since. (GC209V9) I have contacted the cache owner many times over the past 2 years to no avail. No replies ever. The cache owner is active on GC This cache hasn't been found since Dec 2009 by anyone and seems to be the death of our bug. I am out of options as the cache owner will not reply to my emails any advise aside from considering this bug dead?
  5. my daughters bug was placed in a cache in Dec that is closed from end Dec to end August. Why anyone would even place it there is beyond me. Especially an experienced cacher with over 1000 finds. I also don't know how a cache can be allowed when only open 4 months of the year
  6. this is a perfect example where dipping can be a good thing. That poor bug may have stayed there for months had the cacher left it in a seldom found cache. One of my own bugs stayed in a cache for 8 months waiting for someone to go the lengh to find a difficult cache. I would have much rather seen it dipped instead of left to rot
  7. was out again today and instead of just driving and watching gps for caches, I spent some time online last night and picked a few specific ones. Much better day although water levels at my currant location stopped me from getting a few
  8. Hello all, I've been away from Geocaching for a couple years and went out again yesterday. Was good to get back at it. Is it me or has there been an incredible rise in "no reason to be there" caches over the last couple years? I'm all for caching events buts is it really necessary to throw out 100 caches just for the sake of putting them out there? The side of the road just isn't why I Geocache. Where'd the imagination go? I'm just curious whether others have experienced this as well. safe caching all
  9. a full size working fax machine GCPFHR
  10. Warrior....you nailed it...thanks......."and"
  11. I am still havng no luck...I am entering a query for caches from my home coords. I have tried leaving eveything blank except coords and I'vr tried checking off stuff lke "I have not found" etc. My queries all come back "no results" I've also tried from postal codes too and same result, getting frustrated
  12. Can anone tell me why my pocket queries are coming back empty? I systematically have gone thru it and there seems to be no errors, I have tried fom coords and from postal code and both come up "no results". Any help would be appreciated THX
  13. On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we all lower our heads in silent thought of those who sacrificed so that we may live. Currently in Canada there are only 3 remaining veterans of the 1st world war. The remaining veterans are Percy Wilson, 105, and Lloyd Clemett and John Babcock, both 106. They and those before or after them will never be forgotten. I really applaud those that have kept this thread alive I have already posted previously but here I am again. CDN Forces 22 years and still going EOD/IEDD Instructor AVN Technician
  14. I soooooooooo want to say "suck it up Princess" but I'll take the high road on this one
  15. leave it as is.....they will come
  16. From behind bars too!!!!
  17. wait till you have your first "forgot to clip out" fall over......I'll leave it at that
  18. I'm with Clearpath on this one....all the way. McToys are part of an evil gov't plot, they all contain small microchips to spy on your every move. Really tho...I can't stand the things but cache wise???a new McToy beats an old dirty slipper i found in a cache
  19. "Follow the Scents to get to the Cache"
  20. thru the years I have found that the actions of kids usually reflects the attitude of the parents. If you were to call the parents you'd probably be called the same or worse for accusing their wonderful children of such heinous crimes
  21. i'm moving to Ontario this summer from Annapolis Valley....I'll bookmark this and start one up there
  22. I'll never go back to regular peddals either...I use the same Ritchie pedals and a Specialized MTB shoe...it has some give but enough hardness not to soak up all my energy.. BTW being physically attached to your pedals allows you to power both up and down. Half the energy is expended as without. 2 riders of equal caliber..the clipped in rider will outlast the nonclipped every time. also will be faster
  23. thanks all....I actually have changed my feelings on TBs in Puzzle caches.
  24. http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.as...20-8ff2d0a988fe
  25. Hi...just want the general feeling... Is it OK for someone to put TBs into difficult puzzle caches where they will inevitably stay for long periods? I personally don't think so, kind of counter productive to the whole TB idea. thanks for input
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