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Everything posted by acachebox

  1. Thanks IT DID
  2. Yup. On the cache, scroll down to "Post a Log/Field Note", then select "Log Type" followed by "Found". You can then upload it as a field note, or a log to the site. You should probably fill in "Message" first or get ready for some irate cache owner's log deletion. Note you will need to re-run your query to remove the cache from the list of nearby caches, and that'll only work if you actually logged it (Field note is not enough). Bit of a shortcoming of the iPhone app. Thanks northernpenguin You bring up some interesting points but I have a question. Yes it would be nice to delete FOUND CACHES for the nearest search list in the future. But at this point I don't see that option either.
  3. Yup. On the cache, scroll down to "Post a Log/Field Note", then select "Log Type" followed by "Found". You can then upload it as a field note, or a log to the site. You should probably fill in "Message" first or get ready for some irate cache owner's log deletion. Note you will need to re-run your query to remove the cache from the list of nearby caches, and that'll only work if you actually logged it (Field note is not enough). Bit of a shortcoming of the iPhone app. Thanks northernpenguin You bring up some interesting points but I have a question. I have com home and Logged the find on my computer so when I go back to the Iphone it shows as Found. However I do not see anything on the page that relates to "POST a LOG/ FIELD NOTE" and I did not see anything of that nature while I was in the field. And yes it would be nice to delete FOUND CACHES for the nearest search list in the future. But at this point I don't see that option either.
  4. Is there a way to mark a cache as "FOUND" while in the field on the Iphone? I don't see an option on the phone.
  5. Are you using the Groundspeak app for Geocaching? GEOCACHING VERISON v4.2.2 A Groundspeak Project
  6. acachebox

    I Phone

    I have attempted to download casche information to my I Phone. Not all are found even thought they appear in the Groundspeak data base. GCP19R was one that was not found.
  7. Thanks for your comments. The Edit Profile page is a complete Blank box without any indication of what I am editing. Also is there any way to get indication as to when someone replies to one of my posts. Is e mail an option.
  8. How do I report a cache I have found? I see a page that has total count on it but no way to record anything to it. Same problem on the profile edit page it is just a blank box . How do I use it?
  9. I just signed up for a basic membership and can't seam to get beyond this page http://www.geocaching.com/ I have a Geomate jr. and would like to see what is in my area other than the caches 250,000 preloaded in the unit.
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