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Posts posted by soup
Well, those herb-heads hiding in the underground tunnels are STILL not home!
I am going to continue to bug them.. constantly. For now, just figure we WILL meet for the Shanghai Tunnels on 7/24 at 8pm. I will give the important details in a couple days.
As for tonite: I dont think I can join y'all. I got band practice for a show this weekend.
I run the lights.. >switch on, switch off<
Interested? I could hid a cache there.. Hmmm..
It will be July 13th, 2002 Saturday at the Mt. Tabor Theatre. Band is named Logos Eye. Always lots of fun. And I got a LASER!!!! LOOK OUT.
Mr. fractal. Like the effort you put into your cache hunts, I am totally impressed by your post.
(and thanks for the crazy reference, it fits me)
I agree with you dude. We have a wonderful group of cachers here in the NW. People who design the devious hunts, create clever containers, and search for elusive plastic toys have become great friends to boot. How cool it that? VERY!
I now have a collection of great cache stories to think back on including: driving fractal the wrong direction to a cache, snapping some pix of laurens Boo-Tay, meeting Oregone at the Raiders cache, and getting TOTALLY smashed by TJ and his go-kart of doom. There are TONS more, but there is no room here.
I cant wait for the next collection of great cache stories. I hope they include a ghost!!
I can say I always look forward to our gatherings, just so I can hang with y'all.
-S.M. AKA C.R.
Them sucka's crazy fool's Hannibal!
Mr. fractal. Like the effort you put into your cache hunts, I am totally impressed by your post.
(and thanks for the crazy reference, it fits me)
I agree with you dude. We have a wonderful group of cachers here in the NW. People who design the devious hunts, create clever containers, and search for elusive plastic toys have become great friends to boot. How cool it that? VERY!
I now have a collection of great cache stories to think back on including: driving fractal the wrong direction to a cache, snapping some pix of laurens Boo-Tay, meeting Oregone at the Raiders cache, and getting TOTALLY smashed by TJ and his go-kart of doom. There are TONS more, but there is no room here.
I cant wait for the next collection of great cache stories. I hope they include a ghost!!
I can say I always look forward to our gatherings, just so I can hang with y'all.
-S.M. AKA C.R.
Them sucka's crazy fool's Hannibal!
Well, postpones it anyway. They (tourguide) finally left a cryptic (fractal?) message on my answering machine stating that the 17th would not work due to some rug or quilt show (sounded like rug).
Honestly, that is what they said.
Anyhow, they mentioned the 24th of July would be better, at 8pm. Its a Wednesday. I havent cemented the deal, since I cant contact them tonite (the supernatural needs an early bed time).
I know DenaliNW, TJ, and Oregone will not be able to come
Howz about the rest?
Oh, and do you want have an interim GoldenSpike meeting? Maybe at the "White Eagle"? They have ghosts there too.
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
Well, postpones it anyway. They (tourguide) finally left a cryptic (fractal?) message on my answering machine stating that the 17th would not work due to some rug or quilt show (sounded like rug).
Honestly, that is what they said.
Anyhow, they mentioned the 24th of July would be better, at 8pm. Its a Wednesday. I havent cemented the deal, since I cant contact them tonite (the supernatural needs an early bed time).
I know DenaliNW, TJ, and Oregone will not be able to come
Howz about the rest?
Oh, and do you want have an interim GoldenSpike meeting? Maybe at the "White Eagle"? They have ghosts there too.
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
Ok, looks like as long as I have the event after 7pm or so, then most people can make it. When I return from my little holiday, I will call the Tunnel Tourguide dude. I dont understand why he has not called me back... too many bong hits
Anyway, have a fantastic 4th everyone!! Dont set yourself (or anyone you like) ablaze.
Those "snake" type fireworks are AWESOME baby!
Ok, looks like as long as I have the event after 7pm or so, then most people can make it. When I return from my little holiday, I will call the Tunnel Tourguide dude. I dont understand why he has not called me back... too many bong hits
Anyway, have a fantastic 4th everyone!! Dont set yourself (or anyone you like) ablaze.
Those "snake" type fireworks are AWESOME baby!
Looks like some folks (TJ, Oregone, Lauren, and possibly others) are having trouble with this date.
The date is not set in stone (since I havent recieved a callback from the tour organizer).
Is there a date that would be better for everyone? I would like as many GC's to attend as possible.
How about you post what dates you CAN go. That might be easier
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
soup tries to crack the code..
Pentax 35mm
Blue Handspring visor delux
Gucci hand bag
One huge mystery slug
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
That is the best time I was able to get for a tour of the tunnels. This gives you ample time to check and/or change your schedule. It is a blast, and well worth the $11 bucks.
If your interested, I need to know ASAP. I will have to figure out the payment info (I gotta pay them a week in advance). I trust "most" of you...
PLease post here if you are planning on joining us for this treat.
The responses I have so far...
Bodoni and Jenny
Slinger91 (hopefully)
and maybe 6 of my coworkers.
And as an added bonus, I will place a virtual cache in the underground. Find a ghost, log a find!
Lets hear from y'all. -C
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
So, it looks like your old pal soup has the Goldmember!.
This meeting will be centered around Portands Shanghai Tunnels.
What does that mean? GPS and Ghosts! How cool is that? (its VERY cool Mr. Soup!)
Here are the gory details: I need at least 15 people to attend. Cost is $11 per person. It is worth the money. Flashlights are provided. Once I get a decent headcount, I will then work out the payment info with everyone(on a later post).
I am still trying to contact the tour operators on a specific date. Right now, I can say it can be any day.
Email me at soup_r_man@hotmail.com and let me know if you can attend. How many others you might bring, and if Wednesday is a good day for you.
And dont forget to bring enough snacks for Scooby, since he is possessed!
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
So here it the picture of TJ and fractal cache hunting. DANG, this would have been much funnier if I had figured out the image thing sooner.
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
So here it the picture of TJ and fractal cache hunting. DANG, this would have been much funnier if I had figured out the image thing sooner.
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
Originally posted by oregone:And what about Tungsten's resemblance to Walter Sobchak? (Shomer shabbas!)
Close, but I think this image of T.J. and fractal driving to a cache are closer to reality.
** I guess 4 times is a charm **
[This message was edited by soup many times.]
[This message was edited by soup on June 21, 2002 at 11:05 AM.]
Probably should be posted in the T.B. forum, but this is a good topic. I recently sent out a T.B. whos goal is to collect peoples Geo-Business cards. I wanted to collect a whole bunch and post them online when I retrieve the bug.
Here is the T.B. Stolen Wallet!
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
Originally posted by Bodoni:Great -- now I'm going to have to change my avatar again!
Yeah, you can exchange the word chicken for guinea pig.
ahh... that's disturbing.. sorry about that.
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
SO, I thought that since this was in a local paper, that this was a relatively new cache. Nope, I found the hunt, and its a month old.
Oh well, here it the Aquarium Cache.
I am awesome at breaking news of month old events. Next post from soup: Mt. St. Helens erupts!!
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
So, Linda tells me the Aquarium has a cache on their property. Na says I, for it is forbidden by the flipper society. I look for a story and alas.. I am wrong.
The Oregon Coast Aquarium Geocache
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
I realize you all are out partying as I type this message, but incase you havent figured it out yet.. I cant join y'all this wednesday. My bad.
Hope everyone has fun. Let me know if/type of music at this place. -soupy
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
I knew no force available to our scientists could stop the re-combination of THE APPARATUS! My fear is the terror this will cause in the streets.
Careful Misguided one.. lots of power in your hands.
As for the first APPARATUS, tomorrow marks the first day of its new life.. as a steaming, flashing VOLCANO!!! No kidding! You wanna see it in action? It will be on stage of a local band I work with called Logos Eye .
We play this friday at 8pm at a club in Portland called the Ash Street Saloon. SPOOKY!
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
I knew no force available to our scientists could stop the re-combination of THE APPARATUS! My fear is the terror this will cause in the streets.
Careful Misguided one.. lots of power in your hands.
As for the first APPARATUS, tomorrow marks the first day of its new life.. as a steaming, flashing VOLCANO!!! No kidding! You wanna see it in action? It will be on stage of a local band I work with called Logos Eye .
We play this friday at 8pm at a club in Portland called the Ash Street Saloon. SPOOKY!
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
Do they have Jazz music (like Atwaters?) Its too bad the windows dont open, I will have to spit loogies elsewhere..
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
Do they have Jazz music (like Atwaters?) Its too bad the windows dont open, I will have to spit loogies elsewhere..
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
Originally posted by The GeoGadgets Team:What a cool idea! If I get it, can I clean out my wallet, sock drawer and pockets and fill it with lint?
Oh, you just want calling cards? I can do that, too!
Lori aka: _RedwoodRed_
Hey Red, I know the area you live in (had a girlfriend in C.C. a few years back). If you put lint/sock in my Stolen Wallet, well.. I will have to put my credit cards in your shoes!
"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright
Wednesday Night Ghost Fright!
in Northwest
Well, those herb-heads hiding in the underground tunnels are STILL not home!
I am going to continue to bug them.. constantly. For now, just figure we WILL meet for the Shanghai Tunnels on 7/24 at 8pm. I will give the important details in a couple days.
As for tonite: I dont think I can join y'all. I got band practice for a show this weekend.
I run the lights.. >switch on, switch off<
Interested? I could hid a cache there.. Hmmm..
It will be July 13th, 2002 Saturday at the Mt. Tabor Theatre. Band is named Logos Eye. Always lots of fun. And I got a LASER!!!! LOOK OUT.