Pioneer 'n' Tiff
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Posts posted by Pioneer 'n' Tiff
The Amplitheatre is currently "off limits" for the SD Summer Concert series. The area is fenced and closed to public (I forget what times). The cache closest to the amplitheatre is accessable during daylight hours but not so once the perimeter for the concert is activated.
I think I could have said that last part better.
He he he....my Dad sent me that story as well.
A round fo applause for the management of this event, and kudos to all cachers for doing their bit to maintain the frail environment.
It was a honour to attend this, my first Geo-bash.
General Inquiry: how far (by time or distance) are Cedar Creek Falls from the car park?
A sports stadium in Melbourne with initials?
Oh how I miss watching the Boxing Day test from the M.C.G.
(former inhabitent of Bay 13 when Lillee was King)
Thank you kindly.
Married a SD girl and this is home now.
I'm not sure, however can I point you in a supplemental direction if no answer is forthcoming.
http://www.ubd.com.au/ is the leading brand of street directories (refidex or Melways depending on which state you are in). Most of the state Police Forces use these maps for despatch and communications.
Thank you kindly.
I'm a new arrival into the USA and tryign to decipher the "language barrier" is sometimes frustrating.
Still lookinf for some assistance please.
For those of you attending the Cedar Creek Falls CITO event...
Tiff and I saw this today and as our first geocache event we would love to go.
We're trying to juggle work and being a one car family at this time.
If needed, what would be the chances I could slip someone a few $ for gas for a ride up and back from El Cajon?
I have a log book that I write down a brief description of each cache - name, chords, size, title, difficulty, terrain and other pertinent information from the logs that I can see.
However, if I'm sititng at home and Tiff says she needs to go to location X, I quickly download them into the GPS, no notes, and get out of the house. Genrally I try to download traditional caches using this technique, and avoid downloading the puzzles, virtuals, and multi's. Whilst Tiff does her thing (knitting purchase, hairdressor, whatever) I sneak out, grab what I can, and be back before she finishes.
The downside to this is that sometimes when I get home I discover I either didn't have enough information for a really good cache, or I've done all the caches in the area except one. Thus it might be some time before I go back.
Not sure I can but I'd love to offload a TB I have, comes from the East Coast and has fallen a bit behind schedule.
Back in Australia I use to competitively sail.
Since arriving in the USA I haven't been able to get back on a yacht yet. Tiff, the new wife, had a pair of GPS' in a cupboard not being used (it's still unclear why she had them tucked away) She wanted US to have a joint activity that we didn't have before we were married, so she suggested this. The bonus is that I get around on a bicycle (most of the time) so the hiking/climbing/riding keeps me in shape.
The hunt of discovery also nags at me enough that I'm sure eventually I will write a spy type story which has geocaching as a theme.
Hmmm, I too haven't received a weekly notification since the same date.
I wonder if it may have something to do with us not being premium members yet?
Unfortunately whilst out cache hunting I stumbled across two benchmarks. One is completely obliterated and rusted remnants remain. The other, 2 feet away, appears to be a replacement mark for the obliterated mark. Unfortunately, I had one of those days where I left the house without a camera.
The replacement mark is a disk mounted on a concrete post. However, it has been worn down by the elements.
The outer inscription visable on the survery Disk is "DCO Eng Dept Survey Mon 19." There inner inscription appears to reads "RIN 27" although the letter 'R' is worn.
Survey mark is located close to cache GCN8N6 but when I click on the benchmark link I don't get anything close that resembles the benchmark.
This doesn't resemble the normal benchmarks I've located, I believe I need a hand with other databases trying to ID this. Suggestions please.
Edit for some shocking typing.
I got so fed up with it to I did the ony thing possible.
Side issue: fellow SD-ites, I was out at Radar Enforced yesterday and bumped into one of eatern geocashing cousins. She left 5 TB's in the cache.
Must be something in the water.
Tiff introduced me to geocaching...but she's an urban geocaher. She's not doing anything that MAY put her in proximity to snakes.
As for knitting, avid. Several weeks ago I felt my first earthquake in California. When I was tossed out fo bed, the yarn in the hosue cuchioned me. And scrapbooking...she has her own patent on a tool called "The Magic Matter."
Maybe there's a conspiracy going on between al those knitting, scrapbooking wives.
This may have been answered in another thread (still checking) but this seems an appropiate place to ask this question anyway.
I have a TB in my possession that is an unusual shape. I am targettign appropiately sized caches to send it on it's way . My inquiry relates to "ettiquete" logging the TB.
If I travel out to a regular cache, arrive with the TB in hand, but discover on site that the cache will not physically hold the TB, should I log the bug in and out, or should I just ignore it?
Some of us are now living in a foreign country.
How to Confuse the American Public Watching Me
So today I thought, seeing as the new trolley line opened and was offering free rides and I haven't bought a vehicles yet, that I would take advantage and slip down to San Diego State University (SDSU) to pick up a couple of caches there.
My attire:
Cap - San Fransico 49ers baseball cap
Shirt - Black Dale Earnhardt Diehard 500 t shirt
Backpack - Blue Sierra backpack upon which had Tiff had sewn a San Diego Padres cloth patch.
Belt - thin black belt with a gold buckle shape of California.
OK, ready for this?
I'm talking to the Metro Security guard and he asks
Him: Where are you from?
Me: Australia.
Him: Gee, you sound German to me.
I give up.
I'm a new arrival in the USA so my geocaching equipment also includes a Field Guide for birds. Generally only on the hike in or the hike out, I've found that rustling about near the geocache tends to drive some (not all) of thr wildlife away, primarily the birds.
Went out last night and left Tiff at home, came back and the following conversation took place.
Tiff: Did you find it this time?
Me: Nah, I got no where near it, but on the way I did spot a variety of bird X.
No such thing as a DNF in our hosehold.
"Real geocachers do it with Benchmarks."
Why Even Have A Jeep Contest?
in Trackables
Out here in San Diego we had a CITO event last weekend. About 50 people attended then went to a BBQ after. Not being a local I arrived dead last to the BBQ. In the week prior the other cachers had gone out of their way, some to drive over 300 miles, to retrieve white Jeeps. There were 6 Jeeps at the event - three were still available once I arrived.
I would say that pending on how community orientated your region is will determine success. The SD guys knew a lot of first timers (such as myself) had not seen, and possibly would not see a Jeep - so they went out of their way to retrieve the Jeeps for the cache. And more importantly, they did not hoarde for themselves.
Interesting, there is a cache near me that has had a Jeep in it for a couple of weeks.
If you can solve it, I'd be more than happy to retrieve it and mail it out.