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Everything posted by soup
quote:Originally posted by fractal:Soup: You are totally nuts, and that’s awesome! I’m glad I got to know you more this last year, and I can’t wait for us to get started on our future projects…Geocaching and otherwise It really has been a GREAT year. Getting to know you, and working together has been a real highlight for me. Just knowing that some of our crazy ideas actually work.. Awesome! I also have met many more cool cachers out there, and hope to continue that trend. I do look forward to your 3rd year (my 3.5) and the continuation of the plans. I am sure the arrest warrents have already been issued. -C
Dang, lots of people up at this hour. Looks like that down load speed is S-L-O-W. No worries as I 'heard' the teaser is also on the disc's. Oh, I also understand the cache ID is GCGF2N. Hmm.. just in case those cachers currently with disks need to write that down somewhere... -c. [This message was edited by soup on July 14, 2003 at 08:24 PM.]
quote:Originally posted by bazzle:I think the answer here is YES... Agreed! That almost looks photoshopped, but cool non-theless. I would probably use duct-tape, as it has 1001 uses.
Yeah, I have a helmet lock, but since veiwing the "Matrix 2" movie, I figure I can beat up people with said helmet. Example below.. Me: "Im the first finder! first finder!!" Other cacher:"No way! I will sign log first!! ha ha!" Me: WHONK! I would be into a group of cyclist riding around finding stuff, but I only have so many pockets for trinkets..
Yesterday I took my motorcycle on a cache hunt. It was interesting, as I couldnt constanty refer to the GPS to see if I was going in the right direction (over shot the site by 20 miles), then hiking on a trail in my full cycling gear (helmet included) added some more challenges. It defenitly added a different aspect to the cache hunt experience. So my question(s) are: Anybody else do this? Have same challenges? Would anyone be interested in a group motorcycle cache hunt? A motorcycle gang of geocachers??? We could have leather jackets with "HellsCachers" on the back. I am sure that would cause concern and confusion at the biker bars, which is a good thing. -C
Tuesday night would be best.. but then again, I dont return to work until August, so days, times, and responsibilities mean nothing to me! All hail the mighty sabbatical!
I just get back and look whats coming down the tracks... another fractal puzzle. Its good to be home again!. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
This is a heck of a deal. When you go to offroute.com and price out the same components, it closes in on $400... Unless I did my math wrong. Anyway, with this deal, with all that gear and the discount, its about $214... WAY cheaper then other places I have checked out. Now I gots me 2 GPS's.. does that mean I will get twice as lost? Is that possible? What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
Count me also as feeling bad for him. As I was trying to put out one of the pulsating fires, I saw him in MisguidedOnes arms.. HOLY smoke I felt bad. But he is a little trooper, and I imagin he will be chasing Bazzle and I around with a BIG stick next year. EEK Oh, and he can post 2X. I aint tellin!
Lost: One pair of sunglasses, epidermis from my index finger, cartliage from my right knee, and other assorted things that got melted, or burned. Found: Heat stroke. Please respond if said glasses have been found.
Ha! I have the 100th reply. Looks like everything is in place, as I have nailed down the final details with the park staff, and was able to procure those potato chips I was telling you about.. MMmm Tostitos! Geocaching folks are either already there, or heading down tomorrow. Cant wait to see everyone in their Sunday best (yeah, I know its Saturday). Its time to make that ivy pay the price!
Yeah, sorry to see you race off to the starlight, but I am sure you will find all the info for this APPARATUS from the participants. I am telling you, if it functions like I designed, well, then it worked... What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
quote:Ok, so maybe I am slow. I'm hoping this is an inside joke. The story of that miserable beer case begins with me. 5 years ago, I moved into a house with 2 girls (think: 3's Company). At one point we decided to throw a party, and I had them get da brews. Mistake. I said awesome beer, they heard Bud. How?!? Anyway, only a few were consumed, and the remainder was immediatly forgotten.. Until it was time to move out, a couple years later. I was packing up the house, when I noticed the beer. Threw it in the back of the truck and headed on, but since it had some brews missing, they went ALL over the place. Solution? I filled that case up with Sprite (an equally gross beverage) and taped that sucker shut. A couple more years go by, as I bring that case to almost EVERY party I go to, in hopes of disposing the vile contents.. but no-one fell for it, and I was always left holding the bag (case?). So the geocaching event comes around, and once again, I bring that miserable case with me, but this time I was DETERMINED to loose it. So, it was dark, and we were leaving when I see Slinger, fractal, martin, Lauren, and Tungsten. Pulled up beside and said "Dudes, I have this awesome beer that I will give to you for free!! Enjoy it! THey actually took it. I was so surprized that I was going to get rid of that miserable thing. However, thinking they would soon discover the horrible secret of this case of beer, I hauled a** outta there before they could stop and beat me to a pulp. I still think slinger is out to get me..
Ok here is the a final note: Dont forget 11:00 - 1:00 Ivy clearing project organized with the park staff Ranger Mike. Mike will give us the location and proper assistance. Gloves, long sleeves, and closed toe shoes required. Bring your own. I dont have the money to purchase gloves for everyone. Awards: There will be awards for the usual stuff, how about one for the yurt and or tent decoration? Personally, I would laugh my a** off at a tent encircled with christmas lights and beer signs. But then again, I am easily amused..
I think Champoeg will be very surprized.. In a good way. Lots of folks having fun and helping the park in the process.. I cant wait to see the Yurtdisplays. I have GOT to find that Santa!! I am "pre" cracking up at this event. -C
Oregone brings up an interesting idea.. Since we OWN Yurtville, we can all try to decorate the yurts in x-mas lights, neon-beer signs, or nativity scenes in the front. I think I have a lightup SantaClause I can get out of storage. This has a very hilarious potential...
Great responses everyone. Just wanted to bring up a point: I dont have anything planned for a group dinner. With the Broken Arrow at 5, the kids scavenger hunt at 6:30, and the Apparatus at 8:00, I might just grab some quick smores and drink some RedBull and hope for the best. If anyone wants to setup a dinner type thing, let everyone know.
Hopefully I will be staying in the "Yurtoni". (Bodoni's Yurt). If not, then my cache container will have to do. Oh, if the supplemental website doesnt work, just email me directly (that is where the submissions go anyway). Time is getting close..!!
Here is the list I pulled from the IvyPotluck webpage. Listed are all who plan on going. soup Bodoni Fathergoose Bazzle Armando & Co fractal Team Misguided Maps-r-us Moose n Squirrel Trekks Slinger91 Chubby Forest Monkey GeoNap pdxmarathonman kiwimonster dasein Y'all still coming right?? Who else??
Yes. They have electricity. You can plug in all sorts of electrical devices. I am thinking of christmas lights around the Yurt. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
This Cache seems to be close. I know that there used to be one INSIDE the cave, at the ONLY place you would get receiption on your gps, but it looks like it is no longer there. When you go to the cave, you will be able to tell where this place is. As for the cave.. awesome! I go every year for some odd reason. -s What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
US hospital searches for Klingon interpreter A REPORT ON CNN claimed that a US hospital is frantically searching for someone fluent in Klingon. The hospital, in Multnomah County, needs an interpreter for mentally ill patients who apparently won't speak any other language. It's also looking for people fluent in another 55 languages, although it doesn't say which of those are terrestrial and which extraterrestrial. Klingon is spoken by er, Klingons, the deadly enemies of Captain James T Kirk's space federation, the European Union. Oh, and fractal, there are One, two, and three oregone topics as of late. That guy gets around.. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.
Yeah, I conversed with two Klingons here. Both speak fluently, and one sings here. The parade was a frikken riot! Oregone aint the only one who's gots da connections to the unexplained.
Yeah, I can already feel the heat. My Whhistle cache has been unavailable for awhile. I suppose I should archive it, until I get the proper permission from the folks at the autobahn (heh). But I suppose I can un-archive it when I get it back out there. I hear your concerns, and I am here to help. Consider it archived... sniff.. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef.