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Everything posted by claud4

  1. late last year , i think it was , someone left a GPSr on the ground beside a cache ( this was in the boston area ). the person who hit the cache next , about a week later , found it . he checked the logs and wrote the person who last logged the cache . it was her's and she didnt even know she didnt have it ( she had just moved there , was still unpacking and didnt have alot of time for caching ). they met up for lunch so he could give it back . they cached together afterward and have been dating ever since . awwwwwwww happy ending for all !
  2. i think i know what im going to ask for at christmas time .
  3. i'll be there !!! also , my old caching partner ( who moved to boston in Jan ) is flying down to atlanta and we're gonna drive up together . plus , she just got word that she can stay an extra few days , so that means we can cache like crazy all through the week ! sweet ! see you there !!
  4. 23.5 miles southwest Mt. Orizaba
  5. congats to the winner ! Thanks for the contest and have a great birthday !
  6. of course i mess it up at the end , arrrggghhh. happy birthday , L
  7. what about minus the pics posted before each poster's 10 mins is up ? (does this make sence? )
  8. anyone have a true count yet ? im confused.
  9. 1st : 23 2nd : 67
  10. okay , what number are we on , for reaL ??
  11. it could happen
  12. look for the box with the tree .
  13. lol, just noticed the 10 min rule ... sorry ... i'll take a break now .
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