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Everything posted by Solan109

  1. 1. Participating - email sent 2. Received Name - received name 3. Mission Complete 4. Package Received! - yes, from Ashburton,New Zealand (keewee?) I received 1 evil micro coin and a jar of Nescafé, thank you :-D
  2. congrats to the winner
  3. $26.20
  4. I´m interested - email sent
  5. I agree
  6. 1. Participating - email sent 2. Received Name - received name 3. Mission Complete 4. Package Received!
  7. I haven´t found one yet so I can´t say
  8. 1. Participating - Email Sent 2. Received Name - Yes 3. Mission Complete 4. Package Received
  9. I´ve only sent out one and it has been travelling in the US for a year now and attended GeoWoodstock 5 and Geo Jamboree 5 . Unfortunately people doesn´t care much for the mission"To find out what cachers around the world knows about Sweden" or maybe they don´t know anything as only a few have written comments. But never mind, it´s fun to see how it moves from cache to cache and it makes me happy to see that people is bringing the TB with them, thank you TB Sweden
  10. I do my best to send it in the right direction but it has happened I´ve picked up a TB and realised I couldn´t help it after all. Then I just drop it in a nearby cahe.
  11. Actually it´s both a male and female name
  12. Thanks, I´ll
  13. I think this is a very good idea :-D
  14. I found a picture of a kid with a travel bug attached to it. Had it been a real kid, I never would have moved it (I don't like kids! LOL) LOL but now we are talking about coins
  15. Thanks for letting me know :-)
  16. I would be VERY dissapointed if I found a paper copy of a coin, instead of the real one in a cache So far I haven´t seen it in any of the caches in around here and I hope I won´t either. I wouldn´t not log it because it´s a copy and not the real thing.
  17. I think I must one of these :-D I like gnomes, Santas and anything christmas and winter themed
  18. Thanks for the link :-)
  19. I´ve just started to collect geocoins. I´ll activate all coins except the ones I´ll use in trades/missions.
  20. I like this coin but unfortunately it´s a bit expensive for me
  21. where can I find those ? I have to start my collection somewhere and as I like christmas I thought this would be a good idea
  22. Gnomes .... I want one of those .... or maybe two (Thanks for the link) //Solan
  23. I got my first coins today, Zodiac gemini coins (male and female) :-D
  24. Today I got my first geocoins - Zodiac gemini coins :-D
  25. Thanks for explaining :-)
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