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Everything posted by Rick618

  1. Big thumbs up to Billy and better half for the coin work and keeping updates posted. Like most I don't normally look forward to the mail truck showing up but now with the chance that there might be coins I'll be like one of the kids waiting on the ice cream truck to come around. Thanks.
  2. I'm a bit more gung-ho I guess. I found a huge oak tree with one spot in the roots where I could see the film can, through the PI vines. Into the cache bag for a latex glove and retrieved the cache that I signed with my left hand. Short walk across the street to the old country store to dispose of the glove and to use Technu to wash up just in case. I seem to have developed a systemic reaction. If I get into the stuff my hands/fingers will often develop the blisters, mostly small and just under the skin but no itch there and they don't reach the next stage where they weep. Ivy Dry does a good job of helping to knock it back. However, for me no matter what happens if it makes it to the big blister stage it's going to itch for 7-10 days and all the goo to be applied is meerly window dressing to stop the itching for a brief period. That's when it's time to visit the Dr. I'm typically very sceptical about homeopathic treatments but I'm atleast open minded enough to check out the products. There are supposed to be some drops that I'm guessing are Rhus/urishol that you mix with water and swallow. It's on my list of things to go check on.
  3. Found a lamp pole yesterday that has been there for many years. The screws were longer than normal and caught the square edge of the base of the pole and made it where it would not come up enough to squeeze a film can underneath. A thin altoids tin would go but if it slipped too far it woud require some extra work to recover. Cache was actually in a nearby shrub and a decoy film can was intened for the skirt.
  4. Smoke. It is what the beekeepers use to subdue the bees as it causes them to gorge themselves with honey. If you can find a bee keeper nearby you might be able to get one of their old smoke cans or borrow one(possibly with a deposit).
  5. PLESIOSAUR toys for sale search lead to http://www.linkandpinhobbies.com/dinotoys.htm#top which offers a t-rex and ple for about $15 also further down the page is a clearance on 2" items that includes a plesiosaur also further down are some chocolate ones, really not much for a cache but what a neat treat for the little dino-phile there may be more plesiosaur items as well, good luck
  6. First, welcome to caching. You are welcome to stop by alacache and join the local cachers. The next event, GCV97X, in your area is April 27. You should be able to show up, meet some new folks, and get all the help you need. http://www.alacache.com/ http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...54-dca69b6a7457
  7. Contact the cache owner and either ask for some better direction/hint or ask if they would meet you at the cache. It adds another level of "fun" when you have the pressure of the cache owner standing nearby snickering at you.
  8. You can always go to the Spencer gifts or other such joke store and buy the premade fake poo, its a rubbery plastic stuff that would likely get gnawed on. I've thought of making one to resemble a cow patty using the expandable sprayfoam. Container would be inside and covered by the foam, then spraypainted and add natural material. Still likely to be pestered with by the rodents but cheap enough to make or remake.
  9. http://www.sprucemtsurplus.com/AmmoStorage.html Decon containers? you can take a look at the above link for one source.
  10. Saw an ad on tv just a bit ago about a Krylon paint that is supposed to bond well to plastic. I've had issues with plastic items and the paint not sticking, things like 5gal plastic buckets and the like. Has anyone tried this for cache containers yet? Sounds good for painting Locknlocks. http://www.krylon.com/main/product_templat...product_details
  11. My only complaint about ammo cans is that they dont get painted. It really isn't that much extra effort to get a can of olive drab and cover over the military info or you can get as elaborate as you wish. A couple of the land managers I've spoken with have made this a requirement for any cans placed.
  12. Sounds like someone can come up with a new coin design, howabout one with the number raised on the rim, that way you rub it with ink and then roll stamp the number? Might start a new trend in lettterboxering. From the ones Ive seen it's all part of the design complexity the more stuff on the coin it seems the less room for the numbers.
  13. I saw up above in the announcement area that the ability to swap un's will go away on May 15th. Is there a chance that before then that those un's that have not been used for: x-amount of time, no forum posts, or whatever the criteria be freed up for use? As mentioned that most websites do not allow the swapping of user names many also purge inactive un's after a given amount of time without site activity.
  14. Ammo cans around here are $3 and $7 each. $20 does seem a bit steep. Maybe you can buy a trunkload and set up just down the street at $15 a can? HASELOFF'S ARMY SURPLUS. 374 HWY 51 RIDGELAND, MS 39157 PH: 601-856-5364 and you might try this link and see which one of the surplus stores among those sporting good stores is close to you. http://www.pmcammo.com/dealers/Mississippi.php
  15. The part about the 15 acres, the gpsr will show your track but you need some reference points from the survey of the property to know where to start and go to. I had the chance of using an Explorist 200 this past weekend and in use to me it was like comparing Ford vs Chevy. On some caches the Magellan was faster to acquire the sats on others the Garmin had less error. I was used to using the Legend but the controls on the other were not hard to figure out. I actually liked the Magellan for and would have no problems with replacing the Legend with a 210 as it is also download capable. You might check bizrate as there were a couple 210's listed in the $150's.
  16. Gift cards to local eaterys are always a good option. The wagon ruts would be enough for me to come take a look if I were a bit closer, hopefully the finders will take some pics of the area. With several DNF's you could hold an event nearby and include solving this cache as part of the activities followed by a cache run. Some of the fun of the cache run is the demented pleasure of watching others hunt for your own caches.
  17. Snakes this time of year? Good chance. Why would he be made at you? Sounds like he made his way into the snakes home. I have a cache where there is a fake snake in the can and it is tied to the lid so that when you pop the top out he comes. Hasn't been found yet since the new addition, but the log should prove interesting.
  18. It's a vernacular pet peeve. Technically venom is a poison. It is important to note the difference between "venomous" and "poisonous", which are two commonly confused terms with regards to plant and animal life. Venomous refers to animals who inject venom into their prey or as a self-defence mechanism while the organism is still alive. Poisonous, on the other hand, refers to plants or animals that are harmful when consumed or touched. Poison implies ingestion venom implies injection so with that in mind no snake is poisonous, you can eat them all. That's the way we learned it in EMT and Herpetology. Snake looks real enough. I found a corn snake yesterday that I must have walked within inches of and it never moved. It was just loosely curled up on a small pile of limbs up off the ground enjoying the sun. I was very close checking it out snapping pictures and trying not to bump into anything so as not to disturb it. I finally saw the tongue flicker WORD HISTORY The phrase poison potion, besides being alliterative, also consists of doublets, that is, two words that go back ultimately to the same source in another language. The source for both words is Latin pōtiō (stem form pōtiōn-), which meant “the act of drinking, a drink, or a draft, as of a medicine or poison.” Our word potion, which retains the sense “dose,” passed through Old French (pocion) on its way to Middle English (pocion), first recorded in a work composed around 1300. In Old French pocion is a learned borrowing, one that was deliberately taken from Latin in a form corresponding to the Latin form. Our spelling potion is the result of a similar impulse toward Latinization; in the late Renaissance and Enlightenment, numerous English words that had been borrowed from Old French were respelled according to the shape of their Latin ancestors. Pocion thus was changed to potion on the model of Latin pōtiō. But the Latin word had also passed through Vulgar Latin into Old French in the different form poison. This word meant “beverage,” “liquid dose,” and also “poison beverage, poison.” The word poison is first recorded in Middle English in a work composed around 1200.
  19. And the secret to nice straight cuts? Head to Kinkos and use the paper cutter. Those tiny ones that are either actual containers or the mod'd flashers are known as pico's in our area. The only down side to the flashers is that they don't seem to be rust free like the actual pill container that is the same size.
  20. Thought I lost my car key today. Spent several minutes looking in the leaf litter for the single key and auto remote. NADA. Had the spare out and was down the road to the next stop. Saw it sitting in the back seat where I had reached for my hiking stick, with key in hand I guess. I have a new cell phone that wasn't lost it I killed it. It was open on the dash and then dove off into an open cup of sweet tea. The one that I told myself that I didn't need a lid for. When I pulled away from the cache off into the cup it went. I tried alcohol, water, and nothing changed the fact that the flash from the camera stayed on all the time the battery was in place and just a few minutes after being turned on the screen would change colors and fade away. First phone I've had insurance on and it was a painless, well minus the deductable transaction. New phone in hand the next day.
  21. If you already have the born dates on the stone use that as part of cache, add subtract or something with the coordinates that doesn't require the use a container at that stage.
  22. The bigger thicker coins just feel better. Yep, I'll stick with that. They have more heft and those are the ones I like the most. The ones that Crake has produced are at the top of my list.
  23. Transposing numbers is something that I am prone to do and on occasion after pointing and clicking on the gpsr the wrong number is in there. Generally not too far but one evening I ended up at a juncture of a couple of driveways that almost matched the 4way description. Further checking of the log page and a map then the numbers and I was only a mile or so off.
  24. "I almost almost did that once... I was looking at old toys in the cellar for potential travel bugs, and came upon a set of plastic farm animals, including four sheep. There's a four-bug-minimum hotel near me, and I got the bright idea to turn these into TBs called "Sacrificial Lamb #1 - #4", with instructions to always stay in that cache so other bugs could travel feely. But then I decided I didn't want to spend $20 worth of tags on the idea." You could still do that, just use those travelER Tags. Numbers can be had for free and seldom are they logged as they aren't as easy to use as the GC tb's. As a tb owner I bought them with the hope that they would travel, silly to think that I guess considering the name. If the tb swap shop is in a good location it shouldn't need any prison rules, break them out at will.
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