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Andys101 & Redfrock

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Posts posted by Andys101 & Redfrock

  1. have been following mark and lynne's guide to PQs (fab - thanks) and have successfully done what they suggest. Howver they say about running a weekly PQ for updates in the last week. Having previewed this I see that it is over the 500 limit (too many of us out there it would seem!), so what is the best way round this? Ta

  2. ok, let me try and get this straight.


    Equpiment: Garmin map60 & Palm Vx (OS 4.1)

    Software: easy gps - (already had it)

    premium membership (already was)

    Cachemate - paid for and downloaded to PDA

    GSAK - (paid for and waiting for reg number)


    now, is that it?!?


    and do I need all of them?


    and ohmigod what complicated things am i getting myself into!! :P

  3. Andys101 & Miss Redfrock: do not fret - it is indeed a spoof and quite a well known one - I'm really sorry if I have distressed you - but the internet is a wild and wonderful place and most things should be taken with a pinch of salt.


    Again, my apologies



    i do normally but I am a sensitive sole and i just couldn't be certain - thanks for putting my mind at rest


  4. please please please tell me that that ghastly bonsai page is just a sick joke and horrible digital technology because at the moment i am feeling very sick and upset (you may think I am overreacting) and I don't want to offend anyone who is saying about site for just geocaching but right now I wish I had never seen that link

  5. and it only cost £15 still sealed new in a box.

    jammy b*gger! Makes the £25 I spent feel expensive! Good luck with it! Should have my Vx by the weekend.


    Now we will all be recognising each other by all these gadgets we are juggling to hold as we are rummaging in strange nooks and crannies!! B)

  6. ooooh this is all terribly confusing ;)


    i too have purchased a second hand PDA as when we were on holiday in the peak district we had to keep going to local libraries to print off more caches for areas we didn't realise we would be visiting - aside from the 60 or so I printed before we went. One day hubby opened the car window and all these sheets of paper flew around the car :P and it was very confusing trying to see if I had printed off ones which we were near to ...


    so paperless definately seemed the way to go - well for when we are on holiday anyway.


    So we now have a Garmin Map60, are about to receive a 2nd hand Palm Vx (hopefully good value at £25 incl metal case and new screen) and then I will have to learn how to use the two items and how they connect etc etc etc


    Mark and Lynne's page here I come! B)

  7. ok, well I am to a degree, a technophobe (when it comes to matching equpment up and PDAs). So I need a bit more assistance. We have a Garmin Map 60 (not the colour one). So can I use a PDA with it and what one? Please be as basic as you like!!

  8. at risk of being flamed here, I feel really strongly that I need to comment, having read through this thread last night and again today.


    I geocache because I love it, because it is fun and because it is darned good exercise. I appreciate all the hard work cache-owners go do because without them caching would not exist.


    HOWEVER I do feel that there is a risk that with some of the attitudes I have read today - almost militant in their views and tone - there runs the risk of the fun element being removed. It is afterall, as some peple have alredy said, only a game.


    Sometimes, when I have done more than one cache in a day, I go to sign the log of the second or third of the day, only to find I have left my pen in the previous one and because the new one is a micro or because somebody has innocently taken the pen by mistake (we have all done it in all sorts of situations - not just caching) - I can't log my find in the book. I went to one recently where there was nowhere left to sign at all - not even a milimetre. I will always leave my calling card where possible - even in some micros - but if I have found it, I have found it, and that's that. I still log it as a find. I know we have found it. My husband knows we have found it. PLease do not suck the fun and innocence out of this. It is one of the few things in life at the moment that still has these elements. There will always be fraudsters in every walk of life - they are only kidding themselves at the end of the day - don't let them reflect on us who simply didn't have a means to write in the log.


    Currently the militancy I have alreay referred to has taken some of the shine out of caching for me and I am disapointed to come across such attitudes


    Hope my long winded garble makes sense!!

  9. We have just bought a GPSMAP 60 and are thrilled - does everything we need. Couldn't stretch to a colour one. We paid just £185!! Brand new - seem the website made a mistake because the following day the price had shot up, but still very reasonable .... (turtle creek - still cheaper than anywhere else. Google them for their website as can't remember off hand).


    We chose by using the garmin product assistant which asks lots of questions and then makes suggestions. You can then compare those it has suggested. We followed the in-car nav route and then the geocache route and both times it suggested the map 60.


    Fantastic - and its drop proof and waterproof - always handy! :anibad:

    How much better is the gpsmap 60 series of Gps at maintaining a lock under trees compared to the etrex range and is the extra cost justified on this criteria alone



    sorry don't know - this is our first one.

  10. We have just bought a GPSMAP 60 and are thrilled - does everything we need. Couldn't stretch to a colour one. We paid just £185!! Brand new - seem the website made a mistake because the following day the price had shot up, but still very reasonable .... (turtle creek - still cheaper than anywhere else. Google them for their website as can't remember off hand).


    We chose by using the garmin product assistant which asks lots of questions and then makes suggestions. You can then compare those it has suggested. We followed the in-car nav route and then the geocache route and both times it suggested the map 60.


    Fantastic - and its drop proof and waterproof - always handy! :P

  11. I'm sorry but we must hold our hands up and say guilty. :)


    We left a spent rifle shell in the first cache we found at the weekend. I logged that we had found and the cache and what we had left ... resulting in the owner closing it down until he could confirm that it wasn't live. How guilty and embarassed do I feel ..... :D:P:)


    Lesson firmly learnt and head hung in shame



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