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Posts posted by photoemagery

  1. OK, i'm thinking my wife and I are just insanely unlucky after reading this thread, cuz you guys got away scott free with only 13 ticks or so. I have at least 20 or so bites on my legs from last weekends walk around the local reservoir, and my wife literally has over a 100 bites, 70 from the waist down. So needless to say, the tick population is thriving in Northern Va.


    From your description I will hazard a guess that you are not involved with ticks but perhaps chiggars. Ticks don't "bite" and release right away. They hang on for several days until they are gorged with blood. If you had over a hundred hanging on to you, it would be quite a sight.


    funny, my brother-in-law just today made the same comment. After looking at a pic, the "ticks" in question may very well have been chiggars. And if they were ticks, well, that's why she's on some pretty strong antibiotics just to be safe.

  2. OK, i'm thinking my wife and I are just insanely unlucky after reading this thread, cuz you guys got away scott free with only 13 ticks or so. I have at least 20 or so bites on my legs from last weekends walk around the local reservoir, and my wife literally has over a 100 bites, 70 from the waist down. So needless to say, the tick population is thriving in Northern Va.

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