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Posts posted by RAD Dad

  1. I like lots of caches close together. I don't think a cache is too close to another unless you are talking less than 1/10 of a mile. If a park is large, a couple caches in the same park, but different areas, would be just fine with me....means that in one stop myself and my kids can get two or more caches before having to load back up in the vehical to go hunt for more.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  2. "Yep, I like the subliminal message too... seems I've seen it somewhere before..."


    Don't know where I've seen it, but I know I've heard it.....


    "When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards and the red queen's off with her head Remember what the Dormouse said Feed your head! Feed your head!Feed your head!"


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  3. "Yep, I like the subliminal message too... seems I've seen it somewhere before..."


    Don't know where I've seen it, but I know I've heard it.....


    "When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards and the red queen's off with her head Remember what the Dormouse said Feed your head! Feed your head!Feed your head!"


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  4. Riff raff, hmm...well none of the definitions there fit my idea of what riff raff is, I think of riff raff as being those whose intentions are ignoble, who's desire is to spoil the fun, not partake in it, who's idea of the game is vandalizing others caches, or taking without leaving, or logging, stealing travel bugs and so on. Basicly folks who aren't too nice.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  5. It took a half hour to download?? WOW, I sure don't miss dialup....took me six seconds.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  6. It took a half hour to download?? WOW, I sure don't miss dialup....took me six seconds.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  7. Don't worry, it can't be EraSeek, he posted in a forum yesterday. Also I doubt it is NW Climber either, he visited the site yesterday as well.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  8. I'm with Ranz on this one. Can't vote. Like him, I often find it quickly, but sometimes take an hour or more. I hate to give up. One time I searched for 2.5 hours, until I decided that either the co-ords were way off or it was missing. I just hate to give up, I'll look and look, and after a while, start trying to talk myself into quiting, telling myself things like, it may have been stolen, the co-ordinates may be off, it may not ever have even been placed here, I might be on candid camera right now.....even then it takes me a while to give up, as the other part of me is saying, but it's probably just over there, you've probably walked by it a dozen times already, maybe it is disquised.....I hate to give up, and have only done so twice, and once was because there were some people who's vehical had broken down and were in need of a ride home, so I didn't feel I could recheck my math and retry the search.(it was a multi cache) When I got home I discovered my problem was a simple math error.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  9. There is only one option there, you could at least give two valid options...Garmin Vista, or Everything else, instead you give Garmin Vista and some gibberish. Now I want to know who has these fantasy GPSr's I mean, I have never seen a maggean, so how is it that 4 of you claim you have one? I just did a search and there is no GPS called Maggean, in fact I only got three links in my search and they were all last names.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  10. Not only did I register before even looking up my first cache, after finding my first few caches, and seeing how few pop-up ads were on the site (a real plus) and how smoothly the site works, I quickly became a "charter member" as well. I have been online for nearly 10 years now, I have registered to use many many free sites, registration is used to keep control over the site and keep the trolls down, and it works. It is not a sure fire method, it doesn't have a 100% success rate, but it does lower the number of trolls. I have also been to sites that started out great, but as they got more popular they also became more unfriendly because the web masters were "philosophicly opposed to any restrictions on access or content" well, those sites went downhill fast, and I and many other long time users left for other sites that were in competition with them, because it just wasn't fun anymore, because all the idiots of the world seemed to have discovered the site, and really ruined the experience for everyone else.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  11. Not only did I register before even looking up my first cache, after finding my first few caches, and seeing how few pop-up ads were on the site (a real plus) and how smoothly the site works, I quickly became a "charter member" as well. I have been online for nearly 10 years now, I have registered to use many many free sites, registration is used to keep control over the site and keep the trolls down, and it works. It is not a sure fire method, it doesn't have a 100% success rate, but it does lower the number of trolls. I have also been to sites that started out great, but as they got more popular they also became more unfriendly because the web masters were "philosophicly opposed to any restrictions on access or content" well, those sites went downhill fast, and I and many other long time users left for other sites that were in competition with them, because it just wasn't fun anymore, because all the idiots of the world seemed to have discovered the site, and really ruined the experience for everyone else.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  12. I'd use it on each and every one of my caches. I have already been tempted to start MOCs, but have resisted, because I want my caches available to the non-paying members as well as the paying. But I do want people to have to at least be registered to play, and I'd like registration to include agreeing to the basic ground rules of conduct, so that no one can say they were ignorant of what is expected of participants (take something,leave something; sign the log book; fill out online log, you know, those over demanding expectations)


    This game is a great game, it is very very enjoyable, and because it is well thought out and fun, it will have no problem attaining membership as time goes by. It is already huge for such a young game, so why all the desperation? I mean it seems that some are so fearful of turning off anyone that they would continue to embrace the nar-do-wells because at least they add to the number of players, even if their "gameplay" is counter-productive. No need to be so desperate for players, if the game continues to be fun, they will come.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  13. I'd use it on each and every one of my caches. I have already been tempted to start MOCs, but have resisted, because I want my caches available to the non-paying members as well as the paying. But I do want people to have to at least be registered to play, and I'd like registration to include agreeing to the basic ground rules of conduct, so that no one can say they were ignorant of what is expected of participants (take something,leave something; sign the log book; fill out online log, you know, those over demanding expectations)


    This game is a great game, it is very very enjoyable, and because it is well thought out and fun, it will have no problem attaining membership as time goes by. It is already huge for such a young game, so why all the desperation? I mean it seems that some are so fearful of turning off anyone that they would continue to embrace the nar-do-wells because at least they add to the number of players, even if their "gameplay" is counter-productive. No need to be so desperate for players, if the game continues to be fun, they will come.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  14. I really don't get it at all. What is it about starting a FREE account that would hinder ANYONE except the MOST PARANOID from joining in the game? I registered BEFORE I did a search. I have been to many many many websites which are free, but do require starting an account before you can use most of the features. Net trolls are everywhere, and many web masters have discovered that simple free and automated registration cuts down on the trolls dramaticly, as well as making it easier to keep repeat offenders out.


    Saying it would keep people from playing has less creedance to it than saying it would reduce plundered caches. Anyone who wants to play isn't going to be stopped by a simple requirement that they start a free account.


    Frankly as the popularity of this sport increases, if the admins don't take pro-active steps to have some controls over it, abuse will rise, and the sport will be threatened for all of us.


    I have been online now for almost 10 years, and signing up for free accounts to use sites is nothing new, and it doesn't hinder things at all. A Christian Guitar website I visit often has far more traffic and active boards than does Geocaching, they offer downloads of lyrics and chords to various songs, as well as other stuff, but before you can download anything or participate in the forums you must first fill out a free account form. This site is well maintained, with vigillant web masters to keep it working smoothly, and keep the trolls down. It has continued to grow to such a point that they can't pay for the bandwidth with pop-up ads alone (and man do they have a lot of pop-up ads) so they began offering a premium membership, much like this place has, which had a few extra goodies for paying members, such as being able to surf the site without the pop-up ads, and access to a couple other special features. Practices such as these are not unusual at all at the more popular websites that are interactive.


    If pro-active steps aren't taking to reduce the impact of trolls, by the time re-active steps are finally taken, many will have already been turned off to this site due to the negative impact of trolls.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.


    [This message was edited by RAD Dad on May 30, 2002 at 08:41 AM.]

  15. It is different from a members only cache in that to find a MOC, you must be a PAYING MEMBER,not simply a registered member. Again, I ask, what is the huge objection to requiring being logged in and having a valid email address registered with this site? I rarely have to log in, as I use cookies, and logging in when I do have to takes me no more than a dozen keystrokes, so it's not taking a terrible burdon on my fingers, my times, or my bandwidth. It is not a large obstical, and it won't prevent all problems, but it does excercise some control and restraint on a game that could be easily abused by those who count on anonymity to carry out thier nefarious deeds. After all, the troublemakers are often time paranoid as well, as they have a lot of cause to be paranoid since they are on the wrong side of good conduct so often, so they tend not to do anything that tracks who they are or where they are logging on.


    Just give me two reasons NOT to require only registered and logged in players to be able to view cache locations. For that matter, to be able to contribute to the forums, as well.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  16. Marking fishing hot locations I find by accident as I'm walking the streams, marking locations places I may want to return to, but will probably forget the location of in the near future, if I don't mark it somehow. And of course geocaching.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  17. Marking fishing hot locations I find by accident as I'm walking the streams, marking locations places I may want to return to, but will probably forget the location of in the near future, if I don't mark it somehow. And of course geocaching.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  18. Don't go apologising on someone elses behalf, it only makes you a liar, unless you know them to be sorry. I am not. On a board like this you are judged by what you say, so one should be carefull in what they say, as it reflects upon their character. My behavior was not rude, it may have been agressive, it may have been offensive, but it was not rude. It is not always rude or wrong to offend those who are engaged in wrongful thought or actions. The subject line as well as the initial question clearly indicates that he had asked someone already, and been told it wasn't appropriate, yet still he felt the need to further seek approval, clearly indicating that for some reason he has no problem with this idea, and so long as he can get enough support, he intends to go through with it. That this idea would even be surfaced is HIGHLY insensitive, that, even after being advised by someone that it was too ghoulish or too soon, he still seems to desire to procede shows just how flawed his thinking is. This isn't a poll designed to truely get a take on what others think, his real desire is to seek enough approaval that he feels justified in going forward. This person joined the game way back in August 2001, has only found two caches, at least two he posted as found, and has placed none, and is just now returning to this game because he lives near the area of the scene and thinks this would be a fun exploitation of both this game, and the scene of the crime. This is the only thread he has posted on in recent times (so far as is indicated by clicking on the see forum posts option in the profile) and judging by the lack of response thus far, I wager he is little more than a troll....and yeah...I fell into the trolls trap.


    The idea was a sick one at best, and someone who would float an idea is opening themselves up to judgements upon their character, as such an idea speaks volumes about their character. Now, I have to agree with EraSeek, that all this hounding on my part is really getting us no where, and probably isn't terribly productive, so that is all for now....just couldn't resist responding to that backhanded attack by Team Dralasites...one of my weakness', the inability to just walk away from an attack....you know what they say about pride....comes before a fall....I've scraped my knees and elbows plenty due to that.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  19. Yep. Especially in the trees. I have a compass in the top of my walking staff, as well as a compass on my pack. They come in handy. There are even some caches out there which require you to use one to find the cache.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  20. Geocaching is a game. Creating a cache trivializes what went on in that site. That site is not a memorial location, it is not a tourist attraction, if the only reason you are drawing people to the location is because it is the location in which a person was killed, you are exploiting the tragedy, not memorializing it or showing respect.


    By the way, I love the way people start off rebuking someone for what they said with "everyone has a right to their own opinion"....now I'm going to go on and tell you why you should keep yours to yourself is usually what follows, but not in so many words. It is passive aggressive censorship.


    Well everyone does have a right to their opinion, and if they stick it out there for everyone to see, they better be ready to be told when it is flat out wrong as well. YOu have a right to an opinion, and a right to expression, but that right doesn't mean your opinion is right, or your expression is right, and I have the right to let you know when I believe it is not, and you (editorial you, not just you, but anyone it may apply to) have the right to rethink your opinion, humble yourself and admit your foolishness, or get defensive and expand on your depravity.


    Oh, and yeah, this pedestal is nice, high and mighty. Just because it has become hip to wallow in the gutter of "everything is ok, tolerate all thought, except the thought that there is a right and wrong answer" doesn't mean we all have to wallow in that gutter of relativism, hypocrisy and mediocrity. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, I don't always live right, but at least I don't try and justify my mistakes or change right and wrong to keep myself in the right, when I'm wrong, I'm wrong, because truth doesn't change to suit my current lifestyle or belief system, I've been outside of the truth before, probably will be again in the future, after all I'm human, but that doesn't mean I have to claim there is no truth to try and make myself feel justified in my frailties.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  21. quote:
    Originally posted by Team Dralasites:

    "and I think that you would even suggest it shows what a poor excuse for a human being you are....with more in common with someone so callous as to kill another"


    I just think that the above quote was uncalled for. We're all adults here...let's learn to control our tempers a little better.

    One of the primary reasons killers kill is because they are selfish, and they lack empathy. They don't care about those they are hurting, including the victim and the victims family. Someone who would think to create a virtual cache further exploiting this whole tragedy for the Levy family is also showing a lack of empathy and serious self-centered thought. So yes, someone like that has more in common with the killer than with someone like me, who is sickened by the very idea, as I can empathize completely with the family and with how hurt they would be if they found thier daughters death was being continually trivialized in such a manner.


    Also, so far as people finding a bloody sock and then placing it on Ebay, that is also completely sick and wrong, plus it is illegal (tampering with evidence) and even if such sick activities were to occur, it wouldn't thus make some other activity, though it not be on such a scale as that, any less sick. What is with people that they think that "hey people do worse things out there, and that's ok, so this here idea is not bad at all!" that is low minded logic. Just because someone kills 10 people, and does it all because they hate those ten people doesn't mean that someone who kills only one person and does it because that person was blackmailing them is not bad. Sure, killing 10 because you hate them is horrible, evil, as well as illegal, but that doesn't mean that killing only one, and only because they were illegally blackmailing you, is ok, or less evil. Same idea applies here, just because there are other people doing things far more sick that creating a virtual cache based on a murder scene doesn't mean than creating a virtual cache based on a murder scene isn't sick and insensitive.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.


    [This message was edited by RAD Dad on May 29, 2002 at 10:25 PM.]


    [This message was edited by RAD Dad on May 29, 2002 at 10:27 PM.]

  22. To those who think I am off base, or owe an apology, my response is, YOU ARE THE ONES WITH THE PROBLEMS! This "Cache" idea isn't about memorializing, or about showing respect, it is exploitation of a tragedy. What's next? Virtual caches of places where serial killers victims were found? How about a virtual cache of locations where women were raped? THe entire notion makes me sick, and the fact that people can't see why it is so wrong makes me sicker. No wonder why our society is so completely in shambles that we have kids killing kids, suicide rates on the climb, child abuse on the rise, and other signs of social decay abounding....too many people have no sense of decency any more, no respect for others, no empathy for those who have lost loved ones. It is sick. If you think I'm off my rocker, take a close look at yourself...you are probably part of the problem as well...I hope you aren't breeding.


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

  23. quote:


    Now when you pick a pawpaw

    Or a prickly pear

    And you prick a raw paw

    Next time beware

    Don't pick the prickly pear by the paw

    When you pick a pear

    Try to use the claw

    But you don't need to use the claw

    When you pick a pear of the big pawpaw

    Have I given you a clue ?


    Look for the BEAR necesities the simple BEAR necesities don't worry bout your struggle nor your strife!


    ummmm....not sure what to say here....so ummm, well errrr, uhhhh, well I guess that's it.

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