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Everything posted by JacobBarlow

  1. Dorkteam6 and I often joke that we are professional cachers, he flies to other states and drives back in cars he bought, caching along the way. And I cache while doing sales and deliveries all over the nearby states.
  2. Doesn't seem like a problem to me, just log the find as if it's any other find, personally I don't say I'm "First to Find" when I am, feels like bragging, I just log my find as I would another cache.
  3. I don't believe 'automated' can be done... You can manually load your latest My Finds pocket query to a myriad of tools. There's a GSAK macro that will do it all for you, of course you'd have to have your finds in your GSAK database.
  4. When you meet someone, ask where they are from, and then say "Oh, I found a geocache there."
  5. I've cached on cruises every year since 2001 except 2005 up until now and love it, you sure don't get the numbers but it's REALLY fun! We even have one placed on Disney's private Island.
  6. That reminds me of a couple cool things people have made here in Utah... The Baseball Diamond : http://www.geocaching.com/map/default.aspx...;lng=-112.67073 And the Heart of the Desert : http://www.geocaching.com/map/default.aspx...lng=-110.633333
  7. It might be a puzzle cache ?
  8. It's not a recent thing. It's been the case since new virtuals were no longer being accepted here. Virts can't be adopted or unarchived. Actually I've adopted several virtual caches recently, I was wondering if it was a new change with the latest website changes... I don't know if it goes back to 2005, as Briansnat seems to be implying, but I had heard some time ago you couldn't do it. So my guess (and just a guess), is that you "got away with it" a few times. Okay, I'd buy that... The real question I'm asking is "Did the website get changed recently ( within the last few months ) so that adoptions of virtual type caches are physically impossible... If I "got away with it" then that would mean you're "not supposed to" but it still works if you try it... you know?
  9. It's not a recent thing. It's been the case since new virtuals were no longer being accepted here. Virts can't be adopted or unarchived. Actually I've adopted several virtual caches recently, I was wondering if it was a new change with the latest website changes...
  10. I've adopted a few virtual caches from people, the www.geocaching.com/adopt link always worked fine, but today it didn't, the cacher trying to give me his virtual said that it said : "The 'Virtual Cache' listing cannot be adopted." My question is are they no longer allowed to be adopted or is he just doing something wrong?
  11. Here's today's message to all members of the facebook group... And if you're curious, this is the new logo.. haha
  12. Thanks, I joined the group so I can be entertained by anything they send out to the group.
  13. I cache a lot at night, and have probably been questioned by police a hundred or more times about what I was doing while geocaching... but as long as you are honest and willing, I don't see how it could ever turn out bad, the best that could happen? They will help you look for it. The worst? They will ask you to leave and you say "OK."
  14. I think cemetery caches are great, and I plan on having my headstone be a cache
  15. One just like that broke open in our cache not very long ago, made a big mess.
  16. A little marker was all we needed to modify this shirt and make it cool at an event this weekend.
  17. Sure you can. That is one of the several reasons that have always worked as exceptions for me.
  18. I doubt it. I posted a "needs maint." log entry because when I found it the night before it needed a new log book, and he (almost) immediately archived it. See his log entry here. Oh you should see his event caches. He archives them before you can even log a attended log. Not that I do it, but I see nothing wrong with someone archiving the event as soon as it's over, anyone can still log it easily... type in the GC Code, look at the owner's hides, etc...
  19. Me & Bucky ( Dave ) is awesome, one of my role models and in my opinion one of the top ten cachers, when it comes to benchmarking or earthcaching or even just caching it's hard to out do him.
  20. House caches are great, we love them and ALWAYS think they are a great idea.
  21. So that's the A.P.E. Size? I thought they were different when I heard people talk about them, I've placed several that are like the cans pictured above.
  22. It's funny, the "Seed caches" in Utah, meaning the ones where you take a container that is ready to place are filling with pretty nice caches, not these "Geo-seeds."
  23. Being from Utah where that cache is maybe I can help, "Geo-Seeds" is the name the "SirVesa" gave the the too common plastic nanos that he decided to package in little baggies and leave in all the caches that he finds... they were already really popular and often used all over northern Utah and that has helped them gain even more popularity, the bad part is that they last a couple of weeks ( or less ) and the caps fall off, then they shatter.... the good part is they are easy to find... here's a picture I just snapped of some I have in my office...
  24. So how come you are allowed to advertise the search engine you mention above? Please edit your own post! Rules should be good for everybody Oh my... grow up.
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