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Everything posted by Solan109

  1. lorca.nl country the Netherlands stands a very good chance of winning the EM (fotball)
  2. Lorca.nl hasn´t placed a cache of their own yet Seems to prefer Traditional caches Like to take photos, especially of animals
  3. I'm impressed! So much knowledge without knowing me in person so there are snakes in NZ
  4. I'm impressed! So much knowledge without knowing me in person so there are snakes in NZ
  5. Croft House Cachers got a good memory and remembered my B'day I rcd a present from one of the younger members of the family, Jonah age 6 , a great present Edit:spelling
  6. Save the picture and circle Roswell in photoshop or paint. Upload the photo with Roswell circled to photobucket or another image hosting site, and send the link to the photo when you submit your guess. Ofcourse! Thanks ;-)
  7. E-mail sent for picture # 2 "Flower bed" (wouldn´t it be easier to use an e-mail where we could attach pictures ?, it´s a bit hard to explain where ;-)
  8. 1 e-mail sent - yes, June 14 2 name received 3 mission sent 4 mission received
  9. Haven´t sent mine out yet, working on it
  10. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE I had a great day
  11. I rcd this nice coin yesterday, on my birthday THANK YOU
  12. I think someone took a fancy to my chocolate as I haven´t received it yet, or maybe it melted away
  13. Where....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!...Now WHERE???
  14. I spy with my little eye ... the right answer
  15. Smells nice, they are in bloom here right now. I think I should go to bed now, but it´s hard to leave this very interesting thread Edit:spelling
  16. Very good guess as I like sunflowers too , but it´s not the right answer for this cointest.
  17. And a Happy birthday to you too
  18. What I liked about that mission was that you were allowed to make the page and then it was adopted The receiver only told the organiser at sign-up, what cache they would like to pick it up at. That was so much fun :-)
  19. Birthday mission 1 1. Participating - Yes 2. Received Name - yes 3. Mission Sent - yes 4. Birthday Arrived - yes Birthday mission 2 1. Participating - Yes 2. Received Name - yes 3. Mission Sent - yes 4. Birthday Arrived - no Today is my birthday and I received mission #1 just in time It´s a great B´day present, thank you. * I like coins,especially with animals on *I need a new cache box for my new mystery cache *I drink tea, this will be a new one for me * Marmaite Haven´t tried it since I used to hang out with the Australians in London *New recipes to try out *A soft toy (keyring) * A pen with a brittish flag *Teatowel *Viewcards *Mustard THANK YOU
  20. I would like to enter Team hvilan elle77 and myself Solan109 as we all appear on the same photo from the geocaching event Hemliga Rum, Skeppsholmen Edit spelling
  21. 1. email sent - June 1 2. name recieved - 3. mission sent - 4. mission arrived -
  22. Yeppers, that's the pic! Is that a killer smile, or what! And you're right, they ARE a pair of beautiful ladies And without further ado, here is the Swedish version of Happy Birthday! Ja, må hon leva! Ja, må hon leva! Ja, må hon leva uti hundrade år! Javisst ska hon leva! Javisst ska hon leva! Javisst ska hon leva uti hundrade år! and we also sing this one for Birthdays Vad är det för en dag Vad är det för en dag Säg är det en vanlig dag Nej, för det är Karmas födelsedag Hurra,Hurra,Hurra What kind of day is today What kind of day is today Is it an ordinary day No, it´s Karmas birthday today Hurray,Hurray,Hurray
  23. That is a nice looking coin, hopefully makes its way over to Sweden!
  24. What a beautiful coin, really nice.
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