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Posts posted by Allen_L

  1. #!/usr/local/bin/perluse strict;use XML::Twig;my $twig = XML::Twig->new();$twig->parsefile($ARGV[0]);my $root = $twig->root;foreach my $wpt ($root->children('wpt')){    print $wpt->att('lat') . ', ' . $wpt->att('lon') . ', ';    print '"' . (my $name = $wpt->first_child_text('name'));    (my $desc = ($wpt->first_child_text('desc'))) =~ s/"/'/g;    print ($name eq $desc?'"':' '.$desc.'"');    print  ", 12, 0, 1n";}


    [This message was edited by AllenLacy on December 07, 2002 at 04:25 PM.]

  2. quote:
    Originally posted by Jeremy (Admin):

    Unless there are any other questions or issues, I'll make the ability to generate GPX files available sometime tomorrow. You'll be able to select it from the dropdown list that currently only shows LOC.


    Well I guess either some issues came up or it isn't tomorrow yet. I studied up on processing XML with Perl (I use module XML::Twig) and my test program is ready and waiting

  3. If Base36 is used in any form then some numbers would have to be skipped to avoid the appearance of some four letter combinations which would not be appropriate for a family friendly site like geocaching.com

  4. The way I know when http://www.acceptable-risk.com/webcam/webcam32.jpg was last updated is to look directly at the headers provided by the web server. But Acceptable Risk did say

    The webcam isn't updating correctly so I have to drive in and fix it tomorrow (I did verify that it is locally saving tho so my 5 second pictures are working)
    so apparently he didn't get it fixed, but if anything happened he should have the local copies.
  5. Another choice is to not use all 5 all the time. I have one that I keep set with all the days unchecked. When I need a special query. I edit that one, and then check the current day of the week. Since that query hasn't been run today, it runs immediately (or close enough). The only thing is to make sure it has what I want, if I make a mistake in setting it up, editing again doesn't do any good, it will not run again today.

  6. I have stated somewhere that if regular GPS ever get centimeter/inch accuracy, I will place my geocaches this way.


    1 Hide the cache as I do now.

    2 Step away from the cache in a random direction somewhere between 5 and 15 feet.

    4 Get the coordinates of that spot.

    5 On the cache page state that once you get to the coordinates posted you are within 15 feet of the cache, now look for it.


    That is because I like the hunt and hope other people would do the same.

  7. The was very well thought out ClayJar. My comment on your statement "Only one can be sovereign, the Find or the Hider" is that the software behind the scenes at www.geocaching.com makes the Hider sovereign. A hider can delete any find log. A finder can create a new find log, but if the hider wants, he can delete it as well. The hider can delete any log for any reason, or no reason, that sounds like sovereign to me.


    I am not saying the hider should be sovereign or not, I am saying the current logging process makes the hider sovereign.

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