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Ben Pid

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Everything posted by Ben Pid

  1. There are indeed plaenty of other caches in the Area. You could do my drive by one and get at least 5 more in in about 3hours easy. Pidxx Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  2. There are indeed plaenty of other caches in the Area. You could do my drive by one and get at least 5 more in in about 3hours easy. Pidxx Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  3. Splendid. Nice to see the planter of the orignal View from Coombe Hill cache back in Action ) This was our first cache. Welcome Home batman. Pid xx Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  4. Splendid. Nice to see the planter of the orignal View from Coombe Hill cache back in Action ) This was our first cache. Welcome Home batman. Pid xx Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  5. The most we have done in one day is 5- (Jersey Farm, Nomans Quest, Codicote, Welwyn Woodlands, and Symonds Hyde) However if we had done them now we couldve fitted alot more into the day, because there have been like 10 more planted in this area since we did them. Pid Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  6. The most we have done in one day is 5- (Jersey Farm, Nomans Quest, Codicote, Welwyn Woodlands, and Symonds Hyde) However if we had done them now we couldve fitted alot more into the day, because there have been like 10 more planted in this area since we did them. Pid Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  7. Wel done on the big 3rd figure! lets see the 4th then..... Pid xx Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  8. I have recently placed a virtual Cache on the border of Bucks and Herts. However this Cache doesn't require one to even leave the car, would anyone say this is cheating? The landmark in question is on private property and is visible from the road legally. Does anyone disagree with me placing this cache? Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  9. I have recently placed a virtual Cache on the border of Bucks and Herts. However this Cache doesn't require one to even leave the car, would anyone say this is cheating? The landmark in question is on private property and is visible from the road legally. Does anyone disagree with me placing this cache? Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  10. Security is a big issue in todays sociaty,,,but I don't think there is any deterance from it. Put it like this---My Grandma owns an Orange Lada and some broke in her car which had one of these stickers in the window just to steal her shopping?? a bunch of Bananas and a jar of marmite hassent to add...... Basically whatever you do you won't get rid of it,,,, a theif is a thief a cacher is a cacher....unfortuantly we are prime targets I like the new Forums BTW Pid xx Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  11. Security is a big issue in todays sociaty,,,but I don't think there is any deterance from it. Put it like this---My Grandma owns an Orange Lada and some broke in her car which had one of these stickers in the window just to steal her shopping?? a bunch of Bananas and a jar of marmite hassent to add...... Basically whatever you do you won't get rid of it,,,, a theif is a thief a cacher is a cacher....unfortuantly we are prime targets I like the new Forums BTW Pid xx Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  12. Indeed a pointless discussion...Also fairly amusiong considering how it all started....Intergalactic Microcache an all... Pid Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  13. LOL! QUOTE QUOTE QUOTE..... Sounds to me like IE is the best browser coz with IE you can see the whole web perfectly,,,yes the web should cater for users of other browsers too,,,but whats the point if IE does the lot anyway? Yes I understand the thought of M$ taking over the web is a shocking thought,,,but why not let them if it fdoes the lot...to be fair M$ have got quite a big stake in the pie of the computing world anyways so lets just give into their cry.....Bill Gates take us...... Pid xx Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  14. So where abouts can I download this Mozilla Browser from anyway? I want to see what its all about. Thanx Pid x Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  15. lol,,,and a dadgum fine nice pint it is there too Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  16. lol,,,and a dadgum fine nice pint it is there too Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  17. I would like to reccomend the John Bunyan Pub after doing Clyde and Bernadette's Pilgrims Progress....but sadly they were closed for Siesta at 4pm so I can't Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  18. I would like to reccomend the John Bunyan Pub after doing Clyde and Bernadette's Pilgrims Progress....but sadly they were closed for Siesta at 4pm so I can't Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  19. But if you put the scripting in you are going to know it isnt going to work if you turn that scripting off surely? I don't normally use the normal font in the page anyway. I Upload the .PFR file and Link the .PFR file 2the HTML, the server supports the MIME format so basically regardless whether you have the font on your computer you will get the font up. Didn't do it for IMC though, wasn't worth it, thought you either have the font or you don't really. Pid xx Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  20. http://www.geocaching.de I know that one exists.....ofcourse being fluent in German would be beneficial. Pid x Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  21. Sounds like it might be a good call. But I think it should be a feature only for Charter Membership, that would certainly boost Charter sales. Pid x Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  22. Ok getting to the point here.... I don't think the moral of this thread shouldbe about the Java and layout on my page being poor,,,I think the moral should be: Don't get Mozilla Browser because it doesn't let you view the internet the way it should be seen....if it can't support freeware java applets or simple HTML what on earth is the purpose in its existance? Pid xx Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  23. I use IE 6.0 or Netscape. Looks like my page might be fully seen by most of you. Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  24. I use IE 6.0 or Netscape. Looks like my page might be fully seen by most of you. Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
  25. I also agree with Jeremy, it should cater for all browsers but nevermind its still really fun if you have the right browser...if not,,,aslong as the COrds are readable then I don't think its cause for concern. Sorry to the Linux User....but that is a free OS so can you really expect anything flashy. Pid x Watch out its a Golfcourse... (Team Dan + Pid)
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