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Posts posted by alexrudd

  1. Even if the area could support a larger container, I would much rather use skill and brain power to find that cleaverly hidden bison, than to just walk up and grab a junked out, peanut butter jar.
    I agree with you on this case, but that's not a fair comparison. (not just picking on you, there are plenty of examples the other way - well-stocked regular vs. magnetic key holder).


    There are lame regulars, and there are lame micros. There are also great regulars, and there are great micros. Each have their place.


    For the sake of discussion, let's say Mr. Hider is going to put effort into his hide and not hide a lame cache. He will choose a good container (for the size he will pick later), fill it appropriately, choose a great location, and hide it well (both regulars and micros can be hidden well). Everything is equal up to this choice:


    (1)Mr. Hider hides a regular.

    (2)Mr. Hider hides a micro.


    Which would you prefer?

  2. Are there grounds for an exception in a case like this? I agree, I don't think we should grant a find for every time someone looks hard when the cache is missing, but are there times when you should just grant a find because they actually earned it?
    Finds aren't "earned:" they're a statement of fact.

    I would see a DNF on that cache just as good as a Found, the log can tell the experience and effort he put forth. There's nothing wrong with a DNF. If anything, I would have more respect for his effort since it was posted truthfully.


    Several of the "real" caches we found at GW4 were archived before we could log them all. That is the owners right, and I would never log my own cache or the event twice to "make up" for the lost finds.
    Maybe something's changed, but I thought you could log archived caches anyway?
  3. the WJTB is on my '05 Jeep
    What??? Since when? All the Jeep TB's are the property of Jeep, and the released them into the wild as TB's, with the clearly stated intent to move!


    I realize it's only a Jeep, but that's basically theft!

  4. [...]From my understanding with the from and to search it geocodes the address or state or city/state and searches for routes begining or ending within a specified range of the coords the geocode returned. [...]
    Is this true?

    It doesn't sound like it, otherwise the website would support searching by addresses, right?

  5. Riffster, with all due respect, your argument, while well thought out, is fallacious. Why, you ask? Simple. To boil your argument down, it comes down to:


    1) If Fred hides a micro, the scenery lovers will be pleased.

    2) If Fred hides an ammo can, the scenery lovers will be pleased and so will the "ammo can lovers"

    3) Therefore, option 2 is the best choice for the community as a whole.


    This conclusion is based on the unstated assumption that the "ammo can lovers" outnumber the "micro lovers" or "ammo can haters" or whatever else. While you may BELIEVE this, it's not a documented fact, and for this argument to work, you'd have to prove such. Otherwise, this is an Argumentum ad ignorantium, and you are claiming that more people like ammo cans simply because it hasn't been proven otherwise.

    Sounds like it's time for a poll. Let's settle this once and for all!


    If given a choice (all other things being equal), would you rather find

    (1)A regular-sized cache (ammo box, Lock 'n Lock, Tupperware, etc.)

    (2)A micro-sized cache (film cannister, Bison tube, magnetic key holder)



    (off-topic) Oh, and it's rather interesting to become a topic of conversation yourself, without any personal barbs :cry:

  6. A full sized cache, (in an area capable of supporting it), has all of the benefits of a micro

    Not true. Try hiding a full sized cache in a pine cone hanging from the end of a branch in an Oak tree.

    I don't mean to be rude, but did you even understand a sentence? Obviously pine cones aren't capable of supporting regular caches...
  7. I'm not questioning that a placer has a choice. I'm questioning the choice itself.


    If a cacher has some place to hide a container, and holds in one hand a micro with only a log scroll and a regular with a full-sized logbook, trinkets, and a TB in the other, and then makes the conscience decision to put the micro out, I have to wonder why.


    Because he WANTED to. That IS a reason why, whether you like it or not. This morning I held the red tie in one hand and the blue tie in the other. I chose the red one. Why? Because I WANTED to. Neither was inherently any better or worse than the other, it was just a CHOICE I made.

    Obviously it's a free choice that the hider made because (s)he wanted to. That doesn't mean others can't question why the hider made that choice. If I preferred blue ties over red ones and you knew it but picked the red tie anyway, I would probably ask why you chose the red tie. I'm not going to force you to go change your tie, but I would like to find out why you "wanted" to pick red instead of blue.


    Why exclude those who prefer to actually write more than a scribble representing their initials and a date, who like to trade, and move TB?
    For the same reason you want to exclude people why prefer to actually find a bison tube or a film can.
    Are you serious?
  8. As a cache owner I really enjoy the detailed logs. There are some people in my area who are great log writers and when I see they found one of my caches I eagerly open the e-mail.

    Same here. There are a few people in our area that don't write logs, they literally write several paragraphs. Sometimes I just go through their profile and read the logs on caches they've found because they are fun to read.


    The shortest log I've ever seen on one of my caches was just "Got It." What?? You've just completed a fairly long hike in a forest preserve and found a camo-ed, fairly well-hidden container that has good trade items (they probably won't last, but...), and a humorous encycolpedia article written by others cachers and that's all you have to say? Somewhat insulting to me as an owner...

  9. Wow! I am speechless. Like many others, this tremendously simplifies my cache-hunting on trips.

    However, we do plan to allow people to eventually click on a map to generate a route on the fly. I believe most will go the Google Earth route, however.
    Even better! How about Google Maps support on-line, though? I can't install Google Earth on Linux, and on Windows my copy of GE is borked. With Gmaps, you could also do it from any computer with access to geocaching.com, and it could integrate into the existing maps.
  10. And we find a new Hobby/Sport/Addiction.


    Actually, this comes up every few weeks/months. I think the last time Jeremy et al said they would basically add another letter/number - so GCZZZZ1 - and off we go again. Sure someone has the linky around here...

    It would be GC10000, not GCZZZZ1. :)

    GC11111 if you really want to get technical. (I don't think GC numbers use 0's - they look too much like O's)
  11. "This is a now a THREE leg multi-cache. The first TWO legs are business cards taped to trees.Final location; Take the coordinates and subtract .106 and .222 respectivly."

    why do i need to waste my time with hunting for the cards? :)

    Uh, to get the coordinates? You subtract .106 from the coordinates on the first card and .222 from the coordinates on the second. Nothing wrong with that, although it belongs in the cache description, not the hints.
  12. Heh, my first log was a Muggle log when I stumbled across a cache.

    A friend and I stumbled across this cache when exploring the woods at the park. Since I had never heard of Geocache before, I didn't know what it was. Looking at the log, I got some idea, then later came to website Took nothing, left a woodchip. :laughing: Be careful for poison ivy, there is some if you stray too far away.

  13. Amazingly, the Otter box company actually guarantees these boxes (the main line of Otter boxes, not the ones made for cameras and PDAs) to remain waterproof at depths up to 100 foot for long-term usage, such as an underwater geocache! I know this because I called them a few weeks ago and had a long chat with them before settling on their products for some future cache placements.
    How well do they keep out radiation?


    Yep, here are a couple of Lock n Locks with camo tape and a few without:


    Why not make that picture and the pros/cons of various containers a sticky? It would save you plenty of repeating yourself. :laughing:
  14. I will say, however, that I filed a feature a request to allow the cache owner to decide whether to allow or deny more than one log for their listing. It will default to allowing it but let them uncheck that option from the page if they so desire. This is, however, a low priority feature that will be implemented when there are no pressing matters.
    Sounds great!


    I think this feature would be helpful to prevent accidents - sometimes I just select Found It instead of Owner Maintenence or Note or whatever. I already have a Greasemonky script that blanks out [sUBMIT] until I select a log type, but this sort of thing (checking found status) can't be done on the user side.

  15. Why make the server do all of that work for something you'll never look at? It's unnecessary.


    Web servers actually don't compute what people doesn't look at :P

    Not directly, but you don't get e-mail notifications for EVERY log on EVERY cache do you? No, a watchlist means that it only has to process those which you have indicated you've cared about. Same thing with a "Buddy List": you may have "Met" dozens of cachers at a event or whatever, but you really don't care what they're doing anymore. The "Buddy List" would be people that you have explicitly stated that you want to pay attention to.
  16. GMaptoGPX bookmarklet. Basically you bookmark a "link" (actually JavaScript), get driving direction on Google Maps, then click the bookmark and it spits out a GPX of the route. It's much easier than the Google Earth .kml


    I currently use it for arc filters in GSAK, but the output is a GPX (you can specify tracks, route, or waypoints), so it would work for what I think you are trying to do.


    Also, (I don't have a link) somewhere else is a GMaps mashup that allows the user to click on the map to generate a route.

    I think you can see where I'm getting at.

    It would take a little bit of clever coding to combine the two, but it's technically feasible and the site just implemented Google Maps on all cache pages....

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