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Posts posted by Flong

  1. Here are my answers:

    What do you like most about challenge caches?

    Finding interesting challenges, doing some staistics, it's just fun. I like challenges, that show a challenge, that cannot be found in for example the Badges of BAdge gen or in the normal statistic. So they show different way of geocaching. I'm planning one ore two more myself. So it were a pity, if they vanish.

    What do you not like about challenge caches?

    If it's only more, more, more: find 10,000 Tradis...

    What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

    No need to change something in my opinion. I can follow the arguments, that there shuld be another icon, but for it could still be summarized under unkown Caches.

    If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

    As said above: something, that was not covered by the normal statistics. suach as alphabet challenges, special old caches, local challenges, needed icons liek "wading", ... there's many...

    What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

    really none, buit I don't like such ones, that only the one can manage, that has risen it. And such ines, that only double things that can be read in the normal stistic.


    So I hope challenges will be re-activated soon!



  2. Hello,

    when I complete the home part of a mystery cache I always save die ccordinates of the final in my iphone. If there are many solved mysteries it's difficult to get an overview over the final coordinates. So it would be fine to show these additioanl Waypoints / final Coordinates of selected Caches in one map.



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