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Posts posted by *gln

  1. Thats right, It is open to everybody!! I hope that you are still planning to come down. We have all the courses set (some 80 + waypoints) and we are filling up 20 ammo boxes full of geocaching goodies to hunt while you are down at the park. So, if you are into competing, we have it. If you are just into cache hunting, there will be 22 caches in the most spectacular State park in Missouri ready for your hunting enjoyment and if you are just into socializing, you can do that too. .


    Deadline for early registration and ordering meals from the caterers is March 1st.


    We hope to see ya at the park. Bring friends. Hawn is a 5000 acre park so we have plenty of space to play :-)



  2. snip ... Instead of just sitting in the park and talking about Caching, we are actually going to go find Caches. more snips.

    That is exactly what we are going to be doing at the Midwest Geocaching Competition. Finding caches. Besides the competition that will be going on, there are two existing caches in Hawn State Park, and we are going to be placing 20 more well stocked caches in addition to a planned night cache (still in the works). There will be plenty of socializing too. A couple of bonfire get-togethers and plenty of "face time" with all your buddies. What could be better, Geocachers getting together to hunt caches and talk geocaching.


    Get yourselves ready and come on over.



  3. http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...10-a102ed90edc4


    This is the event page that was set up. I think that this is going to be a great event. I think it can add a different dimension to geocaching, the sporting and competition side of geocaching. Even if folks don't want to compete, It will still be fun to show up, walk the courses, see how the event was done, find the 20 additional caches and take all this information back home and set up more events like it. Who knows, teams and leagues could be next, prizes, play-offs, ect.... this is gonna be big.


    MARCH 1st is the deadline for pre-registeration and odrering food from the event planners.



  4. I have been told by someone that he even does not visit the cache location. He scans the logs for lost caches, waits until there are some DNF logs or a note by the owner that the cache is missing and than places a back dated find log. He said that he "found" more than 100 caches this way.


    Maybe it's time to remove all the statistics from the site?

    If the 'He" referred to in this quote is referring to Mean Gene or Rolesh, I guarantee that they have visited all the sites that they have logged. I believe that they thought that they were doing a little cache maintenance that everyone does at ever cache we visit.


    Getting rid of the stats on the site is just silly.



  5. If the yards are small, as most are, I would really like to see something like a checksum on the address of the property and/or something like a small "geocaching parking" sign on a tree near the curb. Something that would indicate "This Yard" rather than that yard. I have done a few caches like this and was always worried about the good neighbors coming out to investigate or worse yet calling the police because of prowlers. **glenn

  6. The map database does not update in real time with the cache database. It checks once a day or so to synchronize. So there will be a lag in showing new caches hidden or caches found by you, since the time of the last map update.

    EXACTLY the information I was looking for. I helped with 5 new caches in the area and nothing was showing up on the mak. Thanks Keystone. you shoud actually get a job here. you seem to be pretty smart.

  7. I visit my caches every 3 months or so. They are always moved around or hidden differently.

    I visit mine every so often too. I usually move mine a bit just to keep them guessing. :unsure:

  8. I don't do them. Every time I look at the cache page I think: "I know I have permission to be where the cache is, but how will I know I'm in the right yard? What if I'm in someone else's yard entirely?"

    exactly what i think when i have done a few. I personally don't like them unless the cache is out in the country and yards are very large. I am always worried that on of the non-geocaching neighbors will think there are prowlers and send someone to investigate.

  9. Dusty Jacket wrote: The first step is a virtual which is the main purpose of the cache. At the virtual there are names and dates. I direct people to get some numbers from the dates to form the coordinates of a micro (an altoids tin with a log book).


    1) Took the words right out of my mouth!! I like this idea. [1]


    2) Just after I figured the thing out, I heard that the cool self verifying "enter the codeword into the cache page thing" wont be approved as adequate verification. That is just what i have heard, but i may be wrong.


    3) Remember that the object of the virtual cache ought to be the coolest thing you have seen in a zillion years and so cool that even after spending 6 hours in a cramped car with 4 stinky Geocachers to get there to see it, you were still glad and amazed at this most marvelous thing. It has to have LOTS of WOW!! factor. Even then, this special place will need to be located in a area where there is no other way to get folks there to see it. Something like the middle of a National Park where traditional geocaching is prohibited might be one such place.


    4) I am only guessing but I bet the approver guy will mention Riss Lake is less than a half mile to the north and English Landing Park is very close to the South West. He will probably suggest that you start at your 1st part and maybe get some info and do some easy ciphering to get the coords to a cool hiding place in either of the two mentioned areas. That would be my guess.


    5) see 1.


    [1] see above idea



  10. Thanks for all the comments.


    When I get a chance, I will get a better reply together. Perhaps this gent is correct. A personal visit may be in order to properly determine that his cache can be placed in a totally different area of the park 367 feet from the other established cache. Looking at my schedule, i have a free weekend in feburuary, I will see if i can move my schedule around a bit and come on down perhaps by mid month. Thanks for the suggestion on how to make geocaching a better game. I am always looking for ways to make things better.


    How about permission to place a cache in that park, all taken care of? I will need to know that when I come down to take a look at your cache placement. Perhaps we can go out to the cache site with the park manager.


    Since you will be changing the rules and makeing your own game, will you be removing your cache or should i continue to look at it?



    As always, thanks for playing at geocaching.com,



    oh, no.. i didnt look at mapquest.

  11. Looking back to the days of feb-june of '01. It would have to ba a fella named Butch.


    Anywhere I went, Butch was there 1st. If there was a trail, Butch had hiked it and had done so many more times than I and many years before I discovered it.


    In Missouri, I dont think i have been to better, more awe inspiring, breathtaking places than a Butch placed cache. Even now his caches cant be beat.


    It was my dream to someday actually beat Butch to a cache. Then, one day I did.


    I think I saw him ducking thru the woods coming back from a cache once. That is as close to meeting him as I ever got.


    If i could pick cache hiding spots like he does, it would be great.


    Then of course there is BruceS who moves 3 times faster than anyone I know.

  12. LOL.... I think RGS sits around thinking up devilish things for us to try out. You didnt try "NoTresspassing" did you? :huh: purly evil and one of my favorites.


    You are a bit of a local celeb with your caching logs and stories. Come on back any time.



  13. quote:
    I have only been geocaching for a few months and am beginning to wonder if it is worth the trouble of placing my own.

    Sure it is!! Filling out a little bit of paperwork to satisfy the state is not all that hard to do. If you are in Columbia, the city parks at this time do not require a permit and the parks in Jefferson City are VERY geocacher friendly. The State parks are geocacher friendly but they do require a permit also.


    For more info on land use around the state of Missouri, see the Land Use section of the http://www.MoGeo.com website. If you have any further questions you can always pop me a note.




  14. http://mogeo.com/MIGCEvent.htm


    you mean like this??


    MoGeo to host the Midwest Invitational Geocaching Event.


    Geocaching competition to be held near St. Louis, Missouri on March 19-21, 2004

    For Immediate release: October 1st, 2003 --


    Prepare yourselves for a weekend packed with high level excitement and fun as the Missouri Geocachers Association presents the first ever Midwest Invitational Geocaching Competition. This event is open to everyone regardless of what state you are from. This will be a huge event and will be a strong competition by those who know how to geocache.

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