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Posts posted by hoeboe

  1. Man am I glad I don't live in a society that is just waiting for the bad stuff to happen. It seems to me that after the 911 stuff that the US law enforcement is looking at absolutely everything that could possibly be a bomb. (even if it is a tube of lipstick at the bottom of a pond). Seems like the terrorists got exactly what they wanted. that is; everyone running around waiting for the sky to fall. I love the US but man!, your law enforcement is paranoid. It's just nice to know that we won't have to worry about that stuff for another 25 plus years up in the great white north.

  2. anyone tried the NiMh 3300's that you use in RC cars? I know the difference between 1900's and 3300's is huge in my RC. From what I am told at the local hobby store is that the number one battery (for RC anyway) is from Sanyo. They have the best "built" battery which gives even performance and longevity. I haven't tried them out in the GPS but really should. It would require me to go and get some i guess.

  3. I was doing a cache last week walking through this great bush. There wasn't a sole in sight and no cars in the parking area. I was probably about half a mile into the trail and decided that this looked like a good place to slide into the bush to start searching. I just got into the cedar trees and look up from my GPS and there is some dude right infront of me standing in the bush! I kinda did the Curly from the 3 stooges "UuUuUugh". He asked what i was doing and i told him geocaching. He was there deer hunting. I told him that i'd be extra quiet for him (fellow hunter), got my cache and split out the back door. Pretty freaky seeing someone in the middle of nowhere when you aren't expecting it.

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