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Posts posted by tr_s

  1. Just send it as a route instead ... then all is well. Personally I never bother to use tracks as I find routes far more flexible.


    Sounds rather un-smooth as a workaround. The devices generate track data upon walking, so it won't work as a workaround for trackback. Moreover, uploading as a route seems to soil the waypoint listing as a waypoint is generated for each route point.

  2. Another problem is, by the way, how tracks are being followed. If I draw a track in Mapsource/Basecamp, upload it to the device and choose to follow it, the compass arrow won't generally point in the direction of the track and the device won't count down the distance correctly. Same goes for Trackback.


    Garmin - if you happen to listen - copy those routines straight off the latest eTrex H software (or just about any other older receiver) - those work splendidly!

  3. A bug which exists in many of the new receivers, I have learned; including the eTrex x0 line and Montana. I don't think there's anything you can do to prevent it and Garmin hasn't cared much about fixing it. Could have been argued not to be a bug though - if it were not for that the speed data of the recorded straight line is incorrect - if I take a walk at home, switch off the eTrex 30, take a commuter train southbound for half an hour and turn on the receiver at the destination the "straight line" will have a recorded speed of 2000-3000 km/h!

  4. Screen flashing every 15 minutes: An amazingly, terribly bad implementation...User13371 - it's extremely apparent if the unit lies on a tabletop at night for instance.

    I don't dispute it's a bug and should be fixed. But what is amazing and terrible to you hardly moves the needle for me.


    This one seems fairly obscure, low seriousness, and easy to avoid. Don't need continuous barometric altitude trending, turn that feature off. If you really need to record a continuous trend while the GPS is otherwise off, a flash of the screen a few times an hour isn't going to add much to the battery drain. And if you really, absolutely, must have that trending record on your night table while you're sleeping and afraid the light will wake you - turn the thing face down.


    Low seriousness for me too and "hardly moves the needle"... still a terrible implementation. Even if people can turn the feature off - they might not realize it's been turned on and is causing the flashing. One wouldn't accept a car which flashes the headlights every 15 minutes whenever the car alarm is enabled.


    mussolini - Don't think that one's serious at all... no sensor connected = no value. Just change that field to some other relevant data (afaik those fields are customizable everywhere in the device) . Really just screen/menu aesthetics, but I agree it's sloppy especially if that was a preset field on the trip computer when the device was shipped!

  5. Sounds like you did not do much research before buying.


    That sounds like the exact opposite of what s/he did to me... faulty information on the product website = manufacturer or reseller the only one to blame. The poster should at the very least be able to return it for a refund no questions asked, or alternatively get the missing maps for free.

  6. Can't reset the odometer either :)


    Sounds like less of a bug to me, just like a car odometer can't be reset. There's a Trip odometer as well which indeed can be reset. Of course the "Odometer" is then just a meaningless number and I'm not sure why it's even implemented in the first place.


    My eTrex-30 v2.80 resets Total ascent on a trip computer reset. Not saying that mussolini is lying though, the firmware in these units show a lot of funny/inconsistent behaviour...

  7. Screen flashing every 15 minutes: An amazingly, terribly bad implementation of continous pressure logging where someone decided the system must boot and turn on its backlight (with full power!!!) to proceed with the logging. If you go to Setup -> Altimeter -> Pressure trending and set it to "Save when power on" the flashes will cease to occur.


    User13371 - it's extremely apparent if the unit lies on a tabletop at night for instance. If it lies in the same room the light flash may even wake less sound sleepers up. Hence no need to actively look at the unit when powered off, I found it out anyway.

  8. I always set my map to " North Up ".

    No matter what your position or movement your map stays the same with north always being at the top of the screen.


    Indeed the best option for hiking as you can easily rotate the device by hand. For vehicle use not so hot unless you are swift at rotating the map in your head - mostly works for me but this may not be the case for all.

  9. Probably an etrex 30 since the compass seems to be the major bug lately.


    S/he seems to be talking about that the direction arrow is missing, this has not very much to do with the eTrex 30's erratic magnetic compass. But yeah I also suspect it's a 20/30, a sporadically disappearing direction arrow seems perfectly consistent with the other fine and dandy features in its firmware, not that I've seen it happen though :P


    Oh by the way, Duncanhoyle: do you re-select the cache after the unit has rebooted? If not this is probably just a variation of the "Forgets destination after power cycle" bug (not fixed yet in 2.80 and I've reported it in this forum, has its own thread).

  10. Toothpaste is a fine grit polish.


    The toothpastes I tried before buying the tube of Autosol were way too weak abrasives to give a noticeable effect in a reasonable amount of time. Of course that will depend on the brand and type of toothpaste. As Autosol is a fixed-type product, it's much easier to recommend. Be careful not to get too much of it outside the screen or on the clickstick though, as I think it contains a small amount of gasoline or kerosene which might affect rubber.

  11. As others have said map displacement is generally not due to geological movements but just plain erratic data from geodesic institute, alternatively poorly converted to the Garmin format.


    Garmin's basemap is a prime example of this. It's a shame that the few data it has isn't even accurate, but off by hundreds and hundreds of meters on average, it seems!


    That could have also been an issue with the map. Many times a map might be drawn from a source that is incorrect. Also there are places that have moved since the original source maps were drawn. For instance in Sitka Alaska my GPS shows everything to be 100 ft NW of where it really is. I have been told this is because of plates shifting since the maps were originally created.


    Could have been, in my case it definitely was not. The receiver was reporting the wrong position or displaying it incorrectly on the map. Whether the actual reason was multipath or not I don't know, but conditions were pretty optimal for such a thing to happen so I assumed multipath was the reason.


    100ft. error is quite normal for some map detail, 1000ft+. is not!

  13. I saw multipath in action for the first time ever recently while in a bus which was driving through a canyon. Reported location was 500-600 meters off the true location on an eTrex 20, placing us in the middle of a lake instead of on the road.


    It would follow that those new, sensitive receivers have greater problems with multipath than the older ones - an old, not sensitive receiver will not pick up the rock wall reflected signal at all and be more prone to use only LOS signals from the satellites. But then, maybe better with a crude position than no position at all but that really depends on the application.

  14. The compass in my 76csx was just as jumpy,I use a real commpass.

    Lots of people have complained about the map writing speed,it will be slower than the Vista,but I have found with my slightly older Garmin topos it is acceptable.

    Maybe someone can awnser this for me,with my 76csx I can pan the map,press enter and mark a waypoint where the panned map arrow was,the Etrex 30 wont do that,it marks my current location,and another thing I dont like is when you look at a waypoint in waypoint management it wont tell you how far that waypoint is ,just its elevation and bearing.


    When you pan the map and have pressed the clickstick at the location you want, press the Menu button. Voila!


    My waypoint manager, as of 2.80, shows distance and bearing (with direction letters). So if you don't, it gotta be a setting I don't know of or a firmware fault.

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