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Rebel Alliance

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Everything posted by Rebel Alliance

  1. I get ours dirt cheap from Wilkinsons but if I'm feeling flush I go to Sainsburys or Tesco or any supermarket really.
  2. It says to format it in the instructions. But cannot see how to do it via the ipaq. I do not have a card reader. The IPAQ does pick up the card but I get loads of read errors & lockups whenever I try to read/write the disk. Cheers Mick
  3. Hi I have just received a GS Magicstor 2.2Gb CF+ HDD. When I plug it into my HP2110 performance drops & I cannot get any thing over 4kb files onto the drive. Tried sending a 2Mb file from memory map & it killed the OS. Has anyone had any experience of these products working together or the drive working in another IPAQ. Cheers Mick
  4. Hi as locals we recommend the following: Fossil transfer - nice n' easy a bit of a scramble but nothing too trying Harry's Place - beautiful virtual cache near to Fossil transfer at Monsal Dale Froggat Edge - beautiful views White on the Edge Paper Caper Jonah's journey- 5/5 rating Dam fine view Some You Win - nice long slog (we did the short route 1000 ft climb in 0.75 miles!) well worth it because the views are stunning. Words are not enough! But to be perfectly honest, you will not be disappointed with any of the Peak District caches! We highly recommend any caches placed by g0wex - co-ords are ALWAYS spot on and in stunningly beautiful areas. Views from Back Tor are amazing too - there are three caches in that area Use Your Loaf, Pushed Over the Edge (both set by us) and Back to Back. Enjoy yourself Chris
  5. Congratulations to Stevo185 on hitting 1
  6. Congratulations on hitting the millenium.
  7. Congratulations to both G0wex (200) & StevieP(400) who hit multiple centuries today at the sheffield meet
  8. Thanks to all that attended & made for a pleasant afternoon. Thanks to everyone who helped out. Thanks to John + Carol for the Premiership Bug Race. Nice to talk to fellow cachers in a relaxed environment Chris, Mick & Eva
  9. Congratulations to G0wex on his 2 th
  10. Congratulations to StevieP on his 4 th
  11. That is cool. But his stats show him having a colorado geocoin & a GB geocoin. You click on the icons and get no records found? I didn't think there was an official GB geocoin.
  12. pocket fitting is not a problem as I have to transport Eva in her rucksack. Was thinking about the 1900 or the 2600 models
  13. I am looking to protect our new pda by purchasing an otterbox. Has anyone any experience of these products & if so which model? Thanks in advance Mick
  14. I agree with Pharisee I have used thegeocacheuk url & all of our cache pages work fine. pushed over the edge
  15. We would be up for a trip down to the E. Mids area a few caches we would like to do down there.
  16. cool idea Just ask the finder to metion you in the TB description. Most will as a common courtesy, but it never hurts to remind people.
  17. Just checked the 2110 does have wifi & bluetooth but not that bothered if it hadn't, just want a solid workhorse for caching. The 2 memory slots also sold it. sorry not a demolition man quote but a microsoft one! Senior executive from MS 'The paperless office is about as practical as the paperless toilet!'
  18. Just bought a HP 2110 for £200 brand new. Fair enough it was from PC World who I hate with a vengence but hey If it saves me £35 then I will prostitute my morals & principles. Has anyone found them cheaper? Paperless caching here we come. Now just to sort out the paperless toilet!
  19. read stronggale's advetures at Suspicious characters At the time it was a source of great amusement. But in light of recent events it could have been a little more serious!
  20. Thanks for the comments Nice to know you like them Mick
  21. Hi Everyone I have made a few magnetic microcache containers this week for a forth coming series I hope to do. Do people think there is a call for these items? If so we may go into production via our geotags site. Let us know via the website www.geotags.co.uk or via the forum. As always costs will be kept to a minimum. Just need to know if it is worth our while.
  22. I love nettles The way you tingle after you have been stung We have done a fair few caches where the nettles where a little extreme, once you have been stung once it really can't get any worse (can it?). Although I have had my extremities tingle for days after a good stinging OOPs sorry wrong forum
  23. Thanks Deego for compiling the list. Even though I work in GIS I find the whole trigpointing thing very scary
  24. Congratulations to Huge on his 200th find yesterday. Well done.
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