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Posts posted by katie&andy

  1. If there's still one left, I would love to adopt a coin! We'd gone GCing with friends before but only just recently set up our own account to keep track of our finds, and I'd love to watch one travel all over, especially since we've been doing a lot of our own traveling with work for the last two years. It might even end up in the same place as us, eventually!


    We live in Prague now (errr at least until the next move LOL), and before that lived in:

    both of us = Munich, NYC, NJ

    me (Katie) = DC, Ireland, and my beautiful hometown of San Francisco

    he (Andy) = Dortmund, Turkey, Australia


    ...and the list of places we've traveled to is infinitely longer. So any coin from anywhere would suit us just fine :D

  2. Thanks so much, Kulhal :) Now that the weather is getting nicer, we are definitely looking forward to venturing out of the city, and I see that some of your GCs are within a short drive from us.


    I doubt my Czech will ever be strong enough to write translations, but once I have some time to really dig through the GCs here, I hope to post a solid list of those in English (or with at least some English) that others can add to along the way. At least it will be a starting point :)

  3. Hi, we came across a Czech wood geocoin in one of our GCs that we found recently. I guess it was a non-trackable one -- there was no record attached to the cache listing. We left it because we weren't sure if it simply hadn't been logged yet and maybe had a specific "goal."


    Can someone just tell me briefly how to be certain that something is non-trackable vs. it just wasn't logged yet?

  4. Oh my goodness! I certainly didn't mean to stir up such controversy. I'll try to be as clear as possible with what I think might work best, as well as the reasons for that, and hope that you can accurately convey that in Czech to the folks participating in the geocaching.cz thread.


    First off, my Czech is very poor (I am really just a beginner), so I will admit that I could not get through the entire thread, just the first 4 pages or so...and that took me quite a long time with GoogleTranslate and a dictionary -- and there were still plenty of misunderstandings/mistranslations! That said, I don't know how much use anything in English on the geocaching.cz site would be. Of course it would be helpful (if the people who need it knew it existed or stumbled upon it), but since the bulk of the site is in Czech, there would still be significant difficulty. I'm guessing that the English speakers -- which, I urge everyone to remember, does not only mean native speakers but also other foreigners who speak English as a second/third/fourth language -- who have strong enough Czech to participate are probably already on the geocaching.cz forum, and I don't know how many "new" users (or converts from the international forum) there would be. It's only natural that the .cz local website would operate chiefly in Czech, and I think it's wonderful that geocaching.cz has such an active and vibrant community. Sadly, though, having now read some of the posts there, I'm not certain how welcome I'd feel given the intense degree of several inflammatory remarks. (Perhaps, though, that too is a misunderstanding and some things were lost in translation. I'll assume the best.)


    When Spy.Dr_CZ made the initial post regarding the creation of a Czech Republic country forum here, he was directed to geocaching.cz, which is almost entirely in Czech. As a user of the international site, my subsequent suggestion was in regards to a forum that would be here. I envisioned something as simple as a few threads where people could develop a list of links to GCs with English directions or help one another figure out translations. **Alternatively, a "select language(s)" option when creating a new GC as well as a language filter for searching would be an awesome addition to the site overall, especially for people like us who travel often.**


    Of course having more cache listings translated into English would be ideal, but it is unreasonable to expect anyone to do extra work to accomplish such a goal, and automated translations of pages don't make much sense -- firstly, because individuals can already attempt to do so through free online translators; secondly, and more importantly, because such translations are often inaccurate, particularly with clues that involve a bit of nuance. There are already some cache listings that are bilingual (Czech/English), but there is currently no way to find these besides blindly clicking through the listings and getting lucky every now and then. Of course, savvy users can get a bit more creative, e.g. clicking to see the profile of someone who has created one bilingual GC and see if they have made any others, but such efforts can be time consuming and often fruitless. I saw one suggestion that it would be "allowed" to send the final coordinates to a non-Czech GCer for Czech-language caches, and while it's nice that folks at least want to help in some way, that sort of takes the fun out of finding it.


    Particularly with regards to Prague, there are thousands of foreigners who live here (the majority of whom speak English as a first or second language) as well as many tourists from all over the world who visit throughout the year. I think for those people (English-speaking and interested in GCing), it is likely that they are already active on geocaching.com/Groundspeak or would go here to get involved, so a solution here would probably be best.


    Many thanks to those involved in genuine efforts to come up with ideas on this one :)

  5. Perhaps then an English-language forum for CZ might be an option? Geocaching.cz is very difficult to navigate if you're not a native speaker. Even for expats who have lived here for quite some time, the language is still really hard, and Google translations are never quite right. Good enough sometimes, but disastrous at others, especially on multi-caches, mystery clues, puzzles, etc.

  6. I'm also an English speaker living in Prague and would very much look forward to some new GCs in English!!


    I've only just signed up for my own account but have done plenty with some friends, and it's always a bit of a disaster doing the caches written in Czech and suffering through Google's so-so translations into English to sort out where exactly we ought to be looking...though it has surely provided some entertainment for the people looking at us :lol:

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