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Everything posted by 4wheelin_fool

  1. Clever but not cool. This would invite cachers to be law breakers. What if they found this cache and then tried to open a real No Trespassing Sign the next week. Not a good idea. Real No Trespassing signs don't have boxes behind them. With the correct page write up and area, as well as permission, it could work well..
  2. Don't know how cool this would be normally, but with the correct page write up and area, as well as permission, it could work well. http://www.geocachingstuff.com/15-posted-no-trespassing-sign.html
  3. Might be like a throwdown, as I'm seeing only a few saying, "Thanks for putting this on my new phone without me asking for it". Google it. - A few claiming to be 90%, I don't understand though... So if you don't say "thanks" does that mean you didn't accept Apple's gift and Tim Cook should be arrested for littering on your iPhone? The comparison more closely resembles Tim Cook's dog taking a dump on someone's front lawn and having him characterize it a gift. It's also like the guy at the ice cream shop who subsitutes cream cheese out of his personal lunchbox on your vanilla cone, due to it being out, and without asking you or the owner of the shop.
  4. No, its more like seeing a U2 icon, but instead finding malware of a cover band who sounds awful, and believes that 90% of the public loves them. I disagree with your assessment that U2 is a cover band. I disagree with your erroneous assessment of my assessment, which compared throwdowns to cover bands.
  5. No, its more like seeing a U2 icon, but instead finding malware of a cover band who sounds awful, and believes that 90% of the public loves them.
  6. Well said. You speak for 90%+ of all cache owners, including myself , but a very low percentage of forum users of which some do not place caches. I've long ago lost track of how many emails I've received thanking me for help in maintaining caches.....not one mail said I should not have added a dry log or replaced the cracked container. I don't use the words " throwdown ", "lame ", etc that you see splattered around the forum. Someone wrote here that while the forum can be entertaining and informative you shouldn't confuse it with real everyday geocaching.....I would agree. I would disagree. Not all throwdowns are alike. Replacing the cache with a similar one, with the owners knowledge is much different than leaving a disposable micro in place of a regular size container because you didn't have time to look. I would contend that to be throwdown the container would have to be left on the first visit and without the owner's okay. Here are two local examples I noticed from just yesterday. Both appear to either create confusion, or giving the owner unnecessary work. http://coord.info/GC4WM4Q http://coord.info/GC3EZ8D
  7. Oh I already mentioned this in my post some pages before. As you say, this can get rather complicated. Mostly it's based on value. Which is a total confusing and subjective thing anyhow. But please don't mix that up with the intentional throwdown of a ziplock baggie and a paper. Despite folklore, law has connections to reality. ...just around the corner from the railroadtrack...(whistling)... I fail to find the continuing point in this interminable thread, so I'm going to throw down a replacement topic. Boy, I like Arlo, too. As you may not be aware of, September is Thowdown Awareness month. Other possible topics may include "Are throwdowns legally considered litter?", "Throwdowns you may have enjoyed", and "Thowdown culture in foreign lands". Then we have October upon us, which is Throwdown History month, and we can trace the roots of throwdowns back to the book of Enoch and the fallen angels, who were throwdown from the heavens. It should be an exciting educational journey.
  8. It's pure hyperbole to equate deleting a geocache log with arresting innocent people. Of course it is, but I was trying to work within 4wf's analogy. You cant´see a patern arysing from 4WF´s comments? You can clearly see my behaviour as "puritan" (quoting Toz) but you can´t see 4WF´s teasing comments... There's no teasing here. You are OCD serious, while I am trying to keep it light.
  9. Nobody is doing that. I did. Littering is a crime whether TOZ believes it or not.
  10. Except that the whole thread is people supporting this. Don't I get extra latitude because I'm travelling? I am throwing the film can out the window in good faith! Noone has supported the creation of throwdowns in this thread. But if you were to find one placed where the original should have been and it contains a proper logbook, then yes, people are saying if you logged a find then it should stand. That action does support it in a passive aggressive manner. Such as if you noticed a crime being committed and looked the other way without doing anything such as calling 911. That's exactly what the perp is counting on. Historically people will always test boundaries and learn the limits of tolerance which is how these things happen. Nobody is going to leave any throwdowns if they believe that the CO is going to embark on a log deletion spree and email all of the faux finders about the identity of who left the throwdown. That analogy seems broken to me. Would you arrest all of the people who ate in the diner across the streeet from a burglary because they could have seen the burglary happen, even though none of them actually did? If not, then why delete the finds of people who didn't even know that a throwdown happened? This communicates to them that a throwdown occurred, and that their involvement has been terminated, whether they are aware of it or not. People who do not call 911 if they notice a crime are very rarely arrested anyhow. It might seem like a case of punishing the wrong people, but more clearly it is just drawing the limits of tolerance a little tighter. It would be punishment if they had signed the correct logsheet, rather its not punishing anyone, but just being correct, perhaps in an anal retentive manner, but still correct. How can it be punishment if the online log displayed incorrect information under false pretenses? Tolerating this is only encouraging more.
  11. Except that the whole thread is people supporting this. Don't I get extra latitude because I'm travelling? I am throwing the film can out the window in good faith! Noone has supported the creation of throwdowns in this thread. But if you were to find one placed where the original should have been and it contains a proper logbook, then yes, people are saying if you logged a find then it should stand. That action does support it in a passive aggressive manner. Such as if you noticed a crime being committed and looked the other way without doing anything such as calling 911. That's exactly what the perp is counting on. Historically people will always test boundaries and learn the limits of tolerance which is how these things happen. Nobody is going to leave any throwdowns if they believe that the CO is going to embark on a log deletion spree and email all of the faux finders about the identity of who left the throwdown.
  12. Well, I posted an inquiry and the CO has not responded, nor disabled it, so perhaps it may be a different one.
  13. Well there's just too much crying over NAs and deleted logs these days anyhow. I had a few cachers throw a temper tantrum because my cache was missing and I wouldn't award them a find for arriving at GZ. I can see both sides here, and one takes much more guts than the other.
  14. I can see this being true for horizontal distance, but for vertical? A little harder to believe. Certainly would be counter-intuitive. A bullet fired from a gun would go higher if aimed straight upward. Throwing an object with your arm is different due to it being at an uncomfortable angle. It's also best to fill it with some ballast if it's a micro, such as a pill bottle or film can. I don't think it could be considered littering as the owner, whomever that may be, has already left it as litter.
  15. There's no need to be so smug and brag about it. Some of us are still relatively unknown curmudgeons.
  16. I don't think that there is anything weird about a CITO flash mob. Just explain on the page what you've noticed, and ask people to clean it up. Not many would normally, but since they are getting credit, they probably will. You don't have to attend, or mention whether you will attend. This will create local discussion, and raise awareness, as well as getting the area clean. If that doesn't work, consider holding a COTO.
  17. My kind of person!!!! Lets start an Anti-Throwdown movement!!!! You can accomplish that by tossing it as high in the air as possible. What goes up must come down. If you launch it straight up in the air it won't go as high as if you tossed it at a 45 degree angle away from GZ. I suppose we can call that a "throwup", hmm? No. Technically it's just an anti throwdown movement.
  18. as any responsible cache owner, you should verify the physical log after each and every online log. also, verify the time of day stated. it will also be a good idea to make sure that the entire cacher name is legible and on the line with the date and time. I use a game camera to verify the cachers identity when compared to known images. DNA and fingerprint analysis often proves too costly in most cases, unless it's a double platinum 5/5.
  19. whoops
  20. It might not be a bad idea. There's a geocache near here that was archived by the owner due to people finding a letterbox nearby in sad condition and posting NM notes on the geocache page. I can imagine the same thing happening with throwdowns, as they tend not to be very nice containers. At some point there needs to be a clear message sent that there should be more responsibility for knowing exactly what you are finding, as well as not littering the area with fake caches.
  21. That's what YouTube has. It suggests videos based upon your history compared to other's history. A simple thumbs up or thumbs down vote, kept hidden and separate from the favorites, should accomplish the same thing.
  22. My kind of person!!!! Lets start an Anti-Throwdown movement!!!! You can accomplish that by tossing it as high in the air as possible. What goes up must come down. If you launch it straight up in the air it won't go as high as if you tossed it at a 45 degree angle away from GZ.
  23. My kind of person!!!! Lets start an Anti-Throwdown movement!!!! You can accomplish that by tossing it as high in the air as possible.
  24. If it's used condoms, then it's most likely the intro app users.
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