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Everything posted by crake

  1. A package from a certain mint in China containing preproduction samples of a keychain I'm working on for a fund raiser. Its not a geocoin, but packages from China have been really cool recently. Oh, and Tracking Time samples should be arriving within the week
  2. While cool, I wouldn't think this would be allowed. You have to be able to maintain the cache. Same for one near Everest, and the one in Antarctica.
  3. Remaining International was mailed today.
  4. Looks like reservations will close around Feb 24.
  5. Ugh. Just got back from the post office. They insisted I have customs forms EVEN though their official pakcaging says I don't for less than 16oz. Anyway - I need to go print up some forms. All international orders that aren't from Canada will be delayed a few more days. I apologize.
  6. Someone wanted to see a Sea of Blue. Here's what 2 boxes (180) coins looks like. This is 18% of the total order!!
  7. Here's a picture of what happens when a coin is free to slide around double-packed bubble mailers: Here's the packaging I did on Bluebonnets:
  8. Status: Waitlist is cleared. Everyone who was on the waitlist got an email to place their order. That's it! Sold out! International is packed and going tomorrow to the post office. Orders from the waitlist will be packed and shipped as I get the orders. Whew! And I get to rest a few weeks before Tracking Time
  9. OK - so here's the breakdown in packing techniques. Domestic: 1-2 coins: - 2 large index cards cut to fit inside a #000 mailer. - Staple "pouches" into the cards to hold 1 or 2 coins - Insert coins, and staple the pouches close - this prevents coins sliding around - Insert index cards + coins into #000 and seal. - Stamp #000 with return address - Insert #000 into #00 mailer - Address with click+ship, and mail 3+ coins: - Drop 3-6 coins into a #00 or #000 mailer, fold over and secure - Place mailer into VHS mailer, and secure with tape - Stamp inside of mailer with return address - Close and secure mailer, address with click+ship, and mail International: - Load #000 mailer with index card pounches from above - Insert mailer into international priority small document folders, seal, and address - Go to post office - Get ticket - Wait - Stare at the line - Wait - Think about lunch - Wait - Wait some more - Get annoyed by family ahead of you getting passports but didn't bother filling out the form before leaving the house - Wait - NUMBER CALLED! YIPPEE! - Explain to postman that customs forms aren't required for packages less than 16 oz - Explain that these are "novelty game tokens" - Again, explain to postman that customs forms aren't required for packages less than 16 oz - Point out that it SAYS THIS RIGHT ON THE USPS PRIORITY PACKAGING! Shess! - Wait for each package to be weighed and priced - This take a while for 30 packages - FINALLY - you're done! Maybe I should post pictures? Not of the post office lines, of the packaging.
  10. I'm really very bummed about this. I asked to license Signal a while ago because I have some great ideas for cool coins. However I was turned down (and I now know why). Oh well.
  11. Preproduction coins are on their way. I should have some lovely photos in a couple of weeks
  12. All unclaimed coins have been released to the wait list. If you are on the list, you will get email as the coins become available. If you asked for me to hold them, they are being held.
  13. Bluebonnet shipping update: All trades and domestic orders are packed and going out tomorrow. Canadian orders are packed and going out tomorrow. UK Coin club is packed and going out tomorrow. All other international orders are pending the delivery of some shipping material. This should happen within the next few days. Bluebonnet reservation/waitlist update: The clock is ticking on all unclaimed reservations. At 7PM CST tomorrow (Feb 6) all remaining coins will be released to the wait list.
  14. I'm working on the icon - but its always challenging to get something 32x32 that looks good!
  15. I read each request as they come in. So sometimes it takes a little to get the confirmation out.
  16. Here's the lowdown. Bluebonnets are sold out. This means that (orders + waitlist quantity) > (number of coins available). If you have a reservation but have NOT placed an order you got a "last chance" email today with a confirmation code and directions on how to place your order by Monday. Reservations are tracked by confirmation codes since often people place a reservation and have someone else buy the coin. I never thought that codes would be traded or given away, but I guess that's ok. Codes are only valid for a single use anyway. Coins that were reserved but not ordered will be released to the wait list Monday night. If you are at the top of the wait list, you will be notified if/when a coin is released. I fully expect that we will run out of coins before I get to the end of the wait list. I hope this clears up any confusion!
  17. Fixed the link. Sorry 'bout that.
  18. I'm proud to announce that I am taking reservations for my next coin: Tracking Time. This is a 2" Antiqued 24k Plated Gold geocoin, trackable at geocaching.com with a custom icon. For more information, and to place your reservation, please go to the Tracking Time reservation page. Please do NOT post your request on this thread.... my scripts only work with the reservation webpage. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy making it! [fixed link]
  19. Um, well, um, yeah. Sorry. The mailing list got a sneak peak. But I hestitate to show it here due to the flood of "I want x"... emails. I need to set pricing and then put out the formal invitation for reservations. Oh, ok. Here's what I'm talking about: http://crakephoto.com/coins/TrackingTime/T...TimePreview.jpg But I'm not taking reservations just yet!
  20. I have artwork ready for a Rhode Island state coin. As far as I know there is no state org. But I want a state coin, so I'm gonna make it.
  21. Activation codes came straight from the spreadsheet. If you have any questions about it, please email me, and I'll check the codes. It is possible Word cut something off in the merge.
  22. Yipee! I'm like a nervous parent. Of course NONE of this could happen without you guys! This is such an awesome hobby. Speaking of which, you know you're into geocaching when you pack your bags for a business trip and make sure to remember your GPSr
  23. How many Bluebonnets? I'm looking for any sign that the 1-coin and 4+coin packages made it out the door safely.
  24. OK - I'm nervous again. USPS doesn't show any of the 1 coin or 4+ coin packages as being delivered. If you got a 1-coin or 4+ coin package, please let me know....
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