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Posts posted by lulutofu

  1. subbing...

    We are new to this but I have 4 yr and 8 yr old b.days coming in May and June and this sounds like a great idea although I need to learn more about geocaching myself first.



    Make each kid a caching kit. A cheap plastic pencil box filled with a few trade items, a small notebook (to record their finds) and a pen. Plant some "caches" in the yard. Print out a sheet with the cache names, hints, and a place to record the find and paste these into the notebook pages. Lead the kids around to search for your caches, record their finds, and trade swag. Send the kids home with their cache kits as party favors and include a flyer that tells the parents how to log onto geocaching.com and get the family involved in the real deal. I did a similar thing for my nieces and nephew when they visited, they (5-9 yrs old) loved it. I guess it depends on the kids ages, but its fun.

  2. HI,

    I've heard the term geocaching but never gave thought to it until recently. However now that some of my kids are a little more independent, we will enjoy this activities. We went to look for our first treasure but couldn't find it. Well, we did find something but it was empty sprinkler piece (my 8 yr old son found it and we were so excited but when I opened it, it was empty with just drips of water).

    My questions are: How do you guys get a list of caches to look for? I have Android phone but sometimes it doesn't get connection. I also have Garmin GPS but how do I use it? I don't know how to read the compass coordinates.

    Also why this location moves when we move? There was a canal between two spots yesterday and it was keep giving us opposite side as the geocach location. What is muggle?

    Any tips for newbies would be appreciated.


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