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Wanders but not Lost

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Posts posted by Wanders but not Lost

  1. when my garmin is hooked up to my computer on the site it reads as being hooked up but I can not get any cashs to send to my gps, all plugins are working

  2. Hello everyone!


    I'm curious as to what the experienced catchers would consider good geocaching tools to have in my toolkit? Besides a GPS and pencil of course!


    I have a flashlight, tweezers and mirror. Any other times to consider?


    Happy Caching!

  3. Hello Everyone!


    I just thought I'd post a topic in regards to geocaching etiquette.


    I have several geocache hides in my neighbourhood. I placed these hides to highlight the beauty of where we live, the great walking & biking trails, and the nice parks and greenspaces in our area.


    As of late, it seems that perhaps in the excitement of making the find, my caches are ending up back in the wrong spots, missing their lids, etc. A few have been muggled, which I understand can happen.


    However my disappointment lies in the fact that it is very unlikely that some of the caches that have suffered have been muggled (due to the location, the container type, etc). I can understand the thrill of finding a cache (that is the best part of Geocaching after all), but please be sure to be careful of being seen by muggles (keeping the hidey-spot unknown, ensure lids are replaced tightly, that log books are signed, and make sure that the cache is replaced in the correct spot. If something seems amiss (such as a cache in plain view, broker lids, strange location, etc), please include a comment in your log so the cache owner can check to ensure all is well.


    If we are all careful to practice courteous caching, then the more fun will be had by all!


    Thanks and Happy Caching!

  4. Hi Everyone,


    I am hoping someone who sees this can help me.


    I am the owner of Moo Cow TB40R9G the travel bug and she has gone missing!  Please refer to her tracking number on Geocaching.com for a picture of her. She is a small plastic black and white cow, with a tracking tag and small Canadian flag.


    I am trying to track her down and the last known cache she was in "English Riveria Geopark - Torre Abbey" GC2W14R March 23, 2012.


    Any news of her would be great - my kids are just heartbroken that she has disappeared. We would really like to see her continue her journey hoping from cache to cache. 


    Thanks and happy caching!


    Wanders but not Lost (Canada)

  5. Try deleting some o the caches you have found off your garmin. I think you can only download a set number, and once you hit capacity, you won't be able to ad any more even though the computer says it was successful.

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