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Everything posted by little-miss-naughty

  1. i work in maidstone and live in ashford though ashford would be more conveinant for me i dont mind going back to maidstone for a meet could always car share if needed. see what p4m says.
  2. Wifi is of limited use when caching unless you're in an urban area. Mobile broadband is far more useful because it works even when you're not within range of a wifi hotspot. i ment broardband lol
  3. my mum and dad (the herons) have done that one they said it was a good one and got some goopd pics. lmn
  4. pc world get the new samsung notebook for free and have £30 a month for 15g wifi internet.
  5. if you turn it in to a mini event im sure u will get more people as they all love a smiley!!!!
  6. would have loved to help and could have brought some younger cachers too but sadly we are all camping that weekend though could try some other locals ill have an ask around.
  7. just to let everone know im planning the kent camping event on the weekend of the 11th of sept will be in dover again same place as last year put it in ur diarys!!!!! lmn
  8. i love my g1 but am looking forward to the geocaching app as it could be very usefull. lmn
  9. is this the one with the big palm trees as the x i used to watch it all the time
  10. last weekend of august for the only camping event in kent will be held in dover same place as last year. be nice to see lots of you there lmn
  11. does any cach using a glofish with the igo maps softwere. i have used it a few times now and it seams quite good.
  12. i hope to old mine again august time but im all the way dawwwwnnnnn saaaarrrrrfffff so wont make much diffrents to most of ya northerners ha ha ha lmn
  13. the camping is a good idea as long as you dont mind a girl who by the end of it is muddy possiably smells bad depending on the camp site (tdw) will most likley be a little merry by 6 in the afternoon and instead of a nice meal out would rather go out in the pitch black and poring rain to find some tupperwere. though no need to buy flowers as plastic boxes are just as romantic. lmn
  14. the camping is a good idea as long as you dont mind a girl who by the end of it is muddy possiably smells bad depending on the camp site (tdw) will most likley be a little merry by 6 in the afternoon and instead of a nice meal out would rather go out in the pitch black and poring rain to find some tupperwere. though no need to buy flowers as plastic boxes are just as romantic.
  15. wow i might be able to make this one will have to arange my family visiting days around these dates as im normaly away this time of year. lmn
  16. how about an attractive cacher that has been to you caches. though i dont think that counts me thought the amount of little stickers i have followed round the country surley counts for something. oh i didnt reed this post really as IM A LADY hee hee hee
  17. it playes around for me to most annoying. lmn
  18. would any one be intrested in a flash event to take place in ashford town center. basicly would be a bunch of us to turn up at a certain time for 15 mins dressed as something or all wearing funny hats or something like that. then we would have a nearby pub event. please let me know so i knoe if it would be worth organising. lmn
  19. wow thats cool do you think i can pick it up in germany?????. oh well looks like ill have to listen on line when i get home lmn
  20. well what does everyone think. im not to keen on it and whats with the avator in the left hand corner i know who i am do we really need all of this. how are you finding it to use. if ur a member is it any better?????? lmn
  21. yes they will be and maby dead mans cheast aswell its a shame as i enjoyed all of them just i now live in ashford and its a long way to go to do the maintance.
  22. when i was working in medway i put out two caches that i can no longer look after. one of them is a really nice little micro and it would be a shame to get rid of it please let me no if any one would be intrested i dont no how to put a link so you will have to look on my profile. JCB and off ya trolly medway lmn
  23. i was looking forward to this event as its on my birthday but due to the bike spitting its gearbox all over the m20 it dosnt look like i will be going lmn
  24. you will be missed lodes. thanks for all your hard work we all understand what you have put in to the uk caching and are very greatfull. luv ya lmn
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