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Signor Rosso

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Posts posted by Signor Rosso

  1. The cache that I am trying to figure out is called "Bridge View", or GCGW1W. I don't know what it means by check sum and bearings. I've never done a geocache that requires a check sum, so can you explain what it is I'm supposed to do? I really would like to find this cache. Then there is the coordinates factor. How are you supposed to get the coordinates of the cache? Any help would be appreciated.

  2. Seeing as the iPad is a little bit bulky for geocaching I would say stick to urban caches like others have said.


    I think the iPad would be great for putting in hints and other key information into it, but as for taking it on long hiking trips through water, mud, etc. (even while in a backpack) I think that would be a bad idea.


    Then again it is yours, but if I had a $500-$830 device to geocache with I would either leave it in my car or at home.

  3. Two things.


    1. There are about 25 million iPads sold in the world. Now this may seem like a lot, but if you think about it there needs to be a demand in order to make an actual app for the iPad. Nowadays almost everyone has a smartphone so that is why they have apps for both the iPhone and the Android phones. The demand is there for the phones, but not tablets. . . . yet. With the iPad it is different because not everyone HAS one.


    2. If you are hungering for Facebook integration why not just tell all your friends about it on there? Just post on your Wall, "I like Geocaching". Those that are intrigued will probably ask you about it and those that don't, oh well. Or, even better yet, why don't you take some of your friends on a geocaching trip? They will know how much you enjoy it and might even want to go on more expeditions with you.


    That's my two cents.

  4. Say you lost your marbles and then ask and see if they want to help you find them. :lol: Kidding aside, tell the truth. Those that usually ask want to know what you are doing so just go ahead and tell them!

  5. So, I am at McDonald's today getting lunch. I have my Garmin around my neck when a guy comes up and asks if I geocache. I told the guy that I was brand new to it, and was enjoying it so far. And THAT set the guy off. He told me in 2 -3 minutes, that most geocachers are jerks - he said he used to be one himself - and way to competitive, with too many jerks who suck the life right out of all the fun. He then told me to get out before I get hooked.


    Next he asked me if I had been to a big event with other cahcers. When I said that I had not, he said, "Good, if you keep it that way, you might still be able to enjoy it." And at that point his meal came and he said goodbye.


    I can already tell from the forums, that to some degree, Geocaching is competitive, which I never would have guessed. But so far, I have been nothing but treated nicely - even as a total noob.


    What would you say to what I just typed?


    Aww shoo! Sometimes you are going to meet people like that. Take his advice with a pinch of salt and keep on caching! :D

  6. I like the idea of a cache like this. It's different than the ones in a dead tree, or under a lampost skirt. Go for it man. Don't care what other people think about the cache location, because in the end there will be still people who search for it either for the numbers or to be the first to find. Good luck on the cache!

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