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Posts posted by -OZZ-

  1. Using the new mapping system in ernest this weekend and to be honest we're finding the Open Street Maps absolutely fine for plotting a circuit as all the footpaths are clearly marked whereas google maps show none of this information. A new bypass which has recently opened is displayed in osm but google is out of date and showing a field so there are some positives.Granted the non functioning satellite imagery is unacceptable but using greasemonkeys script works fine to bring back google sat images.


    I would be upset though if the google sat images disappeared on the android app though!



  2. The android app is working great on my Motorola Xoom tablet with no crashing so far. I'm not sure how the additional Waymarking works as loading directions up in the compass screen only loads the new co-ords into the compass but none of the text associated with the waymark is displayed (for example clues for a puzzle). Logging onto the website the additional waymarks display co-ords and associated text. Also some of the dialoge boxes have black text on a black background which makes it illegible.



  3. Does the new app. support Honeycomb on Motorola xoom?


    Used Android V2.0 on my Motorola Xoom Wi-Fi+3G Honeycomb tablet for caching this afternoon. Works great with Goole Maps/Satellite and uploaded photos no problem. The compass works fine and seems to be highly accurate :-).


    The only problem is with caches with waypoints. The waypoints on the website have individual names but on the Xoom the waypoints are listed Waypoint 1 Waypoint 2 Waypoint 3 etc so its difficult to tell which is which.



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