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Everything posted by ayrbrain

  1. I only have about 3 souvenirs, but I didn't realise the first one was on my profile page until weeks after we came back from Canada where we had been on holiday last year. We had completed a few cache finds in Stanley Park Vancouver, so that is where my first souvenir came from, i did wonder where it was from at the time.
  2. Can I just ask, how can a non PM log a PMO cache? I am not wanting to start an argument but just wondered. Thanks.
  3. Crumbs..... (no pun intended). It is years since I have taken part in a Friendship Cake mixture,
  4. You tell someone you go geocaching? Usually the answer I get is......What! Then I have to explain. I have managed to get it mentioned twice on radio. (uk) for British cachers they were both Radio 2 , Simon Mayo and then Paul O'Grady shows.
  5. A few. The most recent when we went to check in a cache that I had just adopted. A mother and little daughter were at the very cache we were going to, we had found this one a couple of years back and just about remembered where it was Lucky they were there so it helped us. But the frst time, I was under a bridge searching and a man walked by twice with his dog, on his second time passing by he asked if I had found it yet Since then we have met one or two.
  6. We have replaced wet/full logs, or placed a good size of paper in the container if big enough. I have taken a choca block full log out before now and relaced it with a new one when the container has been a tiny one, butI always notify the CO with an email asking if they want it (old one). No one has asked for the full one, but sometimes I get an email in return thanking me. I wouldn't mind in the least if someone was good enough to replace a log of one of mine if needed before I could get to it. When I first started i didn't jnow you could do this, so now I carry different size logs with me just in case.
  7. We found a great geocache in a tree last year. Thankfully there was no need to climb it, we wouldn't have done that anyway. Plus the wrong age to be climbing trees! But we looked up and could see the container, turned out we had to use the fishing wire hidden on the tree and unravel it to bring the container down. A well thought out cache hide.
  8. Wow that's some story, So there is hope for all the other TB's MIA around the globe. Mine included.
  9. Holding my hands up and admitting i didn't notice the top right had the code ooooops.........ok i am learning about adopting still. Many thanks for the 2 replies and help many thanks, Something else I have learnt . Off to polish my glasses!
  10. As I adopted 3 TB's a few weeks back and a couple are MIA, but I am just going to leave them for now in case they eventually turn up somewhere, My question is, it just dawned on me last night that I would need their numbers if I want to write anything about them, is this correct? I am trying to find the original TB owner but I cannot find their message where they asked for someone to take them over plus a couple of caches which I also took. Hope this is making sense. I looked at the TB's pages last night and it asked for the numbers, but I do not have them. I remember the owners geo name and I have looked to see where I could email them, but can't find where I can do this, Plus they were giving up geocaching so the chances are they will not read the message, hmmmmmmm. Thank you for any help.
  11. I adopted a couple of caches a few weeks back, we had already found them but way back beginning of last year. We went out to the nearest one to us to check on it just as we were searching we noticed a lady and her daughter ahead of us also searching, turned out they had just that morning started caching and this one was their first, so it helped us locate the cache as it had been a while since we found it.
  12. I adoped a couple of caches a few weeks back, we had already found them but way back beginning of last year. We went out to the nearest one to us to check on it just as we were searching we noticed a lady and her daughter ahead of us also searching, turned out they had just that morning started caching and this one was their first, so it helped us locate the cache asit had been a while since we found it.
  13. Many thanks for all replies. I use an Acer laptop which is a right pain! As it takes ages for it to recognise my GPS always has! I ended up deleating all caches on my gps, and starting again, the new ones went to my gps. The distance of where the caches are isn't a problem as they do go on to the gps. The problem we had was the computer told me they we were already on my gps! But we could not see them at all, In fact just as i was about to throw both the laptop and gps out the window last night, i noticed that it still told me one was already on the gps, but i cannot see it at all. Never mind, i can remember where this one is that i adopted, well i think i can Thank you to all.
  14. I adopted a couple of caches a week ago that I had already found last year. I am having problems putting them onto my GPS, well one so far I dare not even try the other one grrrrrrrrr(as stated in my previous posting) is it because I have already found these or is that a daft question? Reason I want them onto my GPS is so I can go out and check on them, I have a rough idea where they are but it was way back last year and I want them on my GPS for now.
  15. I am not using waypoints, just clicking on "send to my gps". it then tells me it is on gps, but I look at my GPS and it isn't there. then if I go back and try again, it then tells me " already on gps"
  16. I have a new (last christmas) Garmin etrex 30 I have no problem putting co-ords onto it, but today I am having problems. I select the caches I want to put on.click send to GPS it tells me it is on, then when I look on the GPS it tells me it isn't there what on earth am I doing wrong? I am no techie so in simple words please also if I click on the cache again it tells me already on GPS! but it isn;t there many thanks
  17. I have a wee bit still to go to get to my 300th, but will keep a lookout to see if I can spot one to do for then.
  18. We were the same starting out. But once you have found different size caches you begin to see how it works. I know we did. I have also learnt that if I think " it couldn't be in there!" then it most likely is. Many a time I haven't looked at a certain area because 'it couldn't possibly be there" only to look later and spy it. Our town is full of micros so that was a learning curve for us. Good luck and enjoy.
  19. I was also very happy to recently adopt two nice local caches. Assuming you have caches of your own, treat this one no differently. BTW, your newly adopted caches should now appear on your home map page as "star" icons. Yes they do. I have kept the previous cache owners name up. And put adopted by me at the side. Many thanks.
  20. Thank you very much. This is the correct way to do it, especially if you actually visit the cache to check on it. It is also possible for the owner to edit the attributes for the listing and remove the attribute without posting a log of any kind. This is helpful when someone else does the actual maintenance for you and you don't want to say you went there when you didn't. Thank you for the help.
  21. Groundspeak has SPELLING & GRAMMMER police now? Really?? (rolling eyes) It's okay......... I have slapped myself on the wrists . I was rushing out the door and decided to ask my question first, hence the spelling etc.
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