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Posts posted by alexrudd
Would you mind keping the personal comments in the other thread?
An attribute would be cool: I could then ignore all of them.
I miss being a moderator (on another unrelated site) and having the ability to turn off the message.
I just sign the log as usual, but add "revisited."
Problem solved.
Fine with me, I guess I just (mis)understood you as wanting to replace the information on the front page with Flash.
As a cache owner, I'd be really annoyed if I started getting text message logs.
"fnd tdy thx 4 t cach."
Nice try, but the text is too big and it should say "today," not "Oct 4"
Currently I do exactly as you suggest, and I have a weekly set of PQ's that pulls in caches from my home coordinates, filtered by date placed. However, I could also get all of IL, WI, and IN and just delete the caches I don't want with very little additional effort with pregenerated queries.I'm sorry, but downloading all Illinois caches strikes me as an odd way to obtain all the caches near Chicago. Do you have an aversion to caches in Indiana and Wisconsin?
Obviously, it's not a benefit if I'm the only person ever generating Pocket Queries. However, since I'm sure there are plently of other people in IL maintaining offline databases, it would be much more efficient to generate one query (even with excess information) than a separate set of queries for each person. Heck, it even pays off if I were to download WI, IL, IN, MI, IA, and MO. Even though that's 6 queries instead of five, the six are only created once and reused many times. Although states aren't the optimal solution, it'd be easy to implement and use.
This wouldn't happen if the state PQ were generated daily, or even weekly if guaranteed to contain all the logs since the last week.Once people obtain the PQ for the entire state, they'll want to keep their databases "current" so they'll go back to Groundspeak and run some more PQs, especially since caches will become updated, archived, etc. -
I don't really want a whole state - just Chicago would be fine in my case. It's just that there aren't many other ways to geographically sort, and I can just delete the parts of the state I don't need. It could feasibly be broken down farther, it's just that states are rather convenient and all caches already have state data.Why must you have a whole state? Do you plan to cache the whole thing today? Just curious to know.
Even though many browsers do support Flash, not everyone chooses to have Flash installed or activated. Flash is also harder on system resources for people using older computers (or cell phones). I don't have a problem with supplementing to the existing information, but replacing it would not be a good idea. Leave the existing information in place with a link to the new shiny interactive Flash.
I know, but I meant on an image, not a solid color. Check any myspace.com profile for an example.You might not have noticed, but there are millions of webpages that do not have a white background, many of them are great...I understand you point: it really is a shame that a few idiots ruin it for the rest, but that's the way the world works.
I agree - it would be very useful and would eliminate almost all my pocket queries except for going on trips.
Unfortunately, it's been suggested repeatedly and hasn't been implemented yet, nor does it look like it will be ever implemented.
Try filtering based on your home coordiates.I think a counties option or a countries option would be fantastic. I have recently started using GSAK and currently generate 28 pocket queries to download the info for the UK. I would prefer to be able to select the counties neatest me and only download the info that i actualy need. I know I am not the only one who downloads all of the UK regulary. By splitting us into counties or countries you may slove you PQ generated overloads at the same time
Post them here and all the people having problems will do it for you.The geocoin creators didn't send us the smaller images, so they show up as blank. We'll have to run through all of them and provide resized versions so they come up in the browser. It'll be on the todo list but I don't know when we'll complete them.
Flash isn't very accessible. Text and pictures would suffice.
A GSAK user already has the solution.
The background on the cache listing page *is* everyone on the page, it's just covered up by the cache information. IMO, having all the information on a background would be annoying and hard to read.
It's a problem with Google Earth: the .kml should (and used to) display separate icons, but for some reason is only displaying the standard pushpins.
I think maybe that's the system, not your file. If you post the .gpx we can verify that.
My handmade FTF tropy for a cache named after a heron. I had fun, it didn't cost anything, and the first finder really liked it. The gold paint comes out terrible in the picture, but it has the name of the cache, date, etc.
Easy enough if you maintain the offline database (as we both do - no problem). However, ordering up 9-10 PQ's for a one-time keyword search is rather ridiculous, even ignoring the fact that it would take two days.I truly think this is still easier to do with PQ's.I can get a 125 mile radius of Chicago all caches in 9 or 10 PQ's (490 or less caches per), way more than I or most will ever need. I was lazy, I need to further refine them to only go west of the city. Now that's everything other than events (separate PQ.)
Maintaining an offline DB to search by keyword = stale.I'm not saying what is being asked for is not a nice to have, I just can not see any real effort being spent on something working so well already. GC position has always been, at least in the forum, that the primary purpose of it's information is to be a "live" DB so that the data is not stale, in fact, you can find Jeremy quoted in these forums discussing his views on stale data. I just don't see this going anywhere right now.
Searching by keywords online = fresh
Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are trying to say, but you seem to be arguing my side. ?
If refining the keyword search on the website is a no-go, what's wrong with adding keywords to PQ search parameters?
I think he meant search for all bookmark lists with at least one cache in the search radius. Large international ones such as SCUBA Caches would only show up if there was SCUBA cache in the radius.
Hmm, I'd do it with dynamite.
You can't trade travel bugs in micro - irritating when you have to drop one off!
Mapquest Maps
in Website
GSAK forums FTW. Luckily it should be a quick fix.