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Posts posted by ladierainy

  1. Hmmm I mean why not just have it sort it dynamically rather than run a pocket query- seems that would bog down the server more than just rearranging a search that is already there.


    And yeah I'm a premium member so I had thought that feature would be available but didn't realize I'd have to run an actual seperate query rather than just sorting a search that has already been done.


    Seems rather kinda clunky. Is that really the only way that can be done currently?


    Thanks for the tips and answers!!

  2. I think I'd be more worried that this will get folks interested in finding caches in order to sell cached items on ebay.


    Muggles might wind up turning into people casing poissible cache points to see if a cacher will lead them to a place they can grab something they can ebay.


    I think it's sorta a bit sad in that respect.

  3. Yeah I'm a wanna be geek through and through and paperless sounds awfully cool - but my pda and gps simply don't appear to be remotely qualified to handle that level of caching. Yet. Maybe after the bug ais good and hard and planted into my innermost psyche.


    It already has a head start. I adored scavenger hunts just for the hunting part. I was enthralled by that childs game where you stash a trail of little clues on tiny pieces of paper all over the place til you find the goal. (Maybe that will help me with the micros LOL!). And I have always loved the text only video games the bestest. Go North. You see a small rock formation to the west. Go west. etc etc.


    I started looking at geocaching and it was like OMG they kinda mixed all those games up into one game YEAH baby. lol.


    So yeah maybe the paperless someday. And if there is THAT many folks maybe we could just you know hide in the crowd and see what there is to see, lol.


    I can't say we will both be there, but I most likely will be. I'll be the round broad looking like a lost newbie. LOL.

  4. Oh cool thank you for that link!


    I saw the event cache in Davis, but I admit, wasn't really sure exactly what a event cache is or how that works. Is it just a meeting/social event thing? What goes on at them generally?


    Unfortunately it's not close to payday and I didn't budget for the potluck so I couldn't bring anything unless I manage to dig up something hidden in my cubboards lol. Not sure I want to be the new people that didn't even bring anything LOL. Not the greatest way to start hehe!


    Thanks for replying!

  5. Ahhh thank you for the replies about tracking numbers. I wasn;t fully sure how that worked.


    I think I'm thinking of them being more like something folks could use to attach a travel bug to. I don't think I'd charge for them, mostly cuz I just think it would be a fun project and kinda interesting to see where they wnd up at, wouldn't care all that much if folks kept them lol, just thought it might be nice to make a bug object that could fit into a micro, maybe start mirco bug caches or something. Logs are cool, but yanno finding a bug in them would make them that much more appealing to some maybe.


    Then again I have yet to discover my first cache, this idea just struck a creative chord in me, and I figured I'd see what folks thought, maybe it is best to wait til I've found a new. lol


    But the thought of mailing a bunch all over the place to folks to plant with travel bug tags just seemed like it would be cool even if a bunch went MIA. hehehe!


    Edit: I can't spell!

  6. I've ordered a few tags, just waiting on them now, so found this thread interesting.


    I kept thinking that in all this discussion, I didn;t see anyone suggest mentioning that the object the tags were attached to was not to be kept.


    Something like:


    Don't Keep Me

    (or What I'm Attached To)!


    Just my 2 cents.

  7. I am something of an artist and have been in a really creative groove lately and am starting to get into molds and resins and possibly metal.


    So it struck me that I could VERY easily make a little bug with a hole through it and turn the master into a mold and very easily make a bunch of these that could be engraved with a number even.


    It sounds like fun to me at any rate but wasn't really sure that's something that could be done. But I think I could easily make really strong little bugs that would it into even micros (though not sure the tags would fit LOL), and heck I could make teeeeeeeeny ones for nanos though I doubt those would be trackable,,,more like a little surprise.


    But I am also very new (3 days now I think it is LOL) so I don't really quite fully know what is acceptable or not, or what a cacher can do or shouldn't do, though I am reading the heck out of the forums and trying to learn.


    And if this is a topic already on the boards that I totally missed would you be kind enough to throw the link to that thread in so I can read the info held there?


    Thanks for any feedback, input, or fingers pointing me in the right direcion! ;)

  8. My fiance and I are new to this (just got our gps unit like a few days ago) and I was curious how many cachers live near us!


    We tried finding a couple of caches in the last two days, been unsuccessful so far... not fully sure we are reading or using the gps unit correctly though lol.


    I've been learning a LOT from reading the forums,,, what a god send!!


    It was mentioned in the newbie forums that a mentor can really help with the initial learning curve in how to go about finding caches, so that might be something we should do unless we start getting the hang of this on our own lol.


    Sooo since I didn't really see a thread for our area in this board I thought I'd start one and see what happened!


    We live in Davis, and wow was I surprised to see 10 pages of caches pretty close to us! Although I suck at math and puzzles and a lot of them seem to be those, but maybe I will learn to get better at those lolol!


    Anyway, just a shout out to those that might be living in our area, please do post a hello! ;)

  9. We went out looking for our first two,,, but weren't successful, mostly because it got dark qicker than we expected and I think one of the caches in the mult cache went missing.


    But I was having a hard time being comfy trying to not look like I was following my gps and clues and not look suspicous - does that EVER get any easier???


    I felt like a goon. LOL. Probably would prefer the caches to not be in urban areas, I swear people kept popping out of nowhere! lol

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