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Andys101 & Redfrock

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Posts posted by Andys101 & Redfrock

  1. my husband loves me so much that having noticed a white jeep tb placed locally to us he has gone out in the pitch black, cold and wet to retreive it for me! I didn't even ask him to. He must know just how deep my obsession runs! ;)


    He should be home with it any time now! ;)


    EDIT: to admit that it was in one of our caches so he knew where he was going but it was still dead spooky as it was in the middle of a graveyard!!!

  2. This is a bit delicate as I do not want to upset / offend anyone .....but if someone had picked up a TB or two yet has not logged any cache finds, only the TB finds and does not seem to be part of a wider group - i.e. no one else logged a visit to the cache on the day the TBs were grabbed would it be of concern?


    EDIT: I'm wondering if perhaps the thinking is that when the TB find is logged it shows as a cache find as well

  3. I'm going to drill a small hole in mine (or rather I'm going to get someone who has a drill to do it for me) and attach a chain with a laminated card showing the coin's mission. That might just help people to understand that it is a TB, and the hole might discourage would-be collectors.

    thats what we have done!

  4. Geocaching - Launch of 8 CS Coy Travel Bug


    ""Geocaching is a world wide GPS 'treasure hunt' similar in some respects to Letterboxing on Dartmoor. The fist cache was placed in May 2000 after elective availability (the US Government's position error) was removed and GPS accuracy increased, it is now active in 218 countries with over 185,000 caches. All you need to have a go is Internet access, a GPS and a map. Visit www.geocaching.com enter your location and caches in your area will be listed.


    A cache is a container containing a log book and other items. It may be any size (indicated on information page) from a 35mm film container to a small arms ammunition box! The co-ordinates you receive from the web will get you as close as accuracy allows, but it will still take some rooting about to find it. There are other types of cache, virtual, mystery, location-less to name a few. Further explanation of these can be found on the website. In the cache will be items you can take on an exchange basis and possibly items called ‘Travel-bugs’. A travel bug is a serialized dog tag attached to an item. These bugs are given a task to complete or a location to get to. Geocachers then help the bug achieve its goal. 8 CS Coy has recently released a travel bug. Its goal is to travel from cache to cache around the UK and promote the unit and the Corps. It may all sound a bit geeky but it does provide a fun way to promote the confident use of a GPS. You will still need a map and a compass and you can combine it with a run :blink: to make it more interesting. Alternatively children love it, and enjoy the challenge of finding the cache and what’s inside, so take them along and teach them some map reading along the way.


    Go on try it. You might enjoy it. ""

  5. We were flicking through this month's edition of my husband's trade magazine: "The Craftsman - Magazine of the Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME)" and there was an article on geocaching - it pops up in the most unlikely places! It gives a brief history, the website details, and how it all works. One of the Army Companies has released a Travel Bug and it gives details of it and it's mission.


    We are spreading far and wide - soon geocachers will take over the world!

  6. while we are on holiday we are going across to the I of W for a day trip (wednesday)- please can you let me know how I can find the caches for that area & also any good ones to dao. Got to rush - library computer about to log me off. 






    The behaviour you mention may be due to the device needing ot be reset to free up and reorganise memory, but it may be due to software you have that is not working properly. What else are you running other than Cachemate?

    nothing other than the basic programs it came with. I'll have a go with the reset button now. Sorry to be such a techno phobe!



  8. we're leaving for Salisbury tomorrow - a week off work and a week devoted to caching - just what the doctor ordered! Are there any caches we should definately make a point of doing? We will have the car and are not worried about travelling a bit to get to something that should really not be missed.


    Meant to start this thread during the week - talk about last minute!



  9. I have finally spotted a location (or two) to place a cache - at long last! When Hubby is back from playing soldiers I am going to cart him off to look at the areas in more detail so we can find actual hiding spots at the locations. However I would like some guidance as to how to ask the landowners for permission - I have no idea what to write - I shall be sending a letter - and I want to put it in such a way that they won't say no!


    Any guidance would be much appreciated - and will assist placing 2 more caches in a cache desert!

  10. sorry to sound dim - but does this mean I can literally pick a bug up and put it back in the same box straight away and still register as having found it rather than always moving them on?


    Yes you can as that is what happens with TB's at events. Some consider it bad TB etiquette if you do this when you find one in a cache. But at the end of the day you play the game the way you want. But if you do expect to get comments about doing it, as some moan about it being done at events.



    as i said - just curiosity! :ph34r: - bit by bit I am learning more and more!


    thanks for answeing the question though!

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