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Everything posted by Starwolf013

  1. Hello I am Dave, and I 've been lurking on the forums for several months now. I began geocaching late last year after coming across the terminology on a television show. I thought it sounded like a fun thing to do, and sure enough it has been! I have been caching solo for the past few months and having only a minor amount of success. It was discouraging to go out searching for a 1/1 and come back empty handed. My first few finds were guardrail and lampost and I started to think that was all there was out there in my area. One day, lo and behold I came across my first ammo can! I attended my first event in January with the PAGA and met some very nice people. I brought my wife along Jen (Ladywolfe) to the next event I went to (Mardi Gras) and now she seems as enthused about caching as I do! We are taking a trip next weekend to work on the AGT caches (which will be pretty challenging for two newbies I am sure). We also are going to Geowoodstock. I am also interested in stargazing, ufology, and the like. Nice meeting you all. I really enjoy the community.
  2. My SETI satellite only powered up in the recent weeks, and it seems as if I missed out on the initial communications that reached our planet. I am not deterred however, and shall continue to scan the night skies for signals and signs in an effort to become a willing participant in Mr. Gray's "project". This believer will continue to hold onto the hope that further research is needed, and more subjects will be added to the initial project! Keep Looking Up!
  3. Wow, what an awesome coin design. I'm not able to make it to Europe, which is a shame because this seems like a must have!
  4. With so many sightings of this phenomena surfacing out there, I have begun looking in the night sky every night in hopes that I may be one of the chosen ones that are Cointacted! This is an awesome coin built off of an awesome concept. Folks that receive it are truly the fortunate ones... Just avoid any exercises in hypnosis, you might not want to know what gets uncovered!!! Keep looking up! Starwolf
  5. My geocoin heart desires the receipt of geocoins that are extra-terrestrial in nature. I just had the chance to read about Mr. Gray's alien head release on these forums, and I thought that it was one of the coolest releases. From Alien Head to Close Encointer, I would be greatly interested in all coins that embrace ufology.
  6. Antique Bronze would be my 4th. Thanks for being so generous with the awesome Cointest!
  7. My second choice would be Antique silver
  8. I really like the Black nickel. I think it looks sharp. That would be my first choice
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