Old Navy
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Posts posted by Old Navy
Come on out to Camp Glen Gray for lots of Indiana Jones fun 9/13/08. Search the mountains for the Holy grail, Arc of the Covenant, Sankara stones and Crystal Skull artifacts. Then find Indy who hiding with a map and clues to the final treasure! There will be group hikes, food, raffle, t-shirts and trackable Indy geocoins, a camp fire, and a cool night hike. Everyone is welcome, bring a non cacher and let them experience the geocaching fun. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Old Navy - President NNJC
WAY TO GO!!!!!!!
The Earth day celebration will include lots of activities: Canoe the passaic river with the West Essex park Conservancy, Essex County Nature photographers, NJ woodturner asso. to discover woodturning, Essex county beekeepers with a beehive, the Butterfly guy, Turtle Back Zoo animals, NJ Audubon Society with a birding hike, rock climbing wall, face painting and crafts. Bring the kinds, check into the NNJC table and get a smiley!! Enjoy Old Navy
The Essex County Environmental Center is hosting an Earth Day Celebration, Saturday April 19th, from 11 am to 4pm. Northern New Jersey cachers (NNJC) will be participating in the Earth Day celebration with a Introduction to Geocaching 101 demonstration table. Experienced geocachers, your assistance is needed. We like to pair participants with a volunteer to head out on the trail. We will be setting up a couple of temporary caches to demonstrate various hides and containers. Please offer any help you can to make this event successful, and teach potiential new geocachers. You can reply on the cache page or email me if you are interested. Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy in the Earth Day Celebration. Thanks, Old Navy
CONGRATULATIONS Tim !!! way to go....
Come on out and enjoy the fun Spring Tiki Picnic, there will be 5 new Tiki God theme caches hidden in the jungles of the Watchung Reservation ready to go for the event. Old Navy
3000 CONGRATULATIONS JOHN!!!! How many were FTF's in the early mornings!! I have enjoyed caching with you on at least 1 10th of 1 % of your cache finds!! Way to go...... Now onto the surrounding states!!
Very Funny Deb!!! I spent 2 hours taking the reporter around the woods and she spells my name wrong too..."Old Navy"
The Herald News attended "The Sopranos" event Saturday 1/26/08 and published this article, Featuring IMSpider and others.... http://www.myheraldnews.com/view.html?type...mp;sub_id=25863
The Herald News attended "The Sopranos" event Saturday 1/26/08 and published this article, Featuring IMSpider and others....
Another fun and well attended event. I spent the hike with a very pleasant news reporter, Meredith from the local Herald News. /Bergen record. They are writing a Geocaching article for Sunday's edition, so watch for it. We may see IMSpider's mug shot in the paper too... Also, it can be viewed on www.myheraldnews.com. Thanks Mark (Tony) for a "good time"
On to the next event. Old Navy
These are trained marksmen to thin out the population, I believe they must take a couple does first before they can take a Buck. The marksmen will each receive 40 Lbs of venison with the rest going to food banks.
Also Nik, I believe Watchung Reservation has managed their popultion well and only closed 1 or 2 days last fall, so there should be no problem caching there.
CONGRATULATIONS to a really nice team of cachers!!! on to the next 100 !!!
CONGRATULATIONS Brian !!! Way to go !!!
CONGRATULATIONS Felipe !!!, Watch out The Eagle is soaring on your tail feathers !!! way to go...
CONGRATULATIONS Karen !!!, The Eagle will soon soar past the Condor!!!
Wow, Congratulations Pete !!! nice to have been caching with you on a couple of these 5000 caches!!!
Wow, Congratulation !! I'm glad I was with you on your milestone!!
CondorTrax hits 1000!
in Northeast