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Everything posted by claud4

  1. last names byrne and you like to fish ... when you catch one you scream " I BYRNED that fish !!! that fish has been BYRNED !! look at the BYRNED fish flop ! " or something like that .
  2. fisher is your middle name and byrne is your last
  3. well , there ya go ! happy birthday , dangit.
  4. you like you fish blackened but that name was alreay taken ?
  5. happy b-day and congrats . mine was 2 days ago
  6. you are a big fan of Abe Vigoda who played Fish on Barney Miller ( p.s. he's not dead yet ) and you remember back to the episode where he Burned the java and all the other cops were mad at him. or maybe you remembered how he got burned ( not by fire ) pretty bad in The Godfather .
  7. p.s. a local cacher pal gave me a RR geocoin and it's very cool . (just wanted to say that , thx . )
  8. borrowing from this one ... you are/were a phish-head but rather than be obvious you changed it to the F spelling . you traveled with the band ... drinking and smoking much demonweed ... then you got burned out on the whole parkinglot scene. thus... Now that's 'OUT of the Box"!! oh , wait ... maybe that was me
  9. borrowing from this one ... you are/were a phish-head but rather than be obvious you changed it to the F spelling . you traveled with the band ... drinking and smoking much demonweed ... then you got burned out on the whole parkinglot scene. thus...
  10. i've got a few in the ocean family. heres one. cachooTS
  11. thanks for your concern for my typing skills . im sure if you try can find a few other things that are not up to your standards . i have always thought that OCD must be hard to live with . however , i am sorry for the wording in the last post . and i kinda see what your saying , but come one , why care ? i suppose what i was most upset about was the audacity of someone to post on my cache page , what THEY think . i do not care . play in the thread all you want . anyway , have fun kids . sorry again.
  12. lets get one thing straight . i dont give two turds about you and your uptight friends problems with how i run my cache. every week i check all my caches logs in respect to the online log and any true " fake " logs are deleated .i would never allow a log on just velcro , i would never allow a log on " i think i was close " ... this however was another case . the person who let me know the whole location had been muggled doesnt live in my area and i decided that since he helped me out by telling me the haps that i would let him be the final finder . it was my choice and i made it , gotta a problem , go tell your mom not me . i will be deleating you un-needed log and would hope you get some help for your anal tendencies ( and maybe find something better to do with your time ) . thank you and merry merry. remember , geocaching is supposed a way to have fun , no need to ruin it because your a sad person . there seems to be a bigger problem here then people logging things incorrectly ... seems some of us want to make ourselves feel better ( about a game !!! ) by being jerks . have at it , tis a sad existance p.s. if anyone in Atlanta finds a stray clothing donation box with a micro cache attached to the bottom let me know , i may let you log it (just dont tell the cache nazis) !
  13. oooooo... i hope i get mine. (crossing fingers).
  14. so sad this is gone . and many thanks to those who kept it up for so long . i was lucky and found this mere days before it's taking. sorry to see it go .
  15. i was lucky enough to get to vist this APE just days before it went missing . im so sad to see that it's been taken and very sorry to see about it's closing. c4 (Atlanta)
  16. you know if if i hit the APE cache i wanna goldie! That's gonna be a problem. They are all committed and I only have 3 left to ship. Just waiting for payments. And before anyone asks again...No, I'm having any more minted. SQ DOH!
  17. you know if if i hit the APE cache i wanna goldie!
  18. Thanks for the kind words. I really appreciate it. SQ more than my pleasure ! in fact , im taking a road trip to Boston from atlanta next month and im going to venture off of my direct route so that i may hit Mission 7: Crab Creek , a Project Ape cache in maryland . ive been inspired . c4
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