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Posts posted by TeamAO
I cache Saturday and Sunday mornings, when conditions permit. Those are my opportunities. Forumming is not in a position to interfere with caching.
Weekends are for caching. During the weekdays I'm too busy, so when I have a minute I stop here and check the posts of people who are getting out more than me.
Why can't people elaborate on their thoughts and not ask vague questions?
Sometimes they are unaware they aren't following directions and not following rules. We call that stupidity or just being naive 'round these parts.
Just got to deal with some people.
A recent business trip took us to the Jacskonville, Florida area, where we encountered much opportunities to fritter away what little free time we had, in both Georgia and Florida. Many of the caches we sought had clues like "GA style" or FLA micro style".
Such clues are meaningless to an out-of-town cacher, and it got us thinking about other clues we've seen. They seem to fall into a few of categories:
1) Useless
2) Too usefull (they tell you exactly where it is)
3) Helpful with a little thought.
It is hard to write a good clue that walks the edge without giving up too much; we struggle with it ourselves. Just wanted to vent, CT style.
Your thoughts?
How about "PA 5 Gallon Bucket Style"?
Micros in an urban environment usually are needless of a hint.
If you find 10 micros, you can find them all. Some take more time than others, but hints usually point you in the right direction.
I thought that was what the GPS was for.
Once you're there don't ask Jeeves, THINK.
Forgive my ignorance, but I have installed other Grease monkey scripts and I have installed this one and I don't see it on the cache page. What am I looking for? Where does it show up. I installed one that shows up under the coordinates as "Google Map (inc Satellite) Google Earth", it works fine, but I do not see yours.
It's possible that your other script is interfering with this one. Try disabling it, and see if the links show up.
Good job on the one-click directions.
Of course, with autorouting...I was already in the clear.
Well, since this probably slipped by the approver sleakly, maybe if you bring it to their attention through private email you could have them take a look.
If it's in the wrong place they could archive it, and if the owner really wants to keep the cache, they can move it to a more legal place.
I wouldn't blame the approver either, they have an impossible task. They work all day long, come home and read cache listing after cache listing. Some things get through, no one is perfect. I bet they'd appreciate it if you point it out to them by email or if necesary a SBA log.
How many of them are in Yellowstone?
I do mean virts of course.
I don't know everything to the exact number, but I always hear people saying the Nashville, TN has a TON of caches.
I think they're mostly micro, but I've seen that I think Lep did 240ish in one day down there. So cache density must be high there....
Or it could just be that the Leprachauns used their magical powers to fly from cache to cache.
It is a find.
UNLESS the owner specifically said you must find the container to log a find.
If you sign the logbook. It's a find, unless the OWNER says otherwise. I think they will dictate the "found" issue.
You mean BEFORE they found it?
Should I note on my caches that you can only claim a find if you find the cache and sign the logbook?
No, but if the cache owner didn't say anything on the page about hiding the log and the container separately and you must find both to log, then if I just found the log book in a baggy I'd think it may have been muggled or something and the logbook was left.
It is a find.
UNLESS the owner specifically said you must find the container to log a find.
If you sign the logbook. It's a find, unless the OWNER says otherwise. I think they will dictate the "found" issue.
I would say that is a gov't building.
But on the micro in the lamp skirt...why hide it there? I'm not a fan of micros. But since you guys usually dump them anywhere, there are alot more light poles everywhere else.
At a post office, if it's a big town it may get found, and probably wouldn't get permission from the owner, which is the government.
Maybe Sam Walton would let you hide some around his property?
Ok, I actually looked up the word thwarted, and it's actually a word!
Hopefully I'm not the only one who thought that it wasn't.
I wonder when it'll finally get found...hmmm...maybe these people are driving the cachers away....
Us country folk just don't get the concept of micros. Or mints for that matter.
Is it bad that every time I see a White Jeep going down the road, or parked somewhere.
I want to put it in my backpack?
If that made sense, you have my illness.
Happy B-Day, hopefully we'll see many more of these in years to come.
5'1" 170lbs. I run at least 1 1/2 miles 3 times a week. I ride my bike 5 miles to work then another 5 miles home 4-5 days a week(gotta save the gas for geocaching )and I stil don't seem to be losing any weight. I passed my PT test beginning of July with a 77.05 up from 50.5 in April. my waist dropped 5 inches but my weight isn't decreasing at all. I got all possible points from my push up and sit ups.
High protein diets and high activity excercize over a good period of time will make muscle mass to increase. The fat you burn, goes to build muscles stronger possibly.
Another question under these circumstances. Some cachers are in GREAT physical condition, but just don't fit the "lean and muscular" stereotype.
Should the health of a cacher be based on how fat they are, or there ability to get around?
Army Navy Surplus Stores.
Cross Country running keeps me in such a shape that I need to eat excessively to even keep at a healthy weight. If you run a 3.1k in 23 minutes, it'll take it out of you, which is a good thing.
Maybe it's a metabolism thing, and has nothing to do with their amount of food they eat or excercize. I feel this is a touchy subject and may hurt people's feelings to go out and call them fat when they try to lose weight and just....can't.
"I need to eat excessively to even keep at a healthy weight." WHAT?!!??!! Is it flaming to say that I HATE you? I can't run 3.1k in 23 hours much less minutes. . .I want that kind of metabolism. . .if I walk by a Krispy Cream I gain weight from the calories in the air. UGH! but I am still cute. . .no self esteem issues here. . .ROFLMBO!
Just take good care of those ankles and knees all you runners.
Personally I would rather be a little bit fat and still able to perambulate.
I run cross country, and being out of shape is if you haven't run a good 5 miles for 2 days. And a person who runs with us ran since he was in college and stuck it out to his 50's going on 60's. It's more will power, some people do have ankle/knee problems, but if you perform correctly and run the way you should, you ankles/knees will stay fine.
I find it egregiously disrespectful and hurtful of others feelings when some posters use the animated "Frog Eating Popcorn" or 'drama' clickable smiley, as it is known.
Are you another one of Snoogans sock puppets?
Please don't hurt others feelings.
Just kidding.
I find it egregiously disrespectful and hurtful of others feelings when some posters use the animated "Frog Eating Popcorn" or 'drama' clickable smiley, as it is known.
Are you another one of Snoogans sock puppets?
Please don't hurt others feelings.
Okay. So you find the cache, and you want to do a trade. The question I have had so far is "So do you have to trade some item of equal value?"
I reveal my opinion and then you can add yours.
I believe any item when in the geocache circle is rendered the same value. This means that it is okay to leave a magnet for a DVD as long as the DVD goes to another cache.
If you want to keep whatever you find in a cache, then it is more appropriate to leave something of similar value.
I say this because you can find some awesome stuff in a cache.
Let's hear your opinion!
If you left 15 items of decent value and would be deemed as "neat" trinkets, in a cache you hide. Then, someone comes to your cache, took everything in the cache besides the log and leaves 15 pennies, but promises to move all of those compasses, carabines, signature items, TB's, geocoins, etc. to Indonesia, would you be ok with that?
"I was going to get mad about them trading 15 pennies for all of that, but now that I see they are going to some cache that I'll never see in my life, that makes everything ok."
If you see yourself saying that if the situation ever did infact occur, then you'd be crazy.
(I made an EXTREME idea of the OP's post, but try to play out the scenarior assuming something that extreme would occur .)
Cross Country running keeps me in such a shape that I need to eat excessively to even keep at a healthy weight. If you run a 3.1k in 23 minutes, it'll take it out of you, which is a good thing.
Maybe it's a metabolism thing, and has nothing to do with their amount of food they eat or excercize. I feel this is a touchy subject and may hurt people's feelings to go out and call them fat when they try to lose weight and just....can't.
<yawn> This topic is still open? Sounds like the same argument, I mean, discussion that is held every week at this time. The pro's and the con's are always the same.
Your right...its much more constructive to talk about your doggies, overweight cachers and little red flags seen in the woods than to have the occasional civil discussion on cache quality.
Some of you may wish to attend This Event just to get rid of some the "angst". Everyone is welcome!
I'm going!
The OP will probably be the supplier of leaky film canisters.
He may be small, but I've never found a place he can't or won't hike.
Solar Flare
in General geocaching topics
I believe that is the case for me as well.