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Posts posted by ikonixx

  1. I believe I read somewhere here in the forums that that is the correct thing to do. Unfortunately it was after I had the same problem so I just grabbed from that person with a note on the log that I was grabbing it so I could drop it in a cache later. That did work but I should have emailed the person I grabbed it from and let them know what I was doing I think.


    I'm guessing that as long as it's logged as dropped in whatever cache you put it in then it'll be fine. I could be wrong and I'm sure someone will come along and correct me soon if I am.

  2. I grab as many as I can (well, I only grab one if there are several in the cache so as to give others a chance to get one also). Since this is all new to me I have no problems finding large enough caches. I only have 47 finds to my name right now so that definitely helps.

  3. I know that in the past people would charge insane shipping rates to make up for the money that Ebay takes out of the final bid price. You could see an item worth $10 go for $2 with $10 shipping when it would only cost a dollar or two to actually ship it. Sometimes it just a way to game the system to make more money.

  4. There is a difference between discover and retrieve/grabbing. If you discover the coin/TB you get the credit for finding it, but it remains where ever it was, be that in a persons hand or cache. If you retrieve or grab it, it now is in your hand. Why mention this? You might find a cache with a couple travelers and you don't want to take them all but want credit for finding them. Discover allows you to do this. You might be at an event and some one has a really cool coin and you would like to get credit for finding it, discover allows this.


    Thank you very much. Now all I need to do is find someone with a load of coins that I can discover. :signalviolin:

  5. Handing off a traveler by letting them Grab it from you is perfectly fine. You could just do a Discover and they do the Retrieve but your method works just as well.


    Happy Caching!


    OK, that's what I was looking for. Thank you and EhFhQ for your help. I think we'll use the discover method from now on.

  6. If you want somebody else to drop it in a cache, have them grab it.


    If you want them to just log it, have them discover it.


    So if I pick up a TB or coin and she discovers it then that would essentially be the same as grabbing it from me? Meaning that we both get to log the coin. If so then I'll do that from now on as that may be a little less confusing for the traveler's owner I think.

  7. Is there a problem with me grabbing a TB or geocoin out of a cache, logging it and then letting someone else grab it from me to log it also? They would be putting it in another cache as it's logged to them now.


    I did this with my daughter the other day and just now started to wonder if there is some sort of etiquette that I may have run afoul of by doing this. My thought was for us both to be able to log the geocoin just for fun. Thanks for the help.


    Edited to say: I did have her note on the geocoin's page that she was grabbing it from me and had her note I was her Dad just so the owner would know who it was switching hands between.

  8. To the OP, I hope that you and your family continue to have fun finding geocaches together, including caches that you identify using your Groundspeak premium membership.

    Thank you very much. We are planning a whirlwind geocaching extravaganza for this Saturday (read, all 5 of us are going out caching together :blink: ).

    To those who helped the OP with the advice on logging methods, thank you.

    Yes, thank you everyone. I appreciate your help very much! I just hope one day I'll be able to help someone as much as you all have helped me.

  9. And that anyone in the USA with a cell phone, who doesn't even have a Geocaching.com membership of any kind, can send a text message inquiry and receive the first 160 Characters of an MOC cache page, which always includes a minimum of the coordinates, terrain and difficulty.


    I didn't know that. I must do some research and see how this is done. :blink:


    If you have a minor daughter I see no reason to spend money on another premium membership. You don't pay for a second cable account for her, do you? Get her a pm account as a gift on the day she moves out of the house.


    Very true, but we use the iPhone clients to cache and she wants to be able to search them on her phone and log them on the phone in the field. That's worth a PM I think.

  11. Wow, just wow. You definitely have issues that I will be steering well clear of in the future, SS. Take care, and I really hope you find a proper outlet for your anger some day. Of course you may respond any way you wish, but just know that I will not respond to your posts in the future. Take care and God bless.

  12. Just pay the $30 then you have no problem logging them, and stop trying to beat the system. You use the site and take advantage of the benefits why not "do the right thing" and pay your way. The dirty little secret is that it costs money to run the site. :rolleyes:



    Did it occour to you that some of us are on a tight budget and can't afford multiple memberships at once? Way to hang a guy before you know what's really going on. Oh, and thanks for making a noob feel welcome too.


    Edit to say that if you read above I stated that I would use this method until I can upgrade her account. I know that this site costs money to run. That's why I got my membership.

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