I tend to agree with Aronius, but I think I'd be a little more tactful saying it. I currently have a standard etrex (yellow) and my first GPSr, a Garman 12, that I bought 4 years ago. Both are very basic receivers, but include the features I need for caching, such as storing waypoints. I tend to look at maps before I enter a cache area, and if I feel I need really specific map information to support a hunt, I use Topo-USA. Basically, I feel that any GPSr with the ability to be used in the 'Go-To' function will work just fine for caching. All other bells and whitsles are great for other pursuits. Then again, I'm one of the last people to see the benifit of many new features.
Madog 'Discover of America'
Madog "Discover of America"